My Dad and Stepmum (I still haven't got over the fact that she is my stepmum. And they have all been potrayed as some kind of evil, when she is so nice), got married on 1st October. My parents split up when i was young, but anywys, to the point...
My Dad still live is Bosnia, and of all the time he had to tell me they were getting married, he tole me 2, i repeat 2, days earlier!!! I mean, he hadn't event told me they were engaged!! And, to top it all off, he says the were considering getting married a month earlier, when I went to visit them! So, of course he knew the whole time! Okay, I wouldn't have minded if he said that they couldn't have the wedding when I was there, but I could have made it to the wedding in October(taken 2 days off school + weekend)!! (excuse me now, while I go choke on my exclamation marks sweatdrop )
Thank you, it feels nice to tell it to someone, and I feel much less angry, now that it's in the open. I nearly told my Dad what I thought, but after some consultation with myself, I decided against it.
Now I'm visiting them over Christmas holidays, but I just feel so nervous. I mean...she's his wife now, not girlfriend anymore. It feels so weird.
Call Me Anabel · Wed Nov 16, 2005 @ 08:58pm · 0 Comments |
Hi, ppl! Yeah, I've just started learning Japaneese. Although I'm sure it won't last long. I've been learning French for three years, but I can say more usefull things in Japaneese then in French!
I'm off now to write a song. C ya soon heart
Call Me Anabel · Sun May 01, 2005 @ 08:42pm · 0 Comments |