PriestessCyla's Journal |
Just a general every so often journal of personal mishaps and general life, feel happy to read ^^ n'ya |
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Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 @ 01:41pm
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 03:45am
G-chan's death
It was a late spring afternoon and if it was viewable the sun would likely be slowly setting but on this afternoon the sky was filled with a thick dark coating of grey clouds that seemed to have come from nowhere in the past hour or so. Time at this point was hard to tell, but when they arrived she was certain of one thing, it was still sunny outside.
The day had gone well, it was term break and they had gone out into the town for the day to explore and take in some of the sites. Ever since she had started moving back and forth from England she rarely saw her Grandpa but now recently they had moved back to Japan permanently and to her joy she was now able to see him every day. To say she despised her parents would be an understatement of truth.
The older man still stood tall, at about 6ft 3 now his dark hair seemed to shimmer a navy colour in the right light but his age was starting to show, on each side just above his ears were streaks of silver merging into his darker hair that still held its volume. The man in question wore what the young girl considered his traditional trademark like ponytail that still seemed as wild as ever. He wore a basic dark red shirt with the sleeves rolled back up to his elbows and on his right hand he wore a silver wrist watch which apparently was a birthday gift from a dear friend as well half a pendant that form a yin yang, his was black representing Yang but when questioned about it he never seemed to know what it was for, just that he couldn’t take it off, his outfit was finished with a pair of simple jeans and smart but casual shoes.
In contrast though, now he just laid their motionless on the hospital bed, his shirt had been removed, a large bandage now taped down on his chest covering the wound. The man who was still so healthy and full of life earlier that day couldn’t even support himself to breath, the mask that covered his mouth apparently was doing the job for him, sustaining him but even that may not be enough. Opposite the elder man, sitting next to the bed, sat a small dark hair child who quietly rested her head on the older man’s hand, the young girl had her medium length hair back in two small pigtails at the bottom of her head, held back with white bobbles with small white flowers on each, she wore a double layered t-shirt, the top was a plain collar red t-shirt with black sleeves underneath and patches either side of the upper arms, she wore a simple black chain necklace which connected to a small pink heart like crystal centre with black angel wings either side, the outfit was finished with a double layered skirt that finished just above her knee and simple faded black boots that finished part way up her lower leg along with black three quarter socks with a small simple white bow at the centre of each.
”G-chan...What’s wrong? Why won’t you get up?”
The young girl quietly whispered as she cuddled the larger hand, holding it firmly, it was so motionless.
”G-chan I’m scared...but I won’t leave your side till you are you ok? You will be ok won’t you?”
The girl asked as got out of her seat and walked around to the other side of the bed before getting on her tip toes to stretch over the bed to touch her grandpa’s forehead with one hand and then her own as she tried to compare temperatures, he felt colder than her, was that normal? Paler too, that wasn’t normal though was it but he was ill, injured from the events prior so maybe he would be? Getting back off the bed the girl stared at the older man her thoughts interrupted by gentle tapping of rain against the window that had just started and was gradually speeding up outside. While inside her thoughts were interrupted by voices outside the room. Walking over, the young girl slid the door open slightly so that she could hear better the conversation outside. ”Well how is he?”
Spoke a female voice, rather demanding and agitated by the sound of it, a voice she knew all too well, it was the voice of her supposed mother but who was she talking to, she couldn’t see from where she was but she remained silent and continued to listen.
”Your the son of a very brave and honourable man you know. His selfless act may have cost him though. He took multiple shots to the chest earlier this afternoon, getting caught in the crossfire, he went to intervene to prevent the group from shooting a young woman, she even came in earlier with a card and gift of gratitude....but....”
”I’m afraid the news from here is not good, his condition doesn’t seem to be improving although he’s stable, his stats have been slowly decreasing since arrival, he may not make through the night unless things change...I’m...”
”Is their nothing you can do! Nothing at all!”
The girl recognised that voice too, it was self proclaimed father, the one that seemed to enjoy not acknowledging her existence.
”Please sir, could you keep your voice down! There are other patients here! Also you may wake the child in the room, she’s been here since his arrival and has refused to leave.”
”Pesky child, but that’s right, Father was babysitting her today. If that’s what she wants, at least it keeps her out of trouble...”
”You can’t say that! That’s your daughter in there!?”
”Hypocrite, where were you!? Who ran off to deal with some big customer order rather than taking care of your own child!”
”That’s unfair and you know it, we both need to work and the extra hours were required to get the project done in time! You yourself should know that! Your constantly nowhere to be seen with all these supposed out of town meetings of yours!”
”How dare you!? Are you trying to suggest something with that statement!”
”Please! The two of you stop this! I know this isn’t an easy time for you but this isn’t the place. I suggest you go outside and get some fresh air and clear your heads before returning! I’m sorry for your loss...we’ve done all we can... ”
”Their arguing again G-chan...That’s nothing new though...but loss what do they mean? We haven’t lost anything have we G-chan?”
The girl thought quietly to herself as she heard the multiple footsteps part down the corridor while another pair seemed to approach the door. Startled the young girl quickly ran to the bed in hope not to be caught out listening. With the door fully sliding open slowly and then back shut, the nurse who was outside had just walked in. The two figures just seemed to stare at each other but she could tell by the look in her the nurses eyes that something was wrong, something was amiss. Running to the other side of the bed, the young girl took her grandpa’s hand and held onto it tightly. ”Your still so young but old enough to be aware of such a pain and grievance. I’m sorry...”
”Sorry? What for?”
”Your grandfather has passed away. I’m sorry but he’s gone...”
”Gone! What do you mean gone! He’s right here...he’ll be ok! You’ll see!”
”I’m so sorry, he’s not coming back, he’s dead...”
”Dead....you lie! He can’t be!”
The young girl shouted back as she looked at the nurse who had turned her head away unable to look back at her. Refusing to accept it, the young girl climbed onto the bed and knelt down next to the motionless body, giving it a gentle shake, followed by another...
”It’s not true! Your ok aren’t you!? I won’t leave your side...G-chan wake up, prove to them your ok! Please G-chan! G-chan!!! ”
Cried out the young girl as her eyes widened at the lack of response and the dull hum of the machine, even his chest wasn’t moving now, now that she looked closely. Trying to desperately fight back the tears, the girl stared at the nurse as she could feel the tears fall.
”He can’t be...G-chan can’t be gone! If G-chan is gone then who do I have!? Without G-chan....without G-chan I....”
The girl tried to get the words out but she could no longer keep it in, the nurse looked at her sympathetically, it was all she could give before switching the machine off and leaving the room to stand outside. Watching the nurse leave, the young girl collapsed against the chest of Grandpa, sobbing heavily in the silent room, the only noise to accompany her now was pouring rain outside rapidly tapping against the window.
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Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 @ 03:45am
YGO RP post to be
Yelled Akira from the other side as he watched his brother fall onto his knees before hitting the ground. With out a moment of hesitation Akira ran straight over to her older brothers side, struggling but managing to get her brother to roll onto his other side so that he was resting on his back.
”Onii-san…why did you do this, why did you put yourself at risk like that? Wake up Onii-san, wake up this isn’t funny…”
Quizzed Akira before falling into a quiet mumble as he crouched down to his brother side, looking at the card face down in his duel disk and the cards in his Ichirou’s hand, surprised at what he saw as he turned to face his unconscious brother.
”Why didn’t you use them…you would have won..then why?” Questioned Akira as his brother was yet to even make the slightest move, getting worried, Akira begun to shake the older boys body gently. This joke wasn’t funny anymore but what if it really wasn’t a joke…what if it was the same result as before, back at the grading and the duel with Jeanne, what if it was all true…
”No..it can’t be…Onii-san…”
Stuttered Akira as the realisation hit in as e sat there silently, he could feel it, already feel the tears starting to form in his eyes as he desperately tried to hold them back but to no avail as he felt them start to slowly trickle down the side of his face.
”Ichirou…I don’t want to…I don’t want to win if you’re the cost…it’s not fair...what am I meant to do now with out your strength…Ichirou Onii-san how could you be so selfish…”
”Akira, perhaps a part of him knew from the start what he was doing and using the last of his strength to save you… Akira…”
”Save me…save me from what? I’m no different from anybody else! Just like this duel shouldn’t have been different to any other…but it was…I can’t deny that…just what is going on…?”
”Akira there is so much more going on behind the scenes here than you aware of but now is not the right time he has faith in you Akira, you have the strength to save…”
”DON’T LIE! The only strength I have is the strength of the a fool…I'm supposed to be one of the best, I've ruled on top of the first years since the entrance exam and still I'm powerless...I couldn't help Transfer, I couldn't even save my own brother... to duel in such a manner is not a duel at all…what am I meant to do now…even if I continue to win it won’t help…”
Continued Akira as he feel into a monotonous reply to Gogiga Gagagigo’s comments as he looked down at his brother and once more he could feel the tears begin to trickle down the side of his face but this time it was much faster than before. Goggiga standing behind the Obelisk Blue boy remained silent as Akira sat there now completely silent once again. Without realising, Blizzed appeared next to Akira’s brother, letting out a loud but almost sorrowful bird call as if it was reflecting what was in Akira’s own heart and how he felt. Wiping his eyes with the side of his hand Akira stared at Blizzed as it suddenly took flight, hovering not that far above Akira’s head. Staring at the light blue armoured bird in confusion, Akira noted that the bird wasn’t moving from the spot, looking down, underneath where Blizzed stood seconds before was another card face down. Picking it up, Akira stared at it blankly, what was he meant to make of it?
”Ichirou Onii-san’s favourite card…if he never sent this over here to me…if he never let it go then he would… I don’t care who they are, I’ll get them back and make them regret this…Onii-san just stay safe until then…please…I just don’t know what I will do with out you…”
Spoke up Akira after so long, holding the card firmly in his hand as he glanced over to where Gogiga Gagagigo was just standing to find the powerful large red cybernetic reptile was now gone. Sighing, Blizzed gave another call, much to Akira’s reassurance as he pulled his PDA out of his pocket, he may not be a student but the right now the first thing his brother needed was medical attention.
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 @ 03:28am
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Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 @ 10:50pm
Minna Anata wo Aishiteru
The Keroro movie 4 ending theme with its english lyrics, a lovely song heart
English lyrics: Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you
When you are troubled with your worries , Everyone will share the burden with you! When you are smiling in joy , Everyone wants to share the joy with you
Your thoughts alone hold a massive power (strength), you know (Because of/ With) your thoughts, everything begins to change, you know
Even things like the dislike, or hatred against somebody Are evidences of one's existence, and so Come on , Let's relax our shoulders , Smile, come close together, Embrace (each other / one another) Let's live on (like that) , More so tomorrow than today
Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you
When you turn weak and appear to be collapsing , Everyone will come together and offer you support, you know When you become strong and big , Please protect everyone
Your existence , Bears a great significance, you know (Because of/ With) your thoughts, everything begins to change, you know
Do not throw away , Your own future , No matter how difficult living can be Come on , Try listening with your heart , You'll come to hear voices that say they love you, and so Let's live on
Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you
Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you Everyone loves you , Everyone thinks of you
La La La La... Because everyone likes you
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 12:31pm
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Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 @ 08:31pm
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 @ 11:30pm
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Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 @ 11:40pm