"I wear the absence of color,
my color is spilled,
I myself am the absence of you,
will you guess me?
Can you find me?
Enjoy for I'm Sorry" sincerely, a lonely child

are you a dead body?
im horrible at riddles sweatdrop
hmm or are you maybe a lost soul
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now!
i love pumpkin, can i eat him emotion_omnomnom
A drink for the pretty lady
Take a sip, it wont do you any harm
What are you waiting for?
You trust me, dont you?
One little sip wont hurt
Sure your mother told you not to take from strangers
but I know you..
You dont know me?
That doesnt matter... It only has to be one sided after all
oh whats in the drink it looks pretty good
:O how do you know me? maybe your a stalker eek
You are happy now I see...
Not a care in the world as you sit next to another man...
My heart aches when you touch him,
Whether it be an accidental brush or you holding onto his hand..
Forgotten... That is what I am...
Never to be thought of again by the one that I love so much...
You have my shirt... you know that right? It sits in your top drawer on the right...
That shirt.. That shirt you sleep with every night is like you are sleeping next to me...how I long for it to be me next to you and not that swine you claim you love...
How do I prove that I love you? I would do anything for you...
I would... I would kill for you deary...
Tell me who and I will try my best... Even if it means killing myself...
I just want you to love me again.. Not let me live this like going unknown...
If you dont believe my words, you look in your drawer and find the shirt I spoke of...
Tell me you dont believe then, and I will leave...
~The Forgotten Man
im so sorry dear but there is no other man, there is no one at all
if only i could remember you
While trick or treating you hear something run towards you. You soon find yourself cornered by one of the enemy teams. Armed with only your sack of candy you are helpless. The enemy goes to attack when something from the dark whistles into view, planting itself firmly into the temple of your attacker. They fall, out cold. You look around confused & then look to see that what was thrown. It is a wrench of all things. ''St-Stars... Did not mean to... Oh well.'' comes a voice getting closer. You turn to see a tall, slender young man with ethereal teal eyes that seem to glow faintly & a pair of goggles nestled in his chestnut locks. Are y-you alright?'' he asks, a blush creeping up his neck & cheeks. You nod saying you were only startled. He bends down & picks up the tool. ''When all else fails, use the wrench.'' you hear him mumble to himself. As he straightens, something catches your eye, causing you to look away. You turn back to see the young man gone along with the attacker. However, in their place is a gift. You pick it up reading its tag, which reads, ''I may not be able to fix my own heart, but I will fix yours.''
~Arron the Lythcol Mechanic
thank you so much for saving me, though someone as beautiful as you should not be doing such things
It's late, and the night is darker than you expected. It's Halloween, though and everyone's out tonight, kids and creeps alike but you're not afraid of anything. Right? The colour with which you've surrounded yourself tonight is enough to make you feel better as a cold wind blasts you as you walk. The hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Something is behind you, though you can't identify quite what. There are no footsteps, no breathing, just a sense. It grows as you press on, unwilling to look behind you. The feeling remains, compelling you to strain your eyes, forcing them to the corners. You turn the corner, but it's still behind you. You can't take it anymore. You wheel around, prepared to take on whatever's chasing you but find only a box on the ground, gold ribbons glittering quietly in the dark. It's yours, if you're brave enough to take it.
Quietly Creeping.
-opens present slowly- BOOOM!!!
XD just kidding
wink thanks for the gift i hope i get that feeling sometime soon