Stuff about me *format stolen from kobayashi*
01. Name: FallenMessiahX
02. Nicknames: Seiya, Fallen, FMX
03. Screen name: FallenMessiah, Beatrix-Kiddo123
04. Age: 23
05. Grade: Junior in college
06. GPA: 3.0 give or take
07. Sex: Male
08. Birthday: July 17, 1981
09. Zodiac sign: Cancer
10. Hospital where you were born: St. Joseph, Denver Colorado
11. Location: Denver, Colorado.
12. Height: 5'8
13. Hair Color: Black
14. Big Hands or Small Hands: Hands of a 12 year old boy hehee
15. Eye color: Brown
16. Siblings: Older sister, younger brother.
17. Parents names: Jessie & Jess
18. Hobbies: Drawing, reading manga, listening to Jpop and other music, watching anime.
47. Food: I like to eat
48. Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner: All of them...im a fat a**
49. TV show: Will & Grace
50. Movie: I like alot....Kill Bill, Night of the Living Dead series.
52. Band/Group: Alot...too many to list
53. Color/s: hmmm used to be red but now I am not sure
55. Actor(s): I don't know
56. Actress(s): I don't know
57. Weekend Activity: Being lazy.
58. Favorite day of the week: Days I don't work
59. Month: July....my birthday
60. Book: I don't read
61. Holiday: ALL!
62. Number(s): 7, 13
63. Cookie: Choco-chip
64. Phrase you overuse: Whatever
65. Toothpaste: It changes every time I run out.
66. Ice Cream: Oreo, chocholet chip cookie dough
67. Candy Bar/Candy: peach rings, twizzlers
68. Teacher: Mr. Miagi
70. Restaurant: Olive garden, chipolte
71. Channel: Fox, NBC
72. Radio Station: 95.7
73. Type of music: Jrock, pop, jpop, electronica, alot actually
74. Shampoo/Conditioner: Nutrogina
75. Song: God I don't know....so many
76. Music Video: I have to think about that one
77. Sport: I hate sports
78. Website: fallenmessiahx.deviantart.com
79. Relative: ehe
82. Friends: Rekka, Kobayashi, Mirai, Miso, Seiya, Noah, Tiff, Megs plus others.
83. Person you most admire: no one...and everyone
84. Most loved person: Pretty Knowah
85. *N Sync OR BSB: Neither.
86. Peanut butter OR Jelly: peanut butter
87. coke or pepsi: Coke
88. Boxers OR Briefs: Boxers
89. Matt OR Ben: Neither
90. MTV OR VH1: VH1
100. Apples OR Oranges: Apples
101. Vanilla OR Chocolate: chocolate
102. Flowers OR Candy: Both XP
That was silly. I'm hungry now.