As I lie in the graveyard of dead souls and lost dreams, the shining light from the moon shines down on me, I can feel the calmness at heart and soul... Yet questions with no answers float around my mind, even thought I know that the questions will not have answers, but my mind keeps searching for the answers like a confused wanderer who walks around a plain of black roses trying to find himself, his Identity... not knowing anything about himself and what he is put into the world for, looking for his purpose of Life, his lost Soul, his Destiny... Until he finds the answers, only then he can find the key to open the gate and leave the plain of black roses to accomplish what he is meant to accomplish in his Life, in the the big and vast wasteland of this damned earth... As he walks around the plain of black roses finding himself, the thorns from the stems of the black roses impails his skin and blood bleeds from his wounds, yet he feels no pain... The roses stained with traces of blood from the confused wanderer wounds... Will the questions be answered?... Will the confused wanderer find his purpose in life?... The sands of time will decide...
Sakura_Kusanaga Community Member |