burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes
'sup? biggrin Right now I am reading the horror story by Bram Stoker known as Dracula. I was reading through it when the description of the fiend popped up out of nowhere with a picture of Vlad beside it! This is how I conclude they are the same:
Dracula; grey streak through hair. Vlad;grey streak through hair
Dracula; wants to take over the earth. Vlad; whaddya know? The same!
Dracula; has a huge library that his conversations with Jonathan Harker (the heroof the story, besides Van Helsing) mostly take place in the beginning. Vlad; most of his famous fight scenes (and chats) with Danny occur in his library. Dracula; big, scary, ivory colored teeth; Vlad; big, scary, ivory colored teeth (and a ridiculous smile) Dracula; gets killed at the end; Vlad; I didn't think he planned on getting smushed by a astroid.The last thing- THEIR NAMES ARE BOTH VLADIMIR! HOW EASY IS THAT?! GET SOME CREATIVITY, BUTCH! evil evil evil twisted twisted
.....meanwhile, you have better things to do. Toodles!