So, last week it was the flu, this week its some sort of evil stomach sickness! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't have any of my missed assignments because the stupid dean "forgot" to tell the teachers to give it to me. What a dumbass! At least I could be doing my missed assignments, getting caught up, but no, I'm now two weeks behind. Wonder-freakin-ful.
Okay, I think I'm done.
I need some happiness. In the form of yaoi. Oh yes.
mimeiko · Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 05:26am · 0 Comments |
Please forgive me for not being online recently! I'm incredibly sick!
I will update EVERYTHING tomorrow, when I don't have a pounding headache.
mimeiko · Fri Feb 04, 2005 @ 08:59am · 0 Comments |
Little Tokyo was actually REALLY fun!! I spent $160!! I even spoke Japanese, to one person, but I always get too embarrassed. All my friends were embarrassed too. It was funny, because one of them was like, "I know the words in Japanese. I know the grammar. I walk up to the guy, knowing I'm going to talk in Japanese, and instead I open my mouth and say, 'What's this CD?'" It was really funny.
I got a lunch bag that says:
SYNAPSE JAPAN High Sense Creation We would like to hand our goods to you. You must be satisfied with it!
I love it. xd
Plus I got to spend lots of time with my boyfriend. heart
I bought ten manga. In Japanese. Sailor V 1 and 2, which have never been released in the US (DAMN THEM!), and Sailor Moon 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, all of which I have in English. I just wanted to have them in Japanese! Cause I'm crazy like that.
I may be a little obsessed with Sailor Moon. (You think?)
I also got these blueberry-filled marshmellows. they rock in a very twisted way. And the POCKY! Oh my god! There was this chocolate-banana kind, and it was heavenly. It wasn't fake-banana flavor. It tasted like actual bananas! I LOVED that pocky. There were also a billion other flavours, and most of them rocked. The milk-coconut pocky wasn't very good. xp
It was really fun! I LOVE Little Tokyo, and I MUST go back! I know they have festivals every now and then, and I really, really, really want to go during one. It's like my own little slice of Japan.
I'm happy. heart
mimeiko · Mon Jan 24, 2005 @ 09:58pm · 0 Comments |
So my friends are sucking right now about the Little Tokyo trip.
Sarah just decided not to go because, "Everything's too unsure." WTF? That is such a stupid reason, and I hope she regrets not going. YEah, so things are a little shakey. Come on, we're teenagers!
Tommy wants to go somewhere else. He wants to drive from Ontario to LA, then from LA to some beach. On a Saturday. In the afternoon. WHY??? He'd spend so much time in traffic that it wouldn't even be worht it.
Not only that, it's my B-Day thing!
Now Whitney can't go, because her father is an asshead. Even though she's 18. He used the whole, "I trust you to do the right thing" line. I HATE that line. So much guilt.
Kristie can't go, but she never can. In fact, I think sometiems she doesn't want to go, because people annoy her so much.
Of the people who CAN go, I only like two of them! Mary and Jenny. And Mary's gonna be busy with Lorie (whom I don't even know all that well).
Okay, I'm done whining.
But still, ARRRRRRRG!
mimeiko · Fri Jan 21, 2005 @ 07:09am · 2 Comments |
I am seriously tired.
I spend three hours on the Avatar creator thingy. It was really, really cool.
Now I have some kickin avatar idea-thingys. of course, they all cost extreme amounts of gold, but I can dream. Or just look at them. And make more. biggrin
Once I'm able to un-lazify myself for a while, I'll put them on an image hoster and show y'all what I did.
LITTLE TOKYO on Saturday!!!
Yes, I shall tell all the details, cause I'm especially wierd like that.
Okay, I'm falling asleep. At 3:13 pm.
It's been a long day.
mimeiko · Thu Jan 20, 2005 @ 11:17pm · 0 Comments |
Living on a prayer - Bon Jovi is STUCK IN MAI HEAD!
I don't know, I just wanted to look cool. cry
I lost my ring! Somewhere in the bathroom, my ring is lost! It's my fateful ring! My boyfriend had bought it randomly at a store two years before we met, and it fit my finer perfectly!!! crying crying crying
I am very upset.
I'm gonna go look for it again, cause I'm more calm now.
Edit: FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!! heart heart heart
mimeiko · Wed Jan 19, 2005 @ 05:00am · 0 Comments |
I really am! I love RPs! I love joining them and creating characters for them, and playing those characters...
I can't bring myself to join RPs that have too many people, though, or are already more than 4-5 pages long. For the most part, anyway. Cause I think after that, it gets kind of hard to manage, or the RP is already in full swing and I'd be some random outsider...
I would love tojoin a Silor Moon RP and a Gundam Wing RP. Just because I've never been in either and I tink it would be fun. BUt unfortunately, at least on Gaia, there are NO LITERATE SM or GW RPs. This saddens me. Greatly.
I have so many aspirations for Gaia...
But first, damnit, I want kimonos!
I'm thinking of posting a quest thread in the charity forum... Don't know if I'm brave enough though... and I don't have anything to sell... sweatdrop
Oh well, I think it might be worth it. I only need about six thousand more for ONE kimono. Of course, I want them all... If I bought them from the store in Isle de Gambino, for all five kimonos plus the wooden sandals: 50,177g.
That is a LOT! I have almost 6% of that right now. sweatdrop That is really, really, really not a lot! So I think it would be prudent for me to start a quest thread. I guess the best I can do is hope it works, right? *le sigh*
Here goes!
mimeiko · Mon Jan 17, 2005 @ 10:49pm · 2 Comments |
MY CELL PHONE!! SHE BROKE!!! gonk gonk crying crying gonk gonk
My connection to my boyfriend is BROKEN! This is unfair, I demand a refund! Or... something... A new phone would be nice...
It's a flip phone, and one of the hinges broke off... Then it got low on battery and turned itself off... except now the power button doesn't work... so I can't turn it back on...
I am sad. crying
Oh...I need sleep.
I completely forgot about that.
BUT I HAVE A DAY OFF TOMORROW!! Maybe I can actually be online when everyone else is... eek
mimeiko · Mon Jan 17, 2005 @ 11:45am · 0 Comments |
I just thought I should mark this occasion.
It has been marked.
mimeiko · Mon Jan 17, 2005 @ 11:42am · 0 Comments |