Here is a city of Secrets. Humans live their lives thinking nothing could possibly go wrong in their beautiful city. However they're wrong. This city truely belongs to the Night World.
The Night World is a secret orginization were those who live cursed by the darkness can live in secretsy. Peace is all the Night World wishes for. The peace between humans and well those who arent human.
Those who belong to the Night World consist of Vampire, Werewolves, Elves, witches, Demons, Shapeshifters, and many others.
The rules are simple..
Each clan keeps to themselves normally. Alliances are allowed as long as there is no fighting. Showing your true nature to humans is forbidden. Falling in love with a human is Forbidden. Changing a human is Forbidden. Talking about the Night World with a human is FORBIDDEN.
If the rules are broken then it is by law that the person responsible for breaking the rules shall be punished "Death" is the usual punishment for law breakers.
A Black Rose is the symbol used by those apart of the Night World. It is displayed on Resturant signs, Club doors and posters, and on clothing.
Night Club called Lunar Darani(spell)
(owned by Witches)
Resturant called Red Dorinku(drink)
(owned by Vampires)
Underground Base where clan meetings are held. However
Wolves are known for holding secret fighting terniments with demons.
Night World School
The Night World believes education is very important so for young students advantages they broke the law and made a deal with human school boards. They night world may use there schools at night time in secret.