So, here we are again. What to say, what to say. Lets go with this, I [********. Wow...I seem to always ******** up, but this time its not like "oh well I'll get over it" no, see its more like "Oh s**t! I can't believe I just did that s**t, what the [********] is wrong with me". See, it was an acident...well kinda. Im not going to name anyone, but...It seems that I did something to a friend that I didn't mean to do, but it just kinda happend. I kinda think thats all that he wanted but I don't know. It all kinda reminds me of paul...thats a long story I don't want to get in to, Ha so yeah I don't know what to do. I kinda feel like s**t over it. =/. It was like that time me and Alex got in a fight and I didn't know what to do about it. But yeah.....Anyhow on a good note! I am now a highschooler at nashoba tech! YAY ME! So that means it now summer! So, the other day was the 4th of July...yeah it was okayish, oh well I love manda so it was fun =D. Im still single, not looking. I do know that there is 2 wicked hot guys going to school with me next year, I want to know the blonde one ^.^ HA, well thats it for now =]
 Mars Army 05'