xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx “Avoid conflict, study the enemy, and do your best.”

• Naoko Sarutobi • Twenty-Two • August twenty-sixth. • Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi. • Jounin. • Team 14.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx “Genjutsus are one of the scariest things out there.”
✕ Naoko is an intelligent, and reliable in ninja standards. She likes to avoid conflict as much as possible; unless it is truly necessary. She usually thinks before acting, thus is able to take in various situations calmly. She is sometimes sarcastic; and has a dry sense of humor. Naoko likes to tease those she is close with; and often finding nicknames to match them. (Even though some might be unpleasant.) Though, sometimes she likes to taunt those she is fighting and discuss their weak-points at the same time. Naoko takes her duties, and loyalty to her village very seriously and will most likely show a dislike towards a person if they question either.
✕Naoko was born to a supposed loving family, even though one parent she had never met. Correct. While her mother, Kurenai - the genjutsu master - was still pregnant, her father, Asuma Sarutobi - the son of the third hokage - had died in battle. Thus, leaving her to raise Naoko by herself. She didn't mind that she was missing a father, seeing how fortunate she was to have a mother compared to other orphans. She inherited her looks from her mother. The natural red-ringed eyes, would have been a dead-giveaway.
While she was in her early years, she mother had taken a withdrawal on being a kunoichi in order to raise her properly. By the age of 5, she enrolled into the Ninja Academy, in hopes of following her parent's footsteps. She wasn't at the top of her class (unlike others), but she wasn't dead last. After a few years in the academy, she finally became a Genin at the age of 11, along with her own respective team and sensei.
Right after she became a genin, she decided to be a genjutsu-master; like her mother was. Though seeing how a ninja couldn't rely on one thing only, she then started learning ninjutsus too. Most of her techniques are a variation of her mothers, or one completely created by herself. Unlike other clans who had Kekkei Genkai's to help with theirs, Naoko learned throughout hard work, and experiencing them first-hand to gain experience on them.
At the age of 14, she finally took her first chuunin exams, and passed it along with her team. She was satisfied with this rank for a few years, before gaining the motivation to gain another rank. After a few more years of training, at the age of 17, she became a jounin for Konohagakure. Her family's home village. During this time, she became more and more busy with dangerous missions, each one giving her more stories to tell when she had her own genin team. At the age of 21, she had been requested to teach her own team. She was appointed to teach team 14. She had her genin team formed a year earlier than others, causing them to become known as the stealth and co-operation squad for their tight bonds. Her students to her, are like her younger siblings. Though, it might not show during training and tests.
✕ Naoko is a genjutsu-master, following her mother's footsteps. As stated before, most of her genjutsu techniques are modified versions of her mothers; or ones created from scratch. Her most used genjutsu is of her enemies greatest fear to come to life, or a grotesque version of themselves attacking the original. From the start of her ninja career, she displayed a great potential of genjutsu. But, since a ninja can't rely on one thing alone, her second choice would be ninjutsu. Her chakra nature type is fire, and she uses that for her advantage on her twin retractable knives.
✕ Naoko is only 5'5, an average height for someone her age. She used twin knives during battle as her main weapon. The blades on each weapon is coated with a thin layer of fire chakra, to give a small burn on whatever it cuts. Unlike her fellow shinobi, she does not keep her kunai pouch strapped on her thighs. Instead, the pouch is often found in one of her sweater pockets. While the other carries scrolls. Since her sweater is over-sized, you can barely see it though.
[ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx “It's quick, but the effects are fatal and sometimes traumatizing. Would you like to try it out?”

☑ Fruits. Training. Teasing/taunting people. Missions. Team 14. Spicy foods.
☒ Greasy foods. Lazing around. War. Extremely hot weather. Losing to her own team.
☐ Crimson. #1F3548. Dimgray.
JEGUS · Sun Dec 12, 2010 @ 11:08pm · 0 Comments |