Directions: 1)Type your answers into urbandictionary.com 2) Post the first definition to the answer
1) Name? Abigail: A super-sweet girl. Extremely gorgeous and tons of fun. When you meet one you will want to be a huge part of her life but you would have to be very lucky for it to happen. An Abigail will stay on your mind forever so you will know when you meet one. I started dating an Abigail a while back, she is amazing!
2) Your age? 18: The age where an American can: 1. Legally buy pornography 2. Legally buy cigarettes 3. Legally gamble in Indian Casinos 4. Legally be concidered an adult 5. Be tried as an adult in a court of law 6. Be drafted for a war they don't believe in ... but still cannot buy alcohol. Billy: Wow! I turned 18! I'm going to buy cigarettes and gamble in a shoddy Indian casino! Joey: Wow! I turned 21! I'm going to buy vodka and gamble in a real casino! Billy: ... damn country.
3) One of your friends? Ginny: Mispelling of guinea, derogatory slang for Italian "Go 'head, now I'll kill you. You guinea brat you." - Carlo in The Godfather (Look up number Three Gin tht on is more u)
4) What should you be doing? Eating: eat ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t) v. ate, (t) eat·en, (tn) eat·ing, eats v. tr. 1. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption 2. Vulgar slang. To perform oral sex on 3. Informal. To bother or annoy 4. To destroy, ravage, or use up by or as if by ingesting ... Jens: *bored*
5) Favorite color? purple: Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin. Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!
6) Birthplace? Bath: 1. a large shell, can be filled with water for washing. 2. Town near Bristol, UK where the Romans built lots of the above, roman name "aqua sulis" 1. jesus you stink! take a bath! 2. we crucified jesus, now let us build a bath!
7) Birth month? May: may is the month where teachers think that they can control a classroom but really nothing gets done and no one cares about their grades anymore. usually this happens because summer break is only 30 days away "hooray i have math..." "don't worry bro, its may, nothing gets done anymore"
cool Last person you talked to? josh 1003 up, 375 down He is a fun loving guy really funny and can make anyone laugh.He is very quiet at first and seems shy but when you get to know him you will fall in love.He has very good style and always looks handsome.He also always smells really good smile Whos your good looking boyfriend?Oh,that sud muffin?That would be Josh
9) One of your nicknames? Abbie: abbie is a pretty bubbly girl who is up for fun ..... well lyked and always has a gd tym , this normaly long blonded hair girl has a huge grin on her face ..... why not love an abbie ... xoxo ' adam i think im in love with that abbie'
 "oops" My Number One Girl Eleanor Frances Smith <3 On The Quest For Black Inks, Help Me Out??
X-Vampire-Duckie-X · Thu Sep 10, 2009 @ 01:28pm · 0 Comments |