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marineangelfire's Journal Here's my daily journal of my everyday life ^^

Community Member
.:: Laronde Day ::.
Yayyyysss it's back 2 Laronde all over again for the summer ! Hehehess 2day instead of going 2 school we decided 2 skip it and go 2 Laronde instead =D The day b4 i had tried 2 convince Sanjib if he could come 2 Laronde with us but he insisted not 2 come cuz he couldn't. WoOoW... he's such a goodie goodie ><! LoL booooo him and audrey nvr bend the rules not evn once loll. Me? I always do now i'm such a bad child... =( Am i turning into a bad child ...? Hope not.. >.<. Well anywaiiizzz this morning i acted as if it was a regular school day hehess so i acted as if it was Dress Down Day 2day in Marymount and so i told little Andy rlly loudly "Oh ya 2day is dress down day yayyyyy i can wear wtv i want for the day since it's the last day of school weeeeeeeeeeee !" =P. Then this morning i acted as if i was late for school as well so that they can think i was rushing and it would look as if i was late for school heheheess im so smart eh?? =P wink ! Well anywaiiizzz Karen called me this morning 2 ask wat time i was coming 2 her house at and i kinda panicked a bit cuz usually NO ONE calls me in the morning during a school day so after i told her i was gonna come soon, i hung up and pretended 2 tell Andy that Karen just called 2 ask if me 2 meet up with her 2 give her my science notebook i'm so badddd... LoL but it worked hehess =D. I rushed out rlly early in the morning 2 go 2 Karen's house.

I went 2 the metro and waited for the 161 bus at Plamondon Metro at Van Horne and waited on the bus a bit. 2day there wasn't supposed 2 be many ppl at LaRonde but guess wat? It was terribly crowded ! There were many schools that had no school 2day and there was like one or 2 schools that went 2day 2 Laronde as a field trip ><! Damn that sux. I completely forgot how 2 get 2 Karen's house but i followed the signs loll. When in doubt always follow the signs. I followed the signs and looked until i saw the street called Wentworth and then got off. But i didn't see Karen cuz she said that she was gonna go wait for me at the bus stop but i didnt c her at all anywhere. I went around and tried 2 look for her house and started panicking a bit cuz i was afraid i might get lost lmao omg but luckily as i walked onward i finally came 2 a bus stop and saw Karen waiting inside lmao. Omg I had gotten off at the wrong stop but it was the rite street. I was suposed 2 wait longer tho until the next stop or 2 '-_-. I was too worried loll. Me and Karen went 2 her house and then we prepared 2 bring all the stuff we needed 2 bring 2 Laronde. Sojarnay i guess she couldn't come for some reason. We were supposed 2 meet up with Tinh, Han and Kevin but they were finishing something up or gone somewhere. Kevin i noe went 2 his cousin's house 2 help her with her project and i guess Han and Tinh followed.

Karen and me left at around 9:10 and walked 2 the bus stop. We took the bus all the way 2 Van Horne and then took the metro to Berri Uqam where we switched metros 2 go on 2 Ile-Sainte-Helene (i think thats wat its called...? lol) where we took the bus down 2 Laronde. Once we got there, there were a whole bunch of ppl waiting in line 2 buy the entries loll. We were so disappointed when we saw all those teens boo hoo =( o well next time we'll go earlier loll. We bought our season pass tickets and went in line 2 get our season pass when i saw ANTOINE hehehesss his flaming red hot hair caught my attention ^^! Yayysss im so happy i saw him =). My season pass pic this year is sooo much better than last year's lmao. Last year's season pass pic looked soooo retarded and i looked as if i was missing a tooth in the middle of my mouth or something lmao. It was horrible well new pic this year heheheeess ^^. Antoine and his friends waited for us 2 be done our season pass and then we called Tinh again 2 c when he was coming or not. Antoine asked if we were gonna join groups or if we were gonna come with him but we didn't say anything and just left ><! I'm such a bad friend =( I feel evn worse about wat happened at the end of the day... =(...

The first ride we went on was the BOOMERANG hehehehss I <33333 THAT RIDE SO MUCH heheheheesss =D ! It's been awhile since I had the feeling when going down a rollercoaster and now that its coming back i can feel the scariness again lol. I hate that feeling but boomerang was funnnnnn ! We waited in line for around an hour and after that we went 2 go phone Tinh again. This time he didn't pick up '-_-. I guess he was in the metro or something cuz it didn't get thru 2 him. We decided 2 go eat something and i decided 2 get my ice creamm weeeeeeeheeeeeee ! ^^! Ice cream of the future, 'dippin dots' are soooo delicious ! YUMMM everytime i go 2 laronde i always buy that loll. My most fav ice cream =D. We ate our lunch a bit and then went 2 go play DDR yayyss i luv DDR everytime i start playing it i can't stop ! It's a rlly addictive game.

About a while later after that we called Tinh again and this time he didn't pick up. It was ringing but he didn't pick up. He was probably already at Laronde and was maybe on a ride or something thats probably the reason. Karen and me decided 2 go on the Goliath !! THE NEW RIDE THAT JUST OPENED THIS YEAR ! =D
But it took a hell of a time waiting in line 2 get there.. '-_-. 3 HOURS OF WAITING lmao! It was Krazii ! But o well at least we got 2 go on it and we were in the second first row !! The ride was definitely worth all that wait ^^! At the beginning of the ride when u first go down the steep hill, it was LIKE U COULDN'T EVN BREATHE FOR A FEW SECONDS ! I screamed but then when we were going down, i could barely scream or let out a sound for a while ! It was such a scary feeling ! I had 2 evn hold my chest 2 keep myself ok! OMG but all the rest was just thrilling and funnnn =D !! After that ride, we made one last final call 2 Tinh and he FINALEMENT picked up loll. They were already on the Monster and was about 2 go on it. We didn't noe whether he was in the first or second cart so we decided not 2 go with them. We waited until they came out and then we went on bumper cars =) I seemed kinda hyper at the moment. Everytime i'm around lots of ppl i start 2 become hyper for some reason lol. While I was waiting in line, I climbed on top of the rail thingy b4 going in the Bumper Cars omg im so crazy i dunno y i did that lmao. We all had fun playing Bumper Cars lmao hehehesss it was hilarious all of us ganged up on Kevin's cousin and switched each time.

We then went on the boat ride that went around (forgot wat its called lol) and i went 2 go make my phone calls while waiting in line 2 ask for permission 2 stay longer at laronde and postpone my dentist appointment haha. I saw Antoine again and he helped me ^^ i <3333 u so much antoine thanx ur the besttt !! hehess ^^! I talked 2 Antoine for just a little while and then told me 2 meet up with him at 5 pm 2 got with him and i said yeah =). That's wat went wrong tho... =(

I hurried rlly fast and ran 2 the boat ride just as they got in and i sat with karen. I screamed a lot hehess i like 2 scream for no reason i dunno why loll. =P It was rlly fun o ya Tinh poured water over my head booooo ><! Bummmmmm bummmm tch* lmao but it felt good =) but i was wet and i hate getting wet >.<. What a poopie =P loll. Well anywaiiizz we went on the ride and as we turned around we were patting eachother on the head and trying 2 hit eachother lmao. It was hilarious.

After that ride, we went on the round purple spinning thing loll. I forgot wat it was called '-_- lol. And we had fun hehess we were screaming inside ^^ no surprise lmao. While waiting in line all we did was poke, tickle, step on eachother's feet and fight back at eachother loll. There were ppl who were annoyed but wat can i do? It was hard 2 stop and i always had 2 get my revenge thats wat i always do. And WoOoW Kevin's cousin rlly noes how 2 kick a** wink she can beat up anyone and Tinh and her were fighting lmao. It was hilarious 2 watch i luv watching that but i hate it when i'm the victim '-_-. She noes KARATE =O Hehehee shes my idol ! lmao. Kevin and Han were flicking at my head and i couldn't get them '-_- they were on the other side of the thing and i couldn't get them back I ALMOST DID THO booo hoo that's not fair. They were also flinging at Kevin's cousin's head as well.. bad KIDS boo LoL. We finally got in and we sat on the red seats with 2 ppl each. Kevin and me were trying 2 hit eachother haha and during the ride i kept putting my hands up in the air and almost hitting Karen all the time oopsie my bad lmao. On every ride i can nvr resist 2 put my hands up in the air loll. (Well only if the ceiling is high haha =P)

We then went on the Swing ride that was fun ^-^ (or wait did the swing ride come first or....? o well lol) As were running 2 the line, Han side-jumped the bar where u wait in line and that was awesome =D. Kevin's cousin tried 2 do that too and she kinda managed 2 do it in the end =D. Kevin and Han tried 2 get my shoe =( but DIDN'T HAHAHAHHAA. During the ride, Han, Kevin and me were all holding on 2 eachother's swings lmao. We were kicking and trying 2 hit eachother. Han, Kevin, and Tinh are so much like brothers =O =) It's so cool loll!

We went on the final Manitou ride at around 4:56 pm... 4 min. b4 5pm when i was supposed 2 meet Antoine but i didn't ! ><! I'M SUCH A BAD FRIEND I ALWAYS EXTEND THE TIME AND THEN IN THE END I ALWAYS END UP FEELING GUILTY AND STUPID =(=(. I shouldn't have went on that ride and i would have met up with him if i didn't go on it.. I hope he's not mad at me and i have 2 make it up 2 him somehow =(... Well anywaiizz on the Manitou ride, while waiting in line, Kevin's cousin looked rlly tired and looked kinda sick poor her =(=(. And Kevin and Tinh were poking her with a stick they broke off from the tree omg lmao '-_-. Later on when it was almost our turn 2 get onto the ride, we were all trying 2 step on eachother's shoes lolll. It was hilarious. By then our shoes were all dirty and our pants as well from all that kicking and stepping lmao. Han and Kevin were playing rock, paper, scissors and their hands were ALL RED OMG ><! Everytime someone won, they had 2 slap the other person's hand rlly hard and by the end, their hands were alll friggin red omg =O it was sooo baaadd especially Kevin's hand omggg... it was all red and u could almost c his blood from inside. Wow... good thing i wasn't a part of that loll but ouchhiess ><!

During the Manitou ride, it was hilarious and it was funnnn hehess Tinh sat next 2 me and during the ride we were just poking and tickling eachother '-_- lmao. Tinh and me were screaming our heads off lmao it was soo funn i luv that ride hehess ^-^! By now i had 2 run 2 the fountain since i was 42 min. LATE ! ><! I new it was a bad idea 2 go on that ride ... =( i always do that... and by now Antoine probably already left but i still waited for about 40 min. cuz i kept thinking 2 myself that he might be waiting in line for a ride and might still be at Laronde but i kept hesitating 2 leave when i knew that he wasn't there and had already left. He probably hates me now... =(

I went back home feeling rlly rllyyyy tired and guilty inside. I have 2 make it up 2 him somehow ><! But 2day was best days spent at laronde with Karen, Han, Tinh, Kevin and Kevin's cousin! =) It's so fun spending time with them lmao they always make the day enjoyable ^^. It was a great day overall except the end.. i'm such a horrible friend 2 have. I hope he forgives me... =(....

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