"However, it's rather amusing as to how an individual stricken with fear changes his outlook on the aspects of what he's done. Ah, but everyone feels secure in their own contentment. So carefree to enjoyment, unsuspecting life creeping up on them. Alas, should my expectations include they should even BEGIN to understand? Foolish child, my melancholic lifestyle makes yours pale in comparison. Am I bragging? Hardly...
Do not compare me to a mentally ill (person). I'm just a misunderstood adolescent individual. But the mind is a fickle tool which creates the words that roll off thy tongue. But it all comes back to impulse. The impulse to maim and mangle the petty idiot that insists on making you the end to the joke. The impulse to scream in frustration because no one WANTS to understand. The impulse that you are reduced to writing and pouring out your emotions on paper. But no... You can't act out on impulse. No, no... Of course not, for that would be WRONG... And the fundamentals of impulse one could only wish for. Oh, but here we are again, with wishing... As I dig my way deeper into the darkest recesses of my mind, I seem to understand myself a bit more...
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The Misplaced Papers
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