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View User's Journal

Beings of time
I'm useing my journal so people can see my book I'm working on.
Chapter one
It was a fogy night and a shriek of terror is heard in the distance. On the outskirts of a village, a huge, ugly, horned demon stood in front of three humans. The demon was huge, and ugly. He was red, with white hair going down his neck, and he had two horns on his head. “Give me the girl, I hunger.” The huge demon roared. “Daddy I don’t want to be eaten.” The girl cried. “I’m sorry, but giving you to this demon will make the village safe.” The father said in sorrow. “I’m sorry we are late.” The other villager said. “Grrr.” The demon’s stomach growled. “Because you were late, I’m going to eat the girl right here in front of you.” The demon roared as he picked up the girl. “Daddy!!” The girl cried. “NOOOO!” The father cried.
All Of sudden the huge demon goes flying into a tree. The girl started fall down to the ground. She was caught by a hooded figure. The hooded figure sat the girl back on the ground. “Go over to your dad.” The hooded figure said softly. The girl ran to her father. “Who the hell did that?!” The demon roared angrily. “I did.” The hooded figure said still sounding calm. “I’m going to kill you for that!” The demon yelled as he stood back up. “You talk big for someone who is so weak.” The hooded figure said mockingly. “What? I was going to eat you. But I’d think you would give me heart burn.” Roared the big demon now pissed. “So now I’m just going to kill you instead.” The demon swung his huge claw at the hooded figure, shredding the hooded figure’s hood to pieces, showing his face. His face looked like it belonged to a fifteen year old boy. He had brownish hair. But his eyes were completely red.
“I guess…this won’t be as much fun as I first thought.” The now unhooded figure said with a little disappointment in his voice. “What? You think you can fight me.” The demon laughed. “Don’t make me laugh.” The demon threw a punch at the figure. The figure stopped the demon’s punch in its track with an open hand. The demon tried to force his fist forward, but it didn’t move. “You can’t be this strong.” The demon said worriedly. The demon pulled is hand back and threw another punch at the figure. “Light speed dash.” As the figure said that everything started to slow down around him, so slow it was like they weren’t even moving, even the demon was slowed down. He walked behind the demon. Things started speed up to normal.
The demon’s fist continued and hit the ground. “Where did you go?” The demon asked him. “I’m behind you.” The figure said. He put his foot on the demon’s back. And with hardly any effort he sent the demon flying into a group of trees, with just a tap of his foot. The demon struggled to stand back up. “W-who a-are you?” The demon struggled to ask. “I’m TJ Kizune.” The figure answered. The demon smelled the air. “Your to strong to be human, but you don’t smell like a demon.” The demon said standing up. “Your right, I’m not a human, and I’m not a demon.” TJ said. “Then what are you?” The demon asked. “I’m a dragon.” TJ said. “I haven’t killed a dragon before.” The demon said running at TJ claws behind him ready to slash TJ. “And you won’t be able to kill a dragon.” TJ said drawing out his sword that was hidden by his robe, and slashing the demon’s hand off.
“Aaagghhh!” The demon shouted as his hand flew into the air, and blood shot out from his arm and his disembodied hand. “My hand, how dare you!” The demon yelled. The demon slashed at TJ with his other hand, just to find that he didn’t and couldn’t cut TJ. “What the hell?” The demon shouted has he noticed he didn’t cut TJ just his rode and his shirt underneath his robe. “I’m a dragon; you can’t cut through my skin.” TJ told him. “But it looks like human skin.” The demon said in fear. “Yes, it does look like human skin. But it is really dragon skin.” TJ said. “Now its time for you to die.” TJ slashed the demon in half with his sword. The demon had no time to say anything else.
TJ stabbed his sword into the ground to clean the blood off of it. Both the top and the bottom halves of the demon fell to the ground. Blood shot from both halves of the demon coloring the grass red. TJ sheathed his sword and started to walk away. His eyes were now green and not red.
“Wait!” The father of the girl shouted at TJ. “You saved my daughter; you must stay and have something to eat.” TJ stopped. “I wish I could but…” TJ paused. “But I’ll bring danger to your village if I stay any longer.” TJ started to walk again. The girl ran up to TJ and tugged on his robe. TJ stopped again and looked down to the girl. “Thank you for saving me. Here have this.” She said as she reached into her pocket of her kimono and pulled out a necklace made of shells and it had a small ruby on it. She handed it to TJ. “It’s a good luck charm. My older brother found it one day in the woods. He gave it to me as a good luck charm. But I want you to have it now.” The girl said. TJ took the necklace and put it in a pocket of robe. “Thanks.” TJ said walking off again, fading into the night.
Somewhere else in the same woods, there was another demon but this one looked more like a human monk with dark brown hair, sat on the ground an sipped some tea. A big yet smaller demon than the other one that TJ killed ran at the human looking demon sipping tea. “Polymerize the divine crystal is mine.” The demon said grabbing a purple crystal sitting next to the human looking demon. “Actually that’s mine.” The human looking demon said as he shot a ball of demonic aura at the other demon. It exploded and bits and pieces of the demon flew everywhere.
Polymerize the divine crystal flew up into the air and split into Twenty pieces. They flew in every direction. One piece fell right in front of the human looking demon. “********.” The human looking demon said looking up into the sky. Another demon jumped out of the forest. This one looked kind of like a human to but his skin a light blue and he has short sliver hair.
“Lucimo I finally found you!” The other demon shouted at the human looking demon. “Oh, hi Mochim.” Lucimo said staring up at the sky. “I’m here for the crystal, now hand it over.” Mochim demanded. “Here you go.” Lucimo said tossing him one of the crystal shards. “What the hell is this?” Mochim asked. “A piece of the crystal.” Lucimo answered. “What do you me…?” Mochim paused. “You broke the crystal.” Mochim said now sounding a little pissed. “It wasn’t my fault. A demon ran trough here and grabbed the crystal. Then another demon ran pass shot some kind of beam at the other demon. Then the crystal flew up into the air and spilt into many pieces.” Lucimo fibbed.
Mochim had his eyes closed nodding his head. “Well while you were telling me that lie I read your mind and found out the truth. And that was pretty stupid of you to use that powerful of attack on him.” Mochim said. He opened his eyes. “Damn. I forgot you could read minds.” Lucimo said. Mochim looked at the shard of the crystal. “I wonder how much power this small shard has.” Mochim said to himself. Lucimo stood up and walked over to Mochim. “I figure about one maybe two fusions.” Lucimo said looking at the crystal.
Mochim looked at Lucimo. “How do you figure?” Mochim asked. “Well I can see aura, and the aura coming off the shard isn’t as strong as it is when it was whole.” Lucimo answered. “Oh. Well…I better start looking for the other shards.” Mochim said as he started to walk off. “Mochim wait.” Lucimo said. “What is it?” Mochim asked as he stopped. “We should work together in finding the shards.” Lucimo said. “Why should we?” Mochim asked. “Because you need my help to find them, and I need your help to fight demons that have a shard.” Lucimo said. “Why do I need your help finding the shards?” Mochim asked. “I can see aura, you can’t. And Polymerize the divine crystal has aura that is much different then most auras.” Lucimo answered. “So I can just read minds to get leads on the shards.”
Mochim said as he started to walk away. “But what if Taizuki gets a shard.” Lucimo said. “We both know we can’t fight the general of the demon army alone. We would need to team up and fight him.” Mochim was silent. “And we both know that he is looking for the crystal, and he has probably already have heard of the crystal being split. And he might even have one by now.” Lucimo said. “Fine, but if we do run into Taizuki. I get the finishing blow on him.” Mochim said. He turned around and started walking to Lucimo. “Deal.” Lucimo said. “So which way has the closest shard?” Mochim asked. Lucimo looked around. “That way.” Lucimo said pointing to the east. “Okay, let’s get going.” Mochim said walking to the east. Lucimo followed Mochim.
Few hundred yards away TJ was walking through the forest trying to find someone. Then he saw something sparkle in the grass a few feet in front of him. TJ walked over to it and picked it up. “What is this?” TJ asked himself. Lucimo and Mochim were running in the direction of the shard. “Oh no.” Lucimo said worriedly. “What is it?” Mochim asked. “Someone picked up the shard that we are heading towards.” Lucimo said. “So, we’ll just have to get the shard from it.” Mochim said. “I don’t think we can, his aura is much stronger then Taizuki.” Lucimo said. “What? How can that be, Taizuki is the second strongest demon there is.” Mochim said a little surprised. “But the thing is he doesn’t have a demonic aura, or a human aura.” Lucimo said. “What, that’s impossible.” Mochim said with a surprised look on his face.
TJ herd someone talking a few yards away. “Heat Vision.” TJ said under his breath. His eyes turned from green to red. He looked in the direction he heard the talking. This was to the left of him. He saw two figures in the woods running straight towards him. TJ came into view for Mochim and Lucimo. “Hey, you.” Mochim said stopping in font of TJ. “Did you find a shard of a crystal?” Lucimo asked as he stopping behind Mochim. TJ held the shard up so they could see it. “You mean this thing? I just found it.” TJ said throwing it up into the air and catching it. “Can you give that to me?” Mochim asked. “Why do you want it?” TJ asked. “It is a shard of a very powerful crystal called Polymerize the divine crystal. It can fuse any one with any thing.” Lucimo said. “This thing is a very powerful crystal?” TJ questioned. “Yes, well part of it anyways.” Mochim answered, he glanced at Lucimo. “I guess you guys can have it.” TJ said tossing the shard over to them. Lucimo caught it. “You’re just giving it to us?” Lucimo asked. “Yep I have no us for it.” TJ said as he started to walk away.
“Now that we have two we can easily win against Taizuki.” Lucimo said looking at the shards. TJ froze in his tracks. “Did you just say you were going to fight Taizuki?” TJ asked. “Yeah, why do you care?” Mochim asked. “Taizuki the general of the demon army?” TJ asked. “Yep.” Lucimo said. “Do you know where he his?” TJ asked. “Yes, we do.” Mochim said getting a little pissed because TJ keep asking questions. “I need to go with you guys.” TJ said. “What why?” Lucimo asked. “Because Taizuki is probably near Michioko, and I need to kill Michioko.” TJ said with anger in his voice. “What? You want to fight Michioko the King of demons!” Mochim exclaimed. “Are you crazy? He’ll tear you to bits!” TJ turned around. He glared at them with anger in his eyes. “He kidnapped my girlfriend, and killed my best friend. And he wants to kill me so he can take a power I have so he can kill my girlfriend and take a power she has so he can become a god.” TJ said with more and more anger in his voice by the second. “What the hell are you talking about?” Lucimo asked. “Have you heard the legend of the God of Time?” TJ asked.
“Yeah, everyone has.” Lucimo said. “Well actually…I haven’t.” Mochim admitted. “You haven’t heard the legend.” Lucimo said. “Well the legend goes that at the begging of time three babies were born at the same time. The babies were destined to be the Beings of Time. Two were males and one was a female. The female was and angle and she was to be the Angle of Time, one of the males was a demon and he was to be the Demon of Time. And the other male was of an instinct race he was a dragon and he was to be the Warrior of Time. The three of them would have to kill one another to gain the others power. The last to be standing would be God of Time. They say they are still fighting to this very day.” Lucimo said with a smug look on his face because he knew something Mochim didn’t know.
Mochim had a look of disbelief on his face. “And the legend is more then a just a legend.” TJ said. “And how do you know?” Lucimo asked. “Because…” TJ paused. “I’m the Warrior of Time. Michioko is the Demon of Time. And My girlfriend Jeanna is the Angel of Time.” TJ said. Both Lucimo and Mochim had a look of disbelief on there faces. “If you were the Warrior of Time then you would be a dragon.” Lucimo said. “I am.” TJ replied. “Yeah right if you’re a dragon then I wouldn’t be able to stab you with this knife.” As Lucimo said that he tried to stab TJ with the knife. When the blade hit TJ the knife snapped. “Y-y-you are a dragon.” Mochim stuttered. “I wasn’t lying.” TJ said. “And that means King Michioko is the Demon of Time as well the king of demons.” Lucimo said. “And you said your girlfriend name is Jeanna.” Mochim said. “Yeah.” TJ said. “Well good news is she is still alive. Michioko always has her with him.” Mochim said. “I know she’s alive.” TJ responded. “You do?” Lucimo questioned. “Yes, because if he kills her without my Warrior of Time powers he won’t get her Angle of Time powers from her.” TJ said.
Lucimo and Mochim wore a confused look on there faces. “This is getting to confusing.” Lucimo said. “Why would the God of Time do that?” Mochim asked. “He did that so no one would be the new god of time, because it was destiny that the Warrior of Time and the Angel of Time would fall in love. And that the Demon of Time would be evil.” TJ said. “We should get going then if we are to find Michioko and Taizuki” Mochim said. “So where are they?” TJ asked. “Probably at Michioko’s palace.” Lucimo said. “Lead the way.” TJ said. Mochim and Lucimo started walking. They both stopped. “If we show you the way, you have to help find the crystal shards.” Lucimo said. “Okay deal.” TJ said. Lucimo and Mochim continued walking TJ followed them.
A few Miles away out of the forest near a cliff, there were human like wolves. The wolves were fighting these giant demons that were green and had one eye, and there were many of them to. The wolves they started transforming into humans with wolf tails. The wolves were having a tough time fighting the demons. Then one of the wolves jumped off a higher cliff fist back ready to hit one of the demons. He trusted his fist forward and it went into the demon’s eye. It didn’t really do anything. The wolf jumped to the top of the demons head. He grabbed his sword and stabbed it into the demon’s head. The demon screeched making the ears of the wolf bleed. The demon smacked the wolf off his head. There was too many of the demons for the wolves. “Sir these demons are to strong.” A wolf looking like a human said to another wolf looking like a human. “I know we might have to retreat.” Said one of human looking wolf. “But Ward…” The one wolf was interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it. We might have to leave our home if we can’t win.” Ward said.
Then all of a sudden there was an explosion, sending a lot of the demons flying and hitting into the side of the cliff and sending some of them off the cliff, falling and smashing into the ground. Rocks and other debris went flying all over the place, smoke was everywhere. The Smoke started to clear away, a figure started to appear from the smoke. The figure reached behind his back and pulled out a sword. He ran at the demons, he swung his sword by every demon he ran by. The figure stopped when he reached ward. Demons heads flew, top halves of demons fell to the ground, and blood was spraying everywhere. The figure was covered in the blood; he cleaned the blade of his sword by stabbing it into the rock of the cliff, as the rest of the smoke cleared. He had a fearsome look in his eyes. His eyes were as red as magma, he had a semi long black hair, and the front of his hair was sliver, He had a long black robe that was open, he had black pants and a black shirt. He looked around and saw no more live demons. He closed his eyes and now they were brown.
“Nice work Kai.” Ward said with a smile on his face. “You guys had trouble with those things?” Kai asked. “Only a little.” Ward said jokingly. A lot of the wolves started bowing. “We are sure glad to see you Kai.” One of the wolves said. “Guys don’t bow; I told you already I don’t like people bowing to me.” Kai said pulling his sword out of the rock and putting it back into its sheath on his back. The wolves stood back up. They walked towards they’re cave. “I wonder why those demons attacked us.” A wolf said leaning against the cave wall. “They wanted are home.” Another wolf said. “No they probably were sent by Michioko.” Ward said. “He knows that we are threat, if we have the whole pack against him.” Kai walked up behind Ward. “He doesn’t know that I came back yet so he thinks you guys are dead or most of you any way. So we have a chance to hit him while he thinks he has the advantage.” Kai said. “Yeah let’s get him.” Most of the wolves said. “But if he has a stronger military strength then us…” Ward paused. “All of us may die.” The den was silent. “I won’t let that happen. I’ll bring every military force I have in this dimension, and if I have to bring in more forces from other dimensions.” Kai said with a flare in his eyes.
Kai walked to the mouth of the cave. “I’ll go gather all of the troops.” Kai said, and then he disappeared. Ward walked over to the mouth of the cave; he looked around to make sure that there were no more demons around. He walked back in. “Okay, we need to start to make a plan.” Ward said walking back over to the rest of the wolves.
In a huge palace Michioko was sitting in his throne with Jeanna sitting right next to him. Her pupils were large, like she was zoned out, her hair was blue, her angel wings folded behind her, and she was wearing a bright yellow kimono with pink and red flowers on it. Michioko wasn’t wearing a shirt like always, he had black metal gloves on that looked like claws, and his eyes were a maroon, his black fallen angel wings folded behind his back, and he had black jeans that led down to his black metal boots that he wore.
Michioko looked bored like always did, and Jeanna just sat there with her hands crossed over her lap. “Michioko sir.” A small demon said as he ran up to Michioko. “What is it?” Michioko asked a little frustrated because nothing was happening really. “Sir the Cyclopes haven’t returned yet.” The small demon said worriedly. “So, they just are probably eating the remains of the wolves.” Michioko said. “I don’t think so sir, they usually don’t take this long to eat.” The small demon said. “I don’t really care.” Michioko said. “But what if they lost me lord?” The Small demon asked. “I highly doubt it. The only way they would loose is if…” Michioko paused. “Maybe, but I highly doubt it.” Michioko said as he talked to himself. “Me lord?” The small demon questioned. “Get me the crystal ball.” Michioko ordered. The small demon ran over and grabbed a semi-large ball made of crystal. “And get Miyoshi in here. Now!” Michioko ordered. A demon that was kind of small but bigger then the other small demon came in. He had a really big head, and he was a yellowish color. “Now Miyoshi use the crystal ball to see the mouth of the north wolf pack’s cave.” Michioko said. “Right away me lord.” Miyoshi said as he grabbed the crystal ball. A cloud formed inside the ball and showed the mouth of the cave, and it showed the remains of the Cyclopes’ bodies. “My suspicions are right. Kai has returned, and knowing Kai he is going to get revenge.” Michioko said talking to himself again. “Me lord?” Both demons asked in unison. “Prepare all troops, a war is about to break out.” Michioko Ordered. “Yes me lord.”
The small demon said running off to gather the troops. “Taizuki get in here!” Michioko shouted. A demon that looked like a human walked in. He had a long robe on covering his whole body. “Yes lord Michioko?” Taizuki asked. “Prepare yourself for battle Taizuki, there is going to be a war.” Michioko said. “A war with whom, me lord?” Taizuki asked. “With Kai and his dogs.” Michioko told him. “I’ll ready myself right away me lord.” Taizuki said then he walked out of the room.
A couple of miles away from Michioko’s palace TJ, Lucimo, and Mochim were getting ready for battle. The sun was getting ready to rise and I would be at full strength, and the moon is so close you can still see it; Kai would be at full strength as well. TJ thought as he got ready for battle. “So Lucimo do you think we will have to use the shards in the fight?” Mochim asked. “Most likely, were going to go up against the demon army, and if worse comes shove, then we might need to fuse again.” Lucimo answered. TJ stood up and where he was standing he could see Michioko’s palace. “Okay Michioko, this is where it ends.” TJ said aloud like he was talking to Michioko face to face.
Back at the cliff Kai and all of his wolves, foxes, Dogs, and all other canines he could find, all readied for battle. “Kai we are all prepared for war.” Ward told Kai. “Good, now let’s get a move on.” Kai said and everyone started to walk out of the cave and headed for Michioko’s palace.
Michioko was out side waiting for the up coming war. His demons were all around the grounds. The humans that live in the village that Michioko’s palace is located in cowered in there homes hoping none of them get hurt.
Kai and his canine army got to a huge wall surrounding the village. “Okay this is going to be a horrible war many of you might die. If any one wants to leave, now is your chance.” Kai told everyone. All the canines stayed in there positions ready for war. “Okay everyone ready?” Kai asked. “Yes sir!” All of them answered in unison. “Okay, on the count of three. Three, two, one!” Kai shouted out. He punched the wall and it crumbled away. “Charge!” Ward shouted out. All the canines ran through the hole in the wall swords, spears, bows, blunt objects, and claws ready for an attack.
“Me lord the north wall has been knocked down.” The small demon warned. “Finally, war has broken out, Demons attack and destroy!” Michioko ordered, demons started to jump off buildings and attacked the canines. Blades rang as they hit each other, bows have been fired, arrows soaring through the air and landing in skulls, arms, legs, and bodies on both sides. Taizuki appeared on top of the Palace. “This is going to be fun.” Taizuki said. He jumped off the Palace landing in front of a few wolves; He drew out two swords and slashed the wolves with them. Blood flew every where; it covered Taizuki and his swords.
Two figures were standing on top of the wall. A blast of energy hit right in front of Taizuki “Hey Taizuki your battle is with us.” One of the figures said. “Ah Mochim and Lucimo long time no see, how are my little rebellions doing?” Taizuki asked while looking in the direction that the blast of energy came from. “We are here to kick your a**!” Lucimo Shouted over the ringing of blades. “Then come on down and try it!” Taizuki Shouted back at them.
Back at the Palace Michioko was sitting on the edge of a balcony watching the battle. “Michioko you violated our agreement.” Kai said putting his sword in front of Michioko’s neck. “Oh Kai I didn’t expect that you would come back so soon.” Michioko said with an evil smirk on his face. “You knew that I was going to be back, because you wanted a war.” Kai said. “You’re not as stupid as I think Kai.” Michioko said disappearing and reappearing behind Kai. Kai swung his sword at Michioko, but Michioko blocked the sword with his own. “I see you’re as quick as ever Michioko.” Kai complemented. “Why thank you Kai.” Michioko said evilly.
“Michioko I’m going to kill you!!!” TJ shouted as he jumped from the top of Michioko’s palace sword out and ready to slash at Michioko. Michioko blocked TJ’s sword then he grabbed TJ’s head and slammed TJ onto the floor. TJ quickly got back to his feet. “Sorry you two I have to leave, you know taking over every dimension.” Michioko said. “You chicken, leaving when it is about to get good.” Kai said. “Sorry but I think I should leave the brothers alone and argue.” Michioko taunted. “I’m not letting you get away, Bio shock!” TJ said running at him with his hand covered in lightning. “Dimensional vortex.” As Michioko said that he put his hand in the air. A purple vortex formed and stayed in one spot. “Jeanna let’s go.” Michioko said. “No your not!” TJ said hand out getting closer to TJ. “Twisted fire.” Michioko said. Black fire started to form around his hand. He hit it against TJ’s hand. He grabbed TJ’s hand and tossed him back over near Kai. Jeanna got up and walked over to Michioko. “Jeanna Snap out of it he his controlling you!” TJ shouted at her. She ignored him and walked into the vortex. “TJ she won’t answer you unless I tell her to.” Michioko said. He walked into the vortex and then it diapered.
“No Jeanna!” TJ cried out. “To bad little brother but she won’t matter to you in the after life.” Kai said putting his sword in front of TJ’s neck. Tears were running down TJ’s face. “Kai, do you have to do this now?” TJ asked. “Yes I do, I want your powers.” Kai said. TJ pushed the sword away and stood up. Kai dropped the sword a little bit. TJ wiped the tears away from his eyes. He walked a little bit away then stood there and turned around. “Fine then, bring it.” TJ said with a smile on his face. “That’s my little brother I know, always happiest during a fight.” Kai said. “Sorry brother but I need to find Michioko. Lucimo, Mochim I got to go, dimensional portal.” TJ said. He put his hand in the air and a purple portal formed. “Not so fast little brother.” Kai said ramming into TJ and they both went into the portal. The portal closed.
Both Kai and TJ were in the Dimension realm everywhere you looked you saw nothing but darkness. Except there seemed to be enough light to see around. “I told you I need to find Michioko, Dimensional portal.” TJ said. He put his hand in the air and opened up another portal. “I’m not going to let you get away.” Kai said running at TJ. “Dimensional Portal.” TJ said quickly. He stuck his hand right in front of Kai and another portal opened up. Kai couldn’t stop in time. He went into the portal sending him into another Dimension. “That’ll stop you for now.” TJ said walking into the other portal he had opened. The portal closed.
Back in the other Dimension, Lucimo and Mochim were still fighting Taizuki and the war was still going. “I can’t believe TJ left.” Lucimo said. “You should pay attention to me, instead of your friend.” Taizuki said trying to slash at them. “We can’t win.” Lucimo told Mochim. “We have one thing we can do.” Mochim said. “Your right, we have to do it.” Lucimo said. “What are you two planning?” Taizuki asked. Lucimo took out a shard of Polymerize the divine crystal. They put they’re hands together. “Fusion!” Both of them yelled in unison. The shard started to glow a dim red, then it got brighter so bright that no one could see.
Then the light started to dim but there was only one figure where Lucimo and Mochim had been standing. “Meet Mochimo.” The figure said with a voice that sounded like both Lucimo and Mochim were talking at the same time. Mochimo looked like a human with silver hair but he was the same robe that Lucimo had on. And he had a sword from that both Lucimo and Mochim had. “So what, you fused together big deal.” Taizuki said. Mochimo took out the remaining shard and drew out both swords. “Blade fusion!” Mochimo said. A Bright blue light started to come from the second shard. Then it started to dim, the swords were one. “I will finally kill you Taizuki the general of the demon army.” Mochimo said. “Dimensional vortex.” Taizuki said. He put one hand in the air. A vortex opened and he jumped into it. “Chicken!” Mochimo said mockingly before the Vortex disappeared.
They began to kill the other demons soon all of Michioko’s demons were killed. Ward walked up to Mochimo. “Thanks for your help.” Ward said. “No problem.” Mochimo said. A bright purple light came from Mochimo and his sword. After the light dimed they were separate again. “I can’t believe we actually scared Taizuki.” Lucimo said. “You two are always welcomed to help the canine army when ever you want.” Ward said. “If you need help we’ll be there.” Mochim said. The Survivors of the war walked off into the distance. The Wolves, Foxes, Dogs, Coyotes, and all the other canines went back to their dens for a good long rest.

Kai kizune 13
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Kai kizune 13
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