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Maybe in a year or so you'll look at me....

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member
cute quotes
That night he dreamt of angels in the valleys: no gorges between and no mountains to seperate them.

It Appeared To Him That God Had Cried Him An Angel That Night.

Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Eight.
Chapter Eight, "Kill the lights"

I sighed as I looked at my reflection, I was going to homecoming. In a dress I hated with a guy I hated...okay I didn't hate Frank, he just wasn't my first choice. I sighed tucking my dark hair behind my ear and then walked down the stairs to see Frank sitting down on my couch, his eyes lowered to the ground.

"Hey Frankie.." I said breaking the silence and when he looked up and smiled at me. His honey eyes on mine, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You look beautiful." he said easily and then he walked over and took my left hand and kissing it gently. 'No doubt the most beautiful girl in the world." he added with a small laugh.

I gulped and nodded. "Heh...funny Frankie." I said with a small smile.

He led me down the steps and out of our apartment, I was nervous as hell to say the last and right now, I felt as though my head was going to explode. "So Gerard is going to meet us at the dance." he stated and I nodded.

"I don't wan't to see him." I said in a hushed whisper and then looked at Frank. He looked nice, I looked nice and tonight we were going to a nice, normal dance....

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member
Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Seven
[Fast Forward to after school]

I sat on Frank's lap and toyed with the ripped fabric on his jeans and merely smiled. He was speaking in a hushed tone to Mikey and Ray, in hopes I wouldn't hear. Sadly, he hadn't mastered whispering all that well and I heard the conversation.

"He really likes her." Mikey said with a nod.

"Yeah but hes always being such a ******** d**k to her and its like he still waits for her to come knock on his door and kiss him you know?" Ray said with a sigh and then shrugged. "He's just so ******** slow at these things."

"She really likes him too." Frank agreed and then sighed. "I swear if she did do that, he'd probably end up dating her in a heartbeat."

My eyes widened and I immediatly pulled off of Frank. "Hey, Ima go home for a few okay?" I said with a soft smile. My boys nodded and I hugged them all before grabbing my bag and making my way down the street towards Gerards.

It wasn't until I actually got there, that I realized I had been heading to his house. I stood there confused and then shook my head, turning to walk down the stairs. But the door opened and Gerard grabbed my arm.

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Okay. I have to ask you something serious okay?" I asked quickly and he nodded. "We need to talk about.." but I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine.

I stood there stunned and then slowly pressed my lips back to his and placed my hands on the back of his neck and then it clicked. He has a girlfriend! I shoved him away and looked at him.

"Talking is overrated." he said with a smirk and all I could do was blink.

"You have a girlfriend and I'm not going to be a slut for you or anybody for that matter." I said and then shoved him as I walked down the steps, ignoring as he called out to me.

Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven, "Soda Pop and Ritalin."

I stood inside the small bathroom stall and sighed. I hated periods, they made me unpredictably bitchy and sometimes just beyond the average amount of mean. But the pain that was shooting through my stomach caused the nausea to start. I sighed and moved from the stall and over to the sink and began to wash my hands. I looked up into the mirror and sighed. My black hair was pulling into two French braids and had red streaks in them. I wore red eye shadow around my eyes and thick black eyeliner. My lips were decorated with a clear lip gloss which smelt and tasted of cherries. I turned off the faucet and grabbed a paper towel and began to dry off my hands as I stared at my reflection.

I wore a pair of tight black jeans with lime green chucks, and a lime green shirt that said, 'I dont care' I had borrowed the shirt from Frank and enjoyed wearing it, because it was baggy and blocked out any bit of my chubbiness from my period. I sighed and fixed my lime green belt and then fixed my bracelets, grabbed my bag and made my way back into the halls. As I walked to my locker, I saw the usual sight of Gerard and his new girl making out. For two weeks I had seen this during every break and I had merely chosen to ignore it. I walked over to where Frankie stood and hugged him. "Peekaboo!" I said with a laugh and he merely turned around and kissed my forehead.

Mikey did his usual 'what about me?' look and I walked over and hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then smiled. I heard a few girls call me a 'slut', but I ignored them and looked to my boys. Yes, that was how I referred to them. My boys. No one else could get them to do s**t for them and I was the only girl they would. I felt arms snake around my waist and I looked upwards at Ray and smiled. "Hey." I whispered and kissed his chin.

Ray smiled and replied with a soft voice. "Hey." He said and then looked over at Gerard, who he knew was watching the whole scene and the moment their eyes locked, Gerard began to kiss his girl with a more fierce attitude. Ray shrugged and looked back to me and smiled softly. "He likes you, you know?" he said easily.

I merely looked to him and gave him a faint smile. "Yeah, I know, but I can't stand him." I responded. I was lying through my teeth, for the past two weeks I couldn't think of anyone else. I knew that the homecoming dance was nearing and I had been asked by a lot of people, but I didnt really want to go. Okay, that was a big lie. I wanted to go, I needed to go, but I didnt have the date I wanted, so I wouldnt go.

"You still dream about him?" Mikey asked finally breaking the silence. I merely laughed and pulled away from the class babbling about English and then made my way into the classroom and took my usual seat in the back beside Gerard and began to write as I stared at the paper before me.

"Hey." Came the soft familiar voice and I looked to Gerard, smiled faintly and then looked back down and began to go over the homework from the night before with the class. The feeling of being watched seemed to be burning into me and I didn't even turn to look at Gerard, I didn't want too and I wouldnt. Not now, not ever or at least I thought.

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member
Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Six
Chapter Six, "To fall in love and fall in debt, to alcohol and cigarettes."

I went to the show in a pair of black combat boots, a black puffy ballerina type skirt and a pink bustier. I had my hair flared and wore pink panty hose and arm warmers as I watched the guys walk on the stage. "Wow." I whispered as I saw the guys begin to warm up and then smiled softly. I moved through the crowds, my eyes bright and the lighting causing a warm sensation to pass through me. I spotted Gerard and Frank on the stage and looked away, but then I saw Mikey and smiled.

He was plugging up his bass and I was a supportive friend, so I made my way over and smiled easily and watched him. "I've never seen a band play live before." I said softly and he merely nodded and then motioned for Ray to walk over. Ray walked over with a grin on his face and smirked lightly. "So you ready to see the best show ever?" he said with a soft laugh and I nodded.

The guys made me get away from the stage and I moved into the crowd as they started to play. I smiled and moved with the music and then a guy came up and looked at me with a soft smile. He asked if I wanted to dance, and I didn't see the harm in it, so I accepted without a second thought. As we danced I looked to the stage and that's when it hit me. Gerard was singing directly at me. I continued to move with the music and watched him as we soundlessly watched eachother, each lost in eachothers eyes.

Thats when it hit me, I had a thing for Gerard. I blinked breaking the locked gaze and turned to the guy I was dancing with and smiled watching him instead of Gerard. When the guys took a quick break I made my way to the stage and smiled at them. "You guys kicked major a**!" I cheered with a bright grin. I looked over at Gerard who merely nodded in my direction and I was interrupted from the guys by the guy I had been dancing with.

He handed me a glass of punch and I smiled. "Thanks." I said easily and then drank it before turning back to the others and talking as they took their quick break. After awhile, the feeling of nausea started setting over me and I held my stomach lightly and looked up at the guys and then to the guy I had been dancing with and then it grew unbearably hot and I fell to the floor with a thud.

I awoke with pain shooting through my head, it was a few hours later and when I looked up, I saw Gerard holding my head in his lap. I merely blinked and then my eyes widened. "Huh?" I said aloud and then moved forward and looked at my surroundings, we were in the woods, all of us and a few girls around a bonfire and listening to strange music.

"About time you got your head off my lap." Gerard said with a smirk and then stood. "I'm going to go get something to drink and then find someone." he said with a shrug and then moved over to a girl and started talking to her. Within moments their lips were on eachothers and they were kissing eachother deeply. My eyes seemed to burn, but I didn't quite understand why it would hurt my feelings. I shook my head and blocked out the image and then moved over to Mikey and smiled softly.

"I...uh." I muttered softly and then shrugged. I was at a loss of words.

Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Five
Chapter Five, "Before I pull this trigger, your eyes vacant and stained."

I arrived at school early again and made my way to the library to look up more information. I signed in and started typing up some documents for the guys, I stopped to think for a moment when a hand landed on my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin and turned around, my eyes staring straight into Mikeys deep brown eyes.

"Hey there." He said with a smile and pulled the chair from behind him up and sat on it looking at me. "I'm sorry about Gerard, he can be a real a*****e sometimes." He said quickly and then shrugged. He wasnt trying to be mean, hes just got a weird sense of humor. He said trying to make up for my hurt feelings.

"Hi." I said quietly and then clicked the print button and stood as he talked, listening and walking to the printer, grabbing the sheets and then made my way back and shrugged easily. "You dont have to apologize for him." I said easily with a soft smile. "So heres more of the information." I said quickly handed him the large amount of typed text.

He looked over it and smiled. "Awesome!" he said with a smile and then put the information in a folder and into his backpack. "Hey sit with me and the guys at lunch okay?" he said with a smile and then rushed from the library.

Lunch time came and I walked in, half expecting to see no one. I didnt see anyone walking in though, so I merely got in line, purchased my food and then stood in the center of the cafeteria looking around. Thats when two hands grabbed my arms and dragged me outside, through the outside corridors and into a large auditorium.

Once I stopped, I looked to Mikey and smiled softly, but my smile soon vanished as I saw the faces of Gerard and Frank there as well. I shook my head and made my way over to the stage and took a seat on the edge by Ray and started to eat my slice of pizza while listening to the guys jabber about things that made no sense. I simply smiled and chewed my food, but then Bob appeared before me, a smirk on his baby face.

"Can I have a hug?" he asked easily, his arms outstretched. I smiled and put down my pizza and leaned forward and hugged him, but was soon pulled into his arms and off the stage. I laughed as he stumbled and nearly choked on my laughter. "Thank you." He said with a goofy grin and then pranced off.

Then Mikey smiled softly and wriggled his eyebrows. "What about Lanky?" he asked with a grin and then ran over, tackeling me and hugging me wildly. I laughed as he continued to act like a small child, then he helped me up and it was Rays turn. Once I had hugged the three I climbed back on the stage and looked to where my food was and saw Frank eating it.

I sat there, my jaw dropped and bit down on my tongue. "a*****e." I muttered and then looked to my drink and sipped it lightly. I felt a small feeling of sleepiness wash over me and I yawned loudly and closed my eyes leaning back. I could hear the guys lowering their voices, well three of them did, Frank and Gerard acted as though I wasnt even there.

I had slowly dozed off, when I felt two warm lips on mine. I shot open my eyes and looked up at Gerard and then slapped him, hard. I pushed him away from me and looked at him a disgusted look on my face. "You b*****d." I spat at him and then picked up my drink and hopped off the stage and started towards the doors.

"Told you she'd do that Frank." Gerard said with a shrug and rubbed his red cheek. He didnt seem to mind the bruise that was now showing up on his face and he didnt try to say sorry, it was like he didnt care.

I was already down the hall when I heard my name called. I turned and sighed, there was Bob and Mikey and Ray, all worried and watching me. They all seemed focused on whether or not I was alright. I nodded and said I was and that I hated Gerard. Mikey sighed and shook his head and then smiled. "Hey want to come to a band show tonight?" he said with a grin.

I nodded easily and smiled. "I guess so. When?" Little did I know that by agreeing to that, I would become the first diehard fan of My Chemical Romance, nor did I know I'd fall in love.

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member
Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Four
Chapter Four, "It's the tearing sound of love notes."

We worked until the end of class on the project and established everyones roles. I was the writer; I was to write down everything decided and to write down the notes. Mikey, was the designer, he would put everything together on the poster board and make sure it looked cool. Ray, was the presentee, basically he learned all of the information and presented it to the class. Bob, was just the picture man, he would take pictures or find pictures and his job was done.

I had gone home and changed, it took awhile, I didnt know whether to dress girlie or dress normally. I just dressed normally. I pulled on a pair of tight blue jean hip-huggers that flared at the bottoms, my red vans, my red The doors band tee and a my black jacket. I pulled my hair into a loose bun and made my way downstairs with my bag of information. It didnt take long to convince my brother of where I was going and all he asked was that I was home by 11:00 P.M. My curfew.

I took out the address as I walked down the cold sidewalks, the address sounded familiar and after about fifteen minutes of walking I spotted the guys outside of a large duplex. Mikey was wearing his glasses still, but his hair was now spiked up and he wore a black Anthrax band tee with tight blue jeans and a pair of black converse. Ray wore a baggy grey t-shirt and his baggy blue jeans with white tennis shoes. Bob had a beanie on his head and wore a black jacket over a black t-shirt with baggy black pants and black tennis shoes.

They all smiled when they saw me and then we made our way inside. The hall into the house was small, so we were somewhat crowded together as we made our way into the large dining room. I sat down my bag and took off my shoes by the backdoor and then walked over and opened my bag pulling out my folders. I sat them on the table and smiled warmly at the boys. The house was pretty and smelt of cinnamon, it felt more like home than any home I had ever been in, and I didnt want to leave.

We sat down at the table and immediately began to work, with a few interruptions. I noticed that the guys all seemed very warm and friendly and that was relatively new to me, people accepting me, right off. While working a woman with long blonde hair came in and I soon found her to be, Mrs. Way, Mikeys mom. I smiled and introduced myself politely as I knew I should.

"Well Tyranni is a beautiful name!" she exclaimed happily as she looked at me. "Bella, thats what you are!" she exclaimed a smiled on her plush lips. "Finally Mikey and the boys bring a girl over, Im going to make some snacks for you guys before I head out to work and then Im going to make those boys stand in line, okay?" she asked directed the question at me.

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you." I repeated maybe two or three hundred times. She made me like my name, more and more each time she commented on it. When I sat back down, the guys were all grinning and I looked at them with a smile. "What?" I said blushing slightly.

"Nothing Bella Tyranni." Mikey said with a grin and then looked to Ray. "What a play on words right?" he said with a grin and then shook his head, his eyes brightened as the door opened and two more people came inside. I looked up and spotted the dark haired boy from earlier, who I had dubbed Dracula. And then I caught sight of Shorty and smiled softly.

"Wow Mikey." Dracula spoke, his plush lips forming the words attractively, he had rather sharp canines so calling him Dracula had been a good choice of a name. "I didn't know the new girl was your girlfriend." He said with a laugh and then looked to me and raised an eyebrow. "I'm Gerard." He stated easily. "Michael's brother" he said with a smirk.

I almost wanted to laugh, the two looked nothing alike. But I merely nodded and smiled. "No I'm not Mikeys girlfriend, my name is Tyranni." I stated simply and then looked to Shorty and nodded. "And you are?" I asked easily.

Shorty looked up with a shrug and muttered, "Frank...nice to meet you." He said and then looked over at Gerard and smiled softly. "Food." He said and watched as Donna(Gerard and Mikeys mom) come in with the food and sit it on the table.

"Thats for Tyranni and the others." She snapped putting the drinks on the table as well. She smiled and nodded at me. I didnt know what to do, so I smiled softly. Once she had left, Gerard and Frank climbed on the barstools and watched us work. Every now and then Id get the feeling I was being watched and Id look up to see Gerard or Frank watching me. It both scared me and intrigued me. I was almost lost in the moment, when I looked to the clock and my eyes widened. "Wow, its already seven." I stated softly.

"It is?" Ray asked eating one of the few cookies left and then smiling. "I guess maybe we should wrap this up then?" he said easily and then the others shrugged. I merely thought aloud, "We could stop for tonight and work on it tomorrow at my house, my brother works double shifts so you guys can come over and Ill make food or something." I stated and then immediately heard laughter.

But the laughter came from Gerard, I had feared that laugh, it seemed mocking. "Oh, my brother works a double shift and maybe I can make food or something...nice one Martha Stewart." He said and then smiled wickedly and he and Frank nodded in agreement.

I looked down, slightly embarrassed and stood grabbing my things. It hurt my feelings and I needed and wanted badly to go home. "Never mind" I said and then shoved my things in my bag and then picked up my coat. I made my way to the backdoor and slid on my shoes.

As I said goodbye and started out the door, I could hear Mikey and the other guys yelling at Frank and Gerard. I just wanted to get home though, back to the apartment and into my bed where I could sleep and not remember this the next day.

Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Three
Chapter Three, "Well do you, do you, do you want to?"

1:05 Fourth Period
Where he hides behind the screen.

I walked into my final class of the day and sighed. There in the back of the room was the boy with the curls, I had decided on calling him Afro-man. I also noticed baby-face, the boy with the shaven head, with his head behind a book. I sighed and walked to the front of the class and took out my schedule and looked to the man behind the screen. "Excuse me." I said softly staring as the man turned and smiled at me. He was an older man with sullen eyes and a dull mouth, he smiled as if he were happy to see me, but his eyes said otherwise. I was handed a red folder and went to the front row and took a seat, I closed my eyes for a moment and then looked down at the folder and opened it up.

Paperwork was all I did. Working on nonsense about the environment and how we needed to protect it. I sighed and looked up at the clock. There was an hour in the class left and I wanted out so badly that I wouldve given my right arm to get out. I felt someone poke me and turned around and found myself facing Lanky. He smiled softly and looked at the paper in front of me and then motioned to the paper in his hands.

"Here." He said easily and then smirked. "I'm Mikey," he said pausing and then looking over at the teacher. "Just copy it, I dont mind and welcome to Newark high." He said with a soft smile and then placed the paper on my desk.

I smiled softly and nodded. "Thanks Lank----Mikey." I said quickly and then looked at the paper. "Oh thanks!" I said a slight tone of relief in my voice. "I'm Tyranni." I said easily and then looked back to the paper and nibbled my bottom lip lightly.

He smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you Tyranni." He said easily and then looked back down to the book before him and began to read again. I watched him for a minute and then looked to the paper and began to copy the answers down. You can tell a lot about a person by their handwriting and as I looked at his handwriting I smiled. He wrote small scribbled cursive, which was easily read.

I handed the paper back to him and smiled. "Thanks a bunch." I said and then nodded turning back around. Just then the teacher stood and announced a group project was going to be assigned and to choose partners. I looked down to my hands as the class filled with chatter and then I felt someone poke my shoulder again, I turned to see Mikey, Afro-boy and Baby-face smiling at me.

"Want to be in our group?" Afro-boy said with a soft smile. He pushed a hand through his wild curls and his hazel eyes caught mine. He seemed friendly and then his eyes widened and he smiled again. "Oh and Im Ray." He said extending his hand.

I smiled softly and shook his hand. "I'm Tyranni." I said and then looked to Baby-face and smiled softly, I nodded to their question. "I'd like that." I stated easily and then crossed my arms and turned around facing the three. "So where should we work on the project at?"

Baby-face smiled softly. "Oh and Im Bob." He said easily and then shrugged. "I say Mikeys." he said easily. "I mean we could start in class and then work on it and after school hit the library, the art store and then get to Mikeys." he said easily and then laughed. "Maybe we can get Gerard to help us." He said with a soft smile. "How old are you Tyranni?" he asked quickly.

"Sixteen." I said softly and then nodded. "I'd have to go home and change and tell my brother where Id be, but Im sure I can come. Can I have the address?" I asked and watched as the guys smiled and nodded.

"So am I." Mikey and Bob said in Unison. Ray merely chuckled and raised a finger. "Damn." He said with a sour smile. "I'm the old hag of the group at seventeen." He said and then smiled softly. "Okay Tyranni, you can change and we will meet you outside Mikeys house." He said easily and then nodded.

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member

Zombie Holocaust
Community Member
Call Her Black Mariah Chapter Two
Chapter Two: Here I am once again, Im torn into pieces.

8:45 First Period
The class from hell

I sat in my first class, my hair still damp, but I wore it up in a bun so that the water wouldnt soak the nice undershirt I wore. I took notes as the teacher spoke and it seemed everything else was more interesting to the other students. I continued writing notes while biting my tongue. I was used to a strict and quiet classroom and here I was forced into this hellish torture chamber they called a classroom. When I had walked into the room, I nearly shouted out in objection:

This is not a classroom! This is a Zoo! For Gods sake get these kids some Ritalin, get off your lazy a** and teach and make this look at least somewhat acceptable to someone.

But I didnt even mutter a small word, I merely took the only empty seat near me, which happened to be in the front and began doing the work. I had noticed that two of the boys from earlier happened to be in the class with me. Shorty and Lanky, as I was now referring to them as, seeing as I had no name to call them by.

They had looked up as I entered the room. The short one, greeting me with a smirk and a visual once over. The tall one, Lanky, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and gave me a soft smile. They seemed to watch my every moment and I heard a laugh escape one of their lips as I took a seat in the front, for they sat in the back.

10:05 Second Period
The class known for its Silent Laughter

I found myself in calculus, in the very back because all of the extremely intelligent students had taken the front seats and had come in on time. So I was forced to be stuck in the back, beside a black haired boy who seemed to be feverishly sketching a vampire leaning over a young girl asleep in his crypt.

I eyed the drawing cutiously and then looked to my calculus work and began to scribble down answers, but stopped when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I hadnt even known or guessed he was an artist, but he was and now he was looking at me. I squirmed uncomfortably and tried to pretend I didnt feel his eyes on me, it seemed pointless to pretend when he was so forcefully staring at me. His olive eyes seemed glued on something and he watched it intently, I followed his gaze and spotted a small puddle of blood forming on my desk and my eyes widened. A light headed feeling replaced the nervousness and then a nausea soon reared its ugly head and then I blacked out.

11:55 Third Period/Lunch
English/ Lunch / Nurse
The class of the Shakespeare/Grease Woman

I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. The first thing that came into my vision were the bright pink walls, which caused me to close my eyes from the pain. The lights were to bright and the walls were making me nauseous. What happened? I managed to mumble as a few tears spilled from my eyes. A fat woman in a small gray suit walked in the room. She had greasy brown-grey hair which was hanging loosely in a bun on the back of her head, She turned to me and smiled her creeked and yellow teeth smile. You had a nose blood and fainted dear. She said pleasantly.

When? I asked clearing my throat and trying to think back. I could remember the boy drawing and then looking at me, I followed his gaze to the blood and then I fainted. The woman smiled and spoke quickly. Over an hour ago dear. She said easily. A really nice boy brought you in. she said placing her hand on mine. I felt sick and wanted to yank my hand from her older hand. But I merely smiled and nodded, while looking away. Wow someone helped me. I said thoughtfully.

My black hair clouded my eyes as I sat up and leaned forward. The soft rain was still falling against the window. The putter-patter of rain drops seemed to capture my attention. So did he leave me here or? I began easily and waited for her to answer me. The woman smiled again, her lips curling away from her teeth and she shrugged. He waited for thirty minutes, but he needed to get back to class. She said easily. He was a nice boy though. She managed to repeat again, with a smile.

I stood and stretched, then bent over and grabbed my bag. I thanked her for everything, took the aspirin she gave me, fixed my makeup and hair in the bathroom and then made my way into the lunchroom. I stopped by the door and looked around nervously, I saw absolutely no one I knew or had seen at all in this large place of loud noises,. So I took my tray and sat down at a small table and began to eat. It was lonely in this loud lunchroom, people just looked to me and laughed and I felt like running home.

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