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References to my characters for Artists.
Demitri and Ari
Arisi looked around, making sure that there was no one to see her slip out of the forge. She quietly closed the door behind her, moving out into the dark night; her eyes were on the almost full moon and stars that hung above her head as her feet took the familiar path that would lead to Demitri's home. Her thoughts were filled with images of traveling, of all the people she would meet when she began journeying for her master status in a few days time. However, the one thing that weighed most heavily on her mind was her relationship with the journeyman blacksmith who was supposed to be leaving in the morning.

She took a quick look back at the receding forge before breaking out into a light jog. She loved running. The feel of the earth moving underneath her feet and the soft rush of wind passing over her face. It freed up some of the worries she had about making the trip.

Demitri had never allowed her to go to his home, not that it stopped her from trying. He would turn pale and push her away every time she tried to cross the threshold, but he wouldn't be able to stop her if he was asleep, like she knew he would be.

A nervous giggle bubbled up her throat but she pushed it away. While she didn't have any experience with a man of any kind, the one she was going to see always made her breath catch and her skin tingle at the thought of him touching her, not that he ever would. Demitri was too much of a gentleman, despite all of the teasing she had inflicted upon him. There were days, more frequent since the date of their departure was set, that she wondered if he even liked her. She knew she was pretty enough. A large number of offers and promises of everlasting love from lads who didn't know her told her that much. She knew it bothered him that she came from nobility, even if she had cast off her name in an attempt to run her own life as she saw fit. It was one of the main reasons she hadn't called him out on how he felt for her before. She thought that if she just gave him time, he would come around on his own; however, as the days to their three year separation had loomed closer and vanished, he still hadn't said anything.

It seemed that it didn't matter that they had been together for so long, causing all sorts of mayhem. She felt as if that was all they would ever be; two best friends that had each others back, despite how often she made it clear to him that she wanted so much more.

Arisi let out a soft sigh as she slowed her trot down, nearing his home. All she wanted was to know if there would be someone waiting for her when she got home. If all the flirting and offers she had turned down for his sake were even worth it. She knew she loved him, from the stuttering to the blushes he wore when she picked on him. Even as a young man going into the world, he still had the innocence of the adorable lad she found crouched in the shade of an oak tree and had asked to be her friend.

Eying the front door, Arisi debated on merely sneaking in through his window. It was still warm enough that he would have left the shutters cracked, tempting in a cool breeze. Deciding that it would be for the best, she slid around the corner of the small home to the last window, belonging to Demitri's room. She smiled as she thought of the times she had followed him back when they were younger and hid in the bushes outside of his window. The smile faded as she remembered that was how she found out about his father. The man would beat the lad senseless whenever he would come home late, and for a plethora of other things. After that day, Ari made sure that Demitri would get home on time, to lessen his beatings whenever his father came home drunk.

Ari wrinkled her nose, she hated tosspots, and she hated Demitri's father even more for laying a hand on her friend. She had begged her father for help but even he couldn't do anything to save Demitri from his fate; a man's child was his own, to do with as he pleased.

She remembered that was the day she decided she would marry him, to take him away from the pain his father had put him through. His knight in shining armor. She nearly snorted at the thought, but smothered it as she eased the shutters open father, wincing as they creaked. A quick glanced showed her that Demitri hadn't moved from the straw pallet laying on the floor. Once again, her heart went out to him. She knew that he would scowl at her for even implying that she pitied him, but it was pain for the lad who she knew deserved better.

Hoisting herself up onto the ledge, Arisi easily swung around and landed with a cat-like grace on the floorboards. She slipped out of her shoes and quietly padded across the floor, silent, until she knelt beside him. Ari smiled as she reached out and brushed his blonde hair back from his eyes, her fingers caressing his cheek as she pulled her hand back. He stirred slightly, muttering something incoherently, before he rolled onto his back, sprawling out.

Ari bit her lip to hold back an appreciative sigh at the sight before her. It had been so long since she had last dared to visit that she hadn't realized he started sleeping shirtless. His shifting had put him in the moonlight streaming through the window, and Ari had a full view of what working with Fai had done for him. He was still on the shorter side, as tall as she was, if only a few inches taller, but his upper body was toned from lifting the hammer all day long. Resisting the urge to run her fingers over his chest, albeit barely, she carefully eased herself down on the pallet beside him. She shifted to press against his side, her head resting in the crook of his arm.

Demitri frowned slightly, arm curling inward to pull her closer. Heart pounding, Arisi set a gentle hand on his chest, just above his own heart. She waited, breath held, as he slowly opened his eyes and blinked away the haze of sleep. His eyes found hers and he stiffened instantly.

“A-ari? What are you d-doing here?” His voice was a soft, yet hurried whisper as he carefully untangled himself from her and pulled away.

Arisi licked her suddenly dry lips. “I wanted to see you.”

“You can't be here! Why in the gods names are you here?” He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Ari frowned.

“Why not? You're leaving tomorrow 'Mitri. Who knows when we'll see each other again. You want to see me, don't you?”

“Yes, no, hell... you shouldn't be here Arisi!” His voice hadn't raised a notch but the anger was there, which startled her. Demitri never got angry, especially at her, and he never used her full name. She looked down, her bottom lip starting to quiver as she felt her chest squeezing the life out of her heart.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “Didn't realize I was that much of a bother to you.” Arisi pushed herself to her feet and slipped her shoes back on, not looking at him. She refused to cry in front of him, she still had some pride left. “Good luck with your journeying.”

Without a backward glance, she pushed open his bedroom door, letting it fall shut behind her. A quick glance up showed her the main door a few short feet away, and she slowly made her way across the floor, swallowing the sobs that threatened to spill out so that Demitri wouldn't hear how much he had hurt her.

A door to her left burst open, startling a short squeak out of her. An older man loomed over her, and she quickly put distance between them.

“ 'an where do ye think yer goin' little 'un?” He squinted at Ari and cackled. “Not me dumb lad then, a lass. What are ye doin' in me home little mouse? Do yeh know tha penalty for breakin' in ter a man's home?” he grabbed for her arm but Ari moved out of range.

She glared at him and slowly shuffled her feet so that the house door was at her back. “I ain't no little mouse for you to be playing with, if that is what you're about.” She grasped for the handle and pulled, whirling around when it wouldn't budge. A bolt blocked her way, and she scrambled for it as the man lunged for her again, this time getting his arms around her enough to pull her away.

“Me like a mouse that fights. Ain't no fun if they jus' sit an' sob.”

Ari let out a yelp as he tightened his grip on her, and she writhed in his arms in an attempt to slip away. He lifted her off the floor for a short moment before a loud thunk sounded and he dropped her so suddenly she fell on her bottom. A quick look back revealed that Demitri had taken a teapot to his father's head, dazing him long enough to get his arms around his father's and hold him in a headlock.

“You're never going to lay a hand on her!” He spat through gritted teeth as he struggled to keep his father restrained. “Ari, go!”

She stood, glaring at him. “And leave you? You must be cracked!” She shifted her stance quickly and rammed her fist into his gut before bringing her knee up to the old man's jewels, causing his eyes to roll back their sockets from pain. Demitri let him go as he dropped, gasping for breath. He bolted for the door which Ari had managed to unlock and grabbed for the pack he had filled before going to sleep. He grasped her hand and pulled her along in a full out sprint. They only slowed to a stop when they were a few blocks away from the forge, in the square where Orion and Rel liked to play.

“What were ye thinkin?!” he yelled at her, not caring who they disturbed. “How many gods cursed times did I tell ye not ta visit!”

Arisi glared right back at him, arms crossed over her chest as she caught her breath. It had been a while since she had sprinted such a distance in a short amount of time. “I suppose I shouldn't have bothered since you don't care anyway!”

“Bloody hell Ari! What is wrong with yeh?” He rubbed his forehead, pacing back and forth. “I've ne'er asked anythin from yeh but ta stay away from 'im. Why couldn' yeh jus' do as I asked?”

“Like I'm scared of that old fool. I would of gotten away if you hadn't interfered.”

Demitri dropped his pack beside the fountain and sat, hanging his head in his hands. “Do ye even r-realize what 'e m-meant to do wit ye?” He asked, his voice cracking.

Her expression softened slightly as she stood in front of him. “...'Mitri.”

“What e's d-done ta every other lass that entered our home, be it family or n-not! E-even my own s-sister!”

Ari blinked. “I didn't know you had a sister.” Her heart sank lower as the implications of his words set in.

“S-she d-died. Only jus' turned t-twelve an 'e... s-sullied her. T-tore her little body apart an' she d-died of blood loss.” He refused to look up at her as his shoulders started to shake. “I couldn'a d-do anythin. I was only s-seven an' Da made me watch, s-said all women were 'ere fer a man's pleasure.”

Blinking back tears, Ari crouched down and reached out, gently setting a hand on his shoulder. When he didn't pull away, she leaned forward and slid her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Demitri buried his face into the crook of her neck and locked his arms around her tightly as he cried.

“I could ne'er let 'im do that to yeh. I'd ne'er forgive myself. I din'a want yeh ta come over 'cause of 'im, not 'cause I dunna like yeh.” He said finally, tears slowing. He lowered his voice to a whisper, eyes closed. “I really like yeh, Ari.”

Ari pulled back slightly to cup his face in her palms, brushing his tears away with her thumbs. “I'm sorry 'Mitri. I wish you would have told me about everything, but I understand why you didn't.” She leaned forward and kissed each eyelid.

Demitri blushed and looked at the ground. “ 'm sorry I ne'er told yeh. About everythin, including how... I felt about yeh. I thought yeh jus' knew.”

Arisi ran her fingers through his hair. “I'm never sure with you 'Mitri. You keep everything hidden behind that blush an' stutter of yours. Some days I thought I knew, others made me think we were just close friends.”

He reached up with shaking fingers and brushed them against her cheek. “We are f-friends, A-ari and m-mayhap, if yeh s-still w-want me, when I'm d-done wit j-journeying we... we c'n be m-more. I j-jus' want to be g-good 'nough fer yeh.”

She shook her head with a small smile. “Silly 'Mitri. You're good enough as you are now, you always have been. But if it means that much to you, I can wait three more years.”

Demitri ducked his head. “Thank yeh, Ari.”

She grabbed his chin gently, forcing him to look at her. “But while you're gone, you're not allowed to sleep around with anyone else, got it?”

He looked at her, eyes wide. “I-I'd ne'er!”

“Good.” Arisi leaned over, halting for only a second before she pressed her lips against his. Demitri started to pull away but stopped, knowing she would only close the gap again. He hesitated before he kissed her back tentatively. Surprised, Ari leaned closer, deepening the kiss as she tightened her arms around him. The kiss was definitely worth the wait; it made her warm all over, and goosebumps rolled along her skin from where his hands rested on her waist. She shivered as they slid around to rest on the small of her back. Demitri pulled away a moment later blushing bright red as he leaned his forehead against hers.

Arisi's cheeks matched his own, and she moved her hands down to his shoulders. “We... we should be getting back. You've a long trip in the morning.”

He nodded. “Yeh think M-miss Shantin will be mad fer sleepin on 'er couch?”

“You won't have to worry about that, you can stay in my room.” Ari stood, wincing as she stretched out her legs. “And no complaining. My bed is big enough for two.”

He opened his mouth to argue but her glare made him shut it. Demitri picked up his pack, slinging it over his shoulder. He held his arm out to her and she took it, smiling shyly at him. They walked back to the forge in silence, the events of the night starting to wear on them both. Arisi gently tugged him upstairs, passing Fai's room before she came to her own. Demitri eyed the closed door warily, wondering what his teacher would do if she knew where he was sleeping.

Arisi quietly shut the door behind him and let out a yawn. She gave him a sleepy smile before picking up the long tunic that served as her nightclothes. It was one of her father's old tunics that she used to cuddle up with when she was younger and had brought with her when she moved in with Fai and her family. She looked at Demitri and he turned his back to her, blushing. Moving quickly, Ari stripped and tugged on her tunic. It fell just short of her knees, but she shrugged it off and climbed into bed.

“You can turn around now.”

Demitri glanced back at her and gave her a sheepish smile. He opened his pack, rummaging around for a tunic that he could wear to bed. Ari just rolled her eyes and patted the bed beside her.

“You don't need a tunic you know, so just get into bed.”

He nodded, settling his pack once more. Hesitating, he slid in between the sheets to settle down beside her, on his back. He laid there awkwardly, wondering how he was going to fall asleep with her so close. Ari smiled and reached out, brushing her fingers over his cheek before scooting closer to him, her head nestled into the crook of his arm.

Demitri stiffened slightly before forcing himself to relax. He tried to keep his mind on anything other than the fact that Ari was pressed against him. Her warmth was as foreign as it was soothing and he soon found himself rubbing his thumb against her back where his hand rested. Arisi blushed and snuggled closer, hand sliding up his chest to rest over his heart as she started to feel the tug of sleep on her eyelids. She opened them briefly when she felt his hand cover hers. She gave it a light squeeze, smiling.

“ 'Mitri?” she whispered softly.


“I... never mind.”

He leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly. “I-I'll miss ye, A-ari.”

She tightened her grip on his hand. “I'll miss you too... good night.”



“All right lass, up you get. Just cause the lad is gone doesn't mean you can laze abo–” Fai stopped as she opened the door to Ari's room. She started to snicker as Orion peaked over her shoulder.

“Well... Didn't I say she'd want some alone time to say goodbye,” he asked Fai with a grin.

“They're both clothed you great lecher. Mostly.” She rolled her eyes and shoved him back. “Off to the training yard with you.”

“But I want to see his reaction when he sees you standing here.”

She shook her head, but relented. “Oy! Wake up you two!”

Ari was the first to wake. When she saw Fai and Orion standing in the doorway, she frowned in confusion before she felt the weight of an arm draped around her waist. She sat up, smacking the arm in the process as she blushed. Demitri grunted and rolled over, rubbing his eyes.

“What?” he asked, looking up at her sleepily. His eyes slid over to the door and he paled.

Fai raised an eyebrow at him. “Must I take the clippers to you lad?

“It's my fault,” Ari said quickly. “I went to see him, and his dad got mad. He left and had no where to go. Please don't get mad Fai.”

She leaned against the door frame. “Should I get the posset against childbearing out for you?”

Arisi blushed. “No m'am. We did nothing of the sort that would bring a child about.”

Demitri nodded quickly. “J-just s-sleep, M-miss.”

Fai chuckled and started away from the door, pushing Orion along. “Hurry up lad. You're off to a poor start on your first day of journeying. Come on Orion, time for your beatings.”

Demitri hid his face in his hands. “She's g-goin to k-kill me w-when I get back.”

Leaning over, Ari pulled his hands away so that she could look at him. “If she intended to kill you, she would have done it.” Tugging him closer, she pressed her lips against his lightly. “and she's right, you need to leave.”

He blushed and nodded before climbing out of bed with a groan. A quick look in his pack and he had his clothes for the day. He contemplated changing with Ari in the room but knew better than to ask her not to look; she would just do it anyway. He sent her out with a pout, confirming his suspicions. Ari was leaning against the wall opposite of her room when he opened the door, pack on his shoulder. Pushing away from it, Ari slipped her hands up his chest to wrap around his neck.

“Promise you'll be back in three years?” she asked softly.


“And you'll not touch another girl?”


She was quiet for a long moment, looking at him before she leaned forward. He met her halfway, kissing her softly as he slid his arms around her. When she pulled away, he tightened his hold on her, hugging her close. When he finally pulled away, Demitri reached up and tucked a few strands of hair back behind her ear with a shaking hand. “I... I s-should go.”

Ari's bottom lip trembled slightly as she let him go with a nod and backed away. “...bye 'Mitri. I-I'll be waiting, so you better come back for me.”

“I w-will. Bye, Ari.” With a last quick hug, he started down the stairs, not looking back.

Arisi didn't move from her spot, even as she heard the door to the forge shut tight. It wasn't until she heard the telltale signs of Orion and Fai's training that she scrubbed away the tears on her cheeks before she squared her shoulders and headed into her room to change for the day, determined to keep cheerful. Three years was along time, but she would make it.

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