Current Cosplay:
Fem! Germany ;D

Heeeeeeeeeeey! ;D You guys can call meh Azehra...just 'cause I don't really like my name! x3 Well, anyways, just thought I'd let you tripped onto my journal = x = Do you need a band-aid? -cough- ANYWAYS!!!!! I'm a Raver ;D but, in actuality I love Rock just as much as those Raving beats! I'm a hardcore rocker! Boooooosh-Yaaaaah!!! ;B Yeah....I love drawing too! -ba~dazzled- Not only do I love to draw, I loooove roleplaying so if you need someone to rp with...I'm yer gal!! x3 Alright...I think that's all you need to know for now... Needa friend, just give me an add...ah won't bite....maybeh! = 3=
Loooooooooooooove you, people I don't knoooow! <3