Contact, Vampyres, inFLUenza, and stuff about meenie in RL |
Soo, I got contacts. I went to my second cousin's eye-shop-place and I couldn't read ANYTHING on the wall without my glasses. Not even the BIG E.
my power is -7.00 in my right eye and -7.50 in my left. Yeah, peoples, meenie ish blind.
Oh, and he said that I'm getting eye surgery to correct my vision for good in a couple of years...no questions asked. I guess it's not so bad, they don't use blades anymore, just lasers. Anyways I'm going to a similar field. Reconstructive surgery, anyone?
GAHHH. I'm still getting used to PUTTING something IN my eye.
Sketch I drew a few days ago:

So the 'change back' page from the Halloween event is finally gone, as a friend on Gaia frantically PM'ed me a WHILE ago. So, I can't turn back into a human. I'll forever have my grey/violet eyes as an anorexic looking-vampyre. Now I can't wear all my orange stuff (I had orange eyes)! Tragic.
Well, not really. I suppose I could wear my orange torque shades of the jack's visor. Not all is lost. And it's only Gaia. =_=
ADFAKLUDFKLS! My sister broke my camera! Well. people said she sat on it while it was in a her purse...COVERLESS. >_> Technically it's isn't broken, only the viewing screen is, so I can point it in the general direction I JUST might get a crappy picture, but you never know..... I've gotten a new one, a Canon PowerShot SD1000, but I'm still getting used to the features, focus, zoom, and all that.
In the meanwhile, I'm sick, and for some reason my back's been hurting. More like it's so sore I can't wait to get out of bed. I found out it's the flu.
I AM SO FREAKING COLD. *tugs blanket closer*
So Happy Merrymas peoples! Haha, merrymas, instead of Christmas. I wanted to make it nonreligious. Though I am Christian, Jesus Christ wasn't born in the winter, most people say His birthday was around April; yes, that's right, around EASTER. XDDD
meenie · Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 05:17am · 0 Comments |
First Time in the Avatar Arena |
I guess it wasn't so bad. In the end my ranking was 500....but I think that's only because my rank was really 0....
I didn't save a picture of it but the image is in the banner at left I used to advertise.
My average vote was 7.677, rated 132 times.
Maybe I'll try again sometime int the future...not too soon though. *nods*
meenie · Mon Nov 27, 2006 @ 05:38am · 0 Comments |
My Quilt (under construction)
Here's my patch:

meenie · Tue Oct 17, 2006 @ 04:28am · 0 Comments |
The future of Gaiaonline.....(the Beta testing phase) |
meenie · Tue Apr 25, 2006 @ 04:18am · 0 Comments |
I've been trying to make my own profile lately. I've been mainly studying other profile themes and figuring them out so I can understand CSS. CSS is difficult to learn! I'm having trouble making the sections seperate (separating the Profile and wishlist boxes from the Details and Friendlist boxes). If anyone has any tips to make mine better, PM me. (This depends on when you're reading this of course......)
I realised that the dots on the border of the sectiosn look different depending on waht server you view it through. On IE, the dots look like diamonds and on Firefox, they look like squares. XD I think they look cooler as diamonds.
meenie · Mon Apr 24, 2006 @ 08:25pm · 0 Comments |
uynn just gve me 15k. Out of the blue, he did. He's leaving and he's offering 100k to a random person who has a quest thread. You have to post the link to it and he'll randomly choose the lucky winner. I didn't have one (I'm planning to but that's in the future, sometime......), but he just sent me a trade titled "Nice Avatar" with 15000g. @_______@ *hugs*
Now, I'm not sure if I should buy the G-LOL gown now. >_< I guess I don't want to feel the way I did when I bought the Lunar Cloak..... Why I am I so undecided?? sweatdrop
meenie · Wed Apr 12, 2006 @ 04:59am · 0 Comments |
I just splurged practically ALL of my gold on a Lunar Cloak. Now I'm saving up for a G-LOL Orange Gown.
BlacKnight88 gave me a Violet PomPom Scarf! But I think it's because I kept complaining that I was so poor from the Lunar Cloak. To shut me up, he looked at my Wishlist and bought one for me.
This entry should have been typed ten days back........
meenie · Wed Apr 12, 2006 @ 04:56am · 0 Comments |