January 21, 2009
Fwahaha. Taylor has been HACKED! >;D By who? KAYLEE! HEH HEH HEH! Wee. Hey. Guess what? Kaylee just HACKED Taylor. ;] Your jealous cause you haven't been hacked by Kaylee. Do you want to be hacked by Kaylee? ;[ Oh wellz. Well, Taylor is like the bestest person in the world. She is probably the ONLY person I talk on the phone with for more then 10 minutes. ;o Haha. I love her guts. ;3 If you don't know this kid...make friends with her now! ;] Unless you are a noob. If you are a noob, I'm sorry about your noob-y-ness. D; Haha. I'm leaving. I WILL HACK AGAIN. I WILL BE BACK. >D FWAHAHAHAHA!
January 21, 2009
Ugh. I just tried hacking you but it logged me out before it got saved so yeah. I am hacking you again. ON THE SAME DAY. ;D And fer people who read my profile, don't listen to Taylor. Don't comment Riku. xD Haha. "I can't get it strait. I'm gay." Lmao. I love that message. Hahaha. I'm probably gunna hack you again in the next five minutes. Haha. xD Woo. You know you love my hacking. ;] I loj you way more then you could ever loj me. <3 TI AMO. xD Haha. MY a**s IS BLEEDING. xD Taylor, I love the shi out of you. ;3 And yes...SHI. I didnt forget the T. xD Heh heh. Yeah. O_O Yes. Isn't hacking FUN!? ;3 Hell yeah. Ohmygod. I'm bored. ARE YOU BORED? CAUSE I'M BORED. LETS BE BORED TOGETHER. Hey Taylorz. Stick a banana in your ear. xD I love you, Yin. <3 Lol. Your hacking me and I'm hacking you. AT THE SAME TIME! ;D Woah. Haha. xD Don't sell any of my stuff. I'd have to slap you. D< Jaykay. Lol. Heh heh. Ohmygod. ;D Well...I will hack you later. Haha. xD Later as in like...2 minutes later. Haha.
January 21, 2009
Heh heh. Heybby. ;3 I'm going to hack you so frickin much! Your page will be spamed with little notes from me. Haha. DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES? XD Sorry. The song just came on. >_< STUPID VOLVO WITH HIS BRIGHTS ON. XD Lmao. Haha. Do you know how awesomely awesome we are? xD CANDYMAN! Wow. Well, anyways...WE ARE REALLY AWESOME. xD Lets just put it at that. ;] Lol. I used to listen to this song non-stop. xD Haha. Then I got sick of it. D; Now I'm listening to it again. xD DRIVETHRU! Haha. So much hacking. ;D One day. Your just going to go edit your profile and then BAM! Another note. FROM WHO? Kayleeeee! ;D Well...I like...gotta go. Dx
January 23, 2009
Kaylee is here gain. ;D I love Taylor so much. ;3 One of the notes that she put on my profile made me cry. x3 Taylor is so much to me you don't even know. I feel I can share anything with her...that I can't even share with my mom. Like she said on my profile, when I feel upset or I am crying, she is there for me. She cries with me. I cry with her. I trust her more then a lot of my best friends. I trust her so much that I gave her my password, number, address, ect. She is the first person on the internet that I have given that information to. She is amazing and I love her. ;3 I would do so much for Taylor. I would slap the boy so hard that made her upset. I would jump off of a cliff for her. I would push her away from the path of a drunk driver and die instead. I would be there for her when she lost a close friend or family member. I. Would. Die. For. Her. And if you haven't figured this out yet...Taylor is my best friend forever. And when I say that...I mean it. <3
January 25, 2009
Heyy. ;] I'm supposed to be doing homewok but instead I'm hacking TAYLOR! ;D Weeeeeeeeee! Haha. IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO APOLOGIZE BBY! <3 Sorry. How much is that? Like... 60? O_o xD Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. You can count that cause I'm waaay to lazy to do that. xD Haha. SOME MORE! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. xD Well anyways. xD It tiz Kaylee again. ;3 If you didnt know. Haha. I'm on the phone with Taylor. ;3 Hahahahahaha. Well. I'ma go now. xD HOMEWORK.
January 27 2009
Hey Babah. <3 Haha. Hellz yeah babah. Kaylee is hacking GAIN! ;D Wee! Ohtayz. Well. Ello Taylors STALKERS. xD I'm listening to Taylor talk to Mark. O_O Fatman. <3 "Hey Mark. Can Taylor have a day off?" O_O WTF! Shanking? WHATTHEPHUCK? O_O Did he just say he was gunna shank you? Okay. Taylor. I don't think your going to get a day off. >_< Um. Haha. Your lazy. Lmfao. I wasn't sure if that was the right answer or not. xD Lmao. Stupid dishes. Do you have to do them? xD DID I JUST HEAR SOMEONE SAY CUMCAKE? I don't think so. Dx Aw. O_e Hey Taylor. Member this. EMO BOYS ARE...EFFING SEXAH. <33 Yayz. ;3 There was this dude on a TV show and he had like...emo hair. And it wasnt working for him. It didn't look right. Haha. Ohmygod. I WROTE IN MY MATH BOOK TODAY "I like waffles :]" And I added the smiley too. x] Lmao. Did you know...I AM ALERGIC TO WAFFLES!? ;D Except for if my mom makes them. O_E And like...those taste wierd. xD I ate a ego one time and like...my throat started to hurt really bad. Then I had nother one. xD The other day. My friend made brownies for all of her friends and she forgot I was alergic. And like. My friend, Darby didn't want hers. So I ate it. And it tasted really good. ;] Then the next day...I tried a WITTLE TINY PIECE of this chocolate bar thingeh and my throat started to hurt in school. >_< So yeahz. xD Haha. Long hacking message. TAYLOR! Your brother like...sent me a PM saying...that you could steal my money. xD I HONESTLY DON'T CARE TAYLORS BROTHER! >D Taylor. You can have all of my money. I don't want it. xD Haha. HEY LOOK! BUTT EXTENTIONS. LMFAO. xD Hahahahaha. Lmfao. Hahaha. HEY! I LOOK LIKE SANTA CLAUSE. Lol. Haha. Since you don't understand what I am talking about...go to my profile and watch the video. If you are not on my friendslist then...You can't veiw my profile so...SORRY. XD Haha. Wellz. Like...I'ma go now. TAYLOR DIDN'T GET HER DAY OFF. xP Lmao. Haha. PEACE OUT! xD Who says that anymore? Haha.
January 28, 2009
Hello Taylorz stalkers. ;D Taylor feels like s**t today. D; I feel so bad and I need to pay her tons of gold because I said sorry I million frickin times! So yeah. Well if your wondering what this sorry thing is about is that one day Lil Miss Kaylee kept saying sorry and Lil Miss Taylor said that Kaylee would have to pay her 1 gold everytime she said sorry and she agreed and now Lil Miss Kaylee has to give Lil Miss Taylor a lot of frickin gold. xD And now TIME FOR SOME SONGS! ;D Ahem. HEY THERE! I LIKE YOUR HAIR! WHO DOES YOUR HAIR? I WANNA GO THAR! PSHYEAH! ;D Blondes. Brunnettes. Red heads...MORE LIKE DREAD HEADS! OHMYGOD! Hey bitches. My sclap itches. I do my own damn hair. Pshyeah. I need more gell. My hair looks like hell. xD Haha. I'm obsessed with this song again. ;D Wooo! xD She just called. Haha. Ohnose she is coughing. Dx
June 23, 2009
Hey dude. Its Kaylz. C: Haven't hacked joo in a while. :B I just wanted to let you know I love you. :3 Thanks for always having my back and going through everything with me. I love talking to you even when it is you singing Love Game or 3Oh!3. C: I loj you so freaking much. ;D Taylor, Your my best friend
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