Shikamaru stood there, Ino didn't hear him walk in she was looking out the window until a tear fell down her eyes and she started to cry softly. Shikamaru looked alittle surprised and he walked up to Ino and gently tiled her head to look at him and he used his thumb to wipe away her tears "Ino... why are you crying?" Shikamaru asked softly as he sat beside her, Ino looked at Shikamaru and blushed gently "I was just remembering when we were children and Asuma was still alive" she sniffled. Shikamaru looked out at the stars and looked back at Ino and he moved in and gently kissed her. Ino looked surprised as she jumped up alittle causing tears to fly from her cheeks, she gently held Shikamaru's hand as he kissed her. He moved away, smiled and blsuhed, Ino was smiling sweetly and layed her head on his shoulder "thank you Shikamaru... I really wanted you to do that..." she said softly. Shikamaru looked at Ino and nodded as he wrapped his arm around her small waist and held her close. ino fell asleep beside Shikamaru and soon he too fell asleep also.