This particular document biographs Absolution as (debatably) the first to know of the impending danger that possibly became the most drastic change gaia ever went through. The event historically marked as the "Animated Crises", but more commonly referred to by the natives of Gaia as, "ZOMG!".
September 19th 2008 (earth standard rotation/revolution record)
On this eve, Absolution was unable to sleep. He knew that his inability to pass for the night meant that the heart of the Cosmos was attempting to get his attention once more. He slowly walked outside his home, hoping that no one was around to see him. After a quick scan of the area, all others in his neighborhood were sound asleep or away for the night.
Absolution quickly began searching the area for any natural disturbances to enduce his inevitable vision. Feeling his search may take all night, he gave a tiresome glance at the moon. In his sight though, he saw a star, moving slow at first, then picking up speed. Soon others began to follow and a shower of meteors like one would never see strewn itself across the blanket of darkness. As Absolution watched in amazement, images of beings began to appear. The first two appeared to be of simple man origins. One male, one female. Behind them, a congragation of unshapely creatures of which Absolution had never encountered before posed in unwelcome manners, their eyes full of aggression. then behind all of it, a sight appeared that horrified the Guardian. A tear in the fabric of reality had formed in the vision of chaos and all of the stars stopped. Dead silence deepened the horrors of a spacial rend in the cosmos. But at the top of the vision, 8 small stars blinked in the sky, forming a sort of ring with a jewel at it's tip. Absolution could feel that this "ring" was the key to fixing the problem.
The Reality tear was Absolution's top priority. To not correct such a problem would submit the entire universe into a lifeless void. Prevention of such a monstrosity was the reason Absolution existed. The problem with a Spacial rend is that even if the rip is mended, any changes created by the developing tear that are not reversed before the tear is secured, those changes become apart of the new reality, unchangable except only by another rip which happens to do so.
Absolution took into account what had happened and made his way back to his home door. Just as he was about to twist the knob, a noticed a folded note taped to his door. He quickly opened the note and read"
"There is nothing I can do for you except tell you that this upcoming disaster will be your most difficult challange yet. I know what will be responsible for the tear in space, and I am aware that this tear will feed off of your cosmic strength. When this tear develops, you will be stripped of your power to control all of time and gravitational forces for the tear wishes to use this for it's own purposes. You will have to play by it's rules in order to close it. I hope the enclosed items will help you in the future. Good luck my friend. I hope that in time, we may be able to meet.
-ta ta for now friend...
Attached to the letter was a mysterious black ring, and some sort of ticket that looked like a black arrow with two yellow dots at the tip that formed eyes and a white skull imprinted on the middle.
With this disturbing message, Absolution quickly made his way inside. Ever since he achieved the power to control the cosmos, the thought of losing that power never crossed his mind. It was severly nerve-wrecking to his state of mentality, and knew that this message was no hoax. He would have to prepare for the worst. And it would all come back to the times he was a human. Days long forgotten. A life full of horrors and fear... A life where his only power was amazing perception and unmatched combat skill... A a hunter...of the undead...
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