They don't know you can't leave me ...
I know noone ever reads my journal here, so it doesn't matter what I post.
We are currently in a major financial difficulty thanks to my former employer. I was "given notice" that the store was closing on my last shift before getting married at the beginning of last October. I then got married, went on my honeymoon, went on prac and then started looking for work. Unfortunately, by this time it was mid~November and noone was hiring in Childcare or retail.
I have now discovered, that although we were having conciliatory phone calls, with the assistance of Fair Work, in which my former employer stated they didn't have the space to employ one more person (ie me) at the next closest store. I discovered that in fact that store in the same fortnight was re~hiring all the staff who'd been "let go" from my store, except myself and one other staff member (also disliked by the floor manager).
I had been about to finish our conciliation with my former employer when I discovered this, but delayed for a couple more weeks so I could discuss this additional evidence. Our original complaint, that I had not been one of the few originally kept on was at least partially due to the fact they chose that staff on the advice of the floor manager Head Office knew had personal issues with me.
The conciliator had originally advised me to settle because my case was not strong enough to bother with the extra time and expense required for only possibly getting more money. In light of this new information, I contacted her again and informed her of it, asking if she could tell me whether our case was now strong enough to make it worthwhile following it up. She simply replied that her capacity was to help us reach an equitable arrangement outside of court and could not take sides.
This was completely unhelpful, and as we are desperate for any money, I gave up and took the deal.
Now, even with the money they have sent, which only came in this week, we are in such desperate straits that we cannot pay off the credit card bills (Talock's bill is from when we got married and just hasn't been able to afford to pay it off yet, and mine is from our car rego payments) and keep up with the rent, let alone pay the internet, electricity and health care bills and forget about our grocery bills!
I'm pretty good at holding it together, but when your husband is reduced to tears because he can't afford to cover the cost of living, let alone treat you for the first time in months and you haven't any comfort to give him but "I'll try calling those people again for a job" even though you didn't get one the first time you called them, what is one supposed to do?!
We already live in a shoebox, and even if we found a cheaper place, we haven't the funds to even move out in to it.
I wanted to start a family this year and had originally planned to upgrade my health cover and start looking for a bigger flat straight after the wedding. Instead, I've been stuck with trying to find a job when noone wants an almost~but~not~quite~fully~trained~childcare~professional to work for them!
... They don't hear you singing to me.
Elfgiva · Fri Jan 22, 2010 @ 10:30am · 1 Comments |