'AUGH! TRIGHAMCEST!' -Me, when Jori was convicted of Trighamcest
'My mommy thinks Edward Elric is gay. I love my mommy.' -Jori's signature
'R-RATED HARRY POTTER!' -Limeshells, during our discussion on whether or not Dumbledore is a *****
'I killed the Taco Bell dog.' -Me. I dunno... I stuck it randomly in the Peaches OoC. XD
'Tracy listening to 'Girlfriend'=Ling not being Asian.' -Limeshells emphasizing the point of how much she hates Avril.
'She bonded with a catfish.' -Me, because... yeah. Don't ask.
'Smile and nod. It'll get you through life.' -Angelica being pessimistic
'think, scary Voldemort with a frying pan...' Taki about a typo in a Harry Potter RP.
'She's smoking the slurpee!' -Neko at lunch. Yeah. Not gonna explain that one.
'It makes me wanna dance around in my underwear and rape someone.' -Me.
'Fancy underwear.' -Mr. Williams, during a particularly random rant on Medieval kings' dressing habits.
'Are you down wit dat, yo?' -Mr. Williams, proving that he is JUST THAT WHITE.
'You spell if r-i-f-f-l-e.'/'No, it's r-i-f-l-e.'/'*pulls out dictionary*'/'Mrs. Martin, are we screwed for education?'/'*angst* Yes.' -Me and Mrs. Martin, when she spelled rifle wrong and we realized her classes were all ********.
'Gaia birth control DOES NOT WORK.' -Skoom. Towns. Don't. Ask.
'Hey look, it's a box of f*****t cookies!' -Me at Rainey's.
HIS NAME ISN'T JAMES, b***h, IT'S WANTA! BRING WANTA BACK!' -High school kid when Wants was taken in Elfen Lied.
'Twatbot.' -Kenny. 'Nuff said.
'I imagine Archer being all the way gay. Like, I just get these uber-gay-vibes when I see him in an episode. I'm like... "You're probably raping that private in your spare time, you sicko. And I SO saw you undressing Roy with your eyes! YOU WANT KIMBLEY IN YOU, LIKE GATORADE!!!"' -Eden. I know it's long. But I had to have the whole thing. ^.^
'Pissing out the window and shitting out the window are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.'
'BUTTSEX.'/'WHERE!?'/*gets shot*
'Mom, where's my bong?'
'Dude. If gummy bears were a drug I could get so high I could teabag a giraffe' -Konrad over the Xbox Live line playing Call of Duty.
'YOU'VE JUST BEEN ROYED!'/'It's like Punk'd, only with more buttsex!' -Me and Limey at the mention of RoyEd.
'It's black and grey and... GWEE!' -Me, about my avatar.
'Demented nympho penises.' -Me, Sally, and Neko after lunch. Yeah, not gonna explain that one.
'Ronald Mc-goddamn-Donald!' Jeff. Yet again, Xbox.
'Paeiss.' -Jeff. It's the way he enunciates it, maaaan.
'I shlammed my shteeck in ze door. Now I have a shore shteek.' -What Tanner yelled out in IPC right as Mr. Nulf walked in. Best moment EVAR.
'Noob.'/*beat* 'PWNED.'/*angst* -Me and Jeff, when he decided to poke me with his pencil in Algebra.
'How much does a pound of butter weigh?' -Mary, in one of her blond moments.
'BLECH. You taste like emo' -I bit Josh and he tasted all icky and emo. DX
'Valerie, I think your call boy is turning into a transvestite.'/'ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW.' -Me and Valerie at lunch. Josh still has Angela's miniskirt. O_o
'BUTT PIRATE.' -Jenn. My head hit the lunch table about 1.48753 seconds later.
'It's a girl at Lenny's Shove Shop.' -My mother. Yeah, you really don't want to know what led up to this.
'It's a massive nerd migration!' -Me at Anime Matsuri 2008. Think 1000 people all trying to get up one escalator. I saw an L running UP the DOWN escalator to get there faster.
'Lion plus walrus does NOT equal dog on rollerskates!'/'What kind of genetic cross-breeding s**t are they trying to teach us!?' -Jenn and me. Watch the Muzzy videos. You'll see what we mean.
'Don't call me gay just because I'm fabulous.' -Nathan in French. Please note that he said this in a PERFECT gay lisp.
'I'd so rather be addicted to Hot Pockets than, like, drugs.' -Julia, in one of her infinite moments of wisdom.
'We totally had sex in the middle of Walden at 10:30 at night.'/'STREET SEX!'
'I want you. Right here. Right now. All over my face.'/'Stormie, were in the middle of the lunchroom!'/'Then you better ******** hope this table can hold the two of us!'
'Shut up, b***h.'/'How 'bout you make me?'/'How 'bout you ******** me in the a**?'/'Bend over, slut.'-Me and Stormie, because we're just THAT special.
'I so totally didn't see that door coming!' -Stephanie, right after turning around and damn near smashing headlong into a door.
'Dial 1-800-Waaaaaaaugh.' -Mr. Timmins, for no apparent reason at all.
*while air guitaring on a yardstick* 'ROCK MY BODY.'/'Tiger testicles.'/'OOOOREEEEOOO.' - Mr. Williams. Yeah. He's weird.
'Do whales lay eggs?' - Harrison, being SUPER BLONDE.
'How do fish make babies?' - Katelynn. Good question while in Biology, I guess.
'No vertical triangles.' - Coach King in US History. Because he's THAT dyslexic.
'Oh my God. She's so ugly it makes my a** wanna take a s**t.' - My godmother. 'Nuff said.
'Orange bleach.' -Me, being SUPER BLONDE about Julia's shirt.
'Allow me to demonstrate the meanings of the words "seme" and "uke". Seme... *humps air* ...UKE! *rapes*' -Melanie, demonstrating (ON ME D< wink a fangirl's two favorite words.
'Shut up, you fat ******** off, whore skank!'/'*hugs* I hate you, Autumn.'/'*hugs* I hate you too, Melanie.' -Me and Melanie. Yeah, we're that special.
'It starts with a "p" and rhymes with "rotectorate".' -Coach King. And the chick STILL got it wrong.
'It's the Mighty...'/'MISSISSIPPI!'/'...No, Harrison.'
'What are the three types of solution surrounding the cell?'/'FUN DIP.'
'Hypotonics are like hippos; they gain water and get all fat and bloated.'/'Like Harrison?' -Biology class. Because it's not a science class without a resident retard.
'I saw him in the mall holding hands with an eight-year-old boy!' *Joey: I'm not gay!*/'Oh goodness, Ploy. So you're telling me Joey is cheating on Nick with a third-grader?' *Nick: I'm not ******** gay!/'Yeah!'/'CRADLE ROBBER!' -Me and Ploy being mean to a couple of guys in History. Gotta love those foreign exchange students~
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