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A girl never kills and tells..Or was that kisses and tells.. **shrugs and washes the blood off hand.

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A Rant On Thesaurus-Humper Descriptions. (Based On Furcadia)
I have come to the point where I am in a state of exasperation so thorough that I have decided to create a rant on the subject. I am tired of seeing thesaurus humper descriptions. They used to be secluded to only feral roleplaying dreams, which was bad enough, but to my, and many others horror - have expanded into many other areas of Furcadia. The following is an example of the thesarus description that makes me want to throw up my recently eaten bagel onto the shoes of the people who use their description area in such a way. The wonderful translation is by my good friend Magi.

You see Cocoa Bluetail > Nigrescent n' tawny lupus jogs, talons digging into bailiwick. Tympanums foreward, taberies gaze 'pon periphery 'o glebe. Orifice parted widly in a yawn, porcelains showed. Statueaque stalwart anatomy bounced, aigrette swayed to and fro. Figurine emitted barks exuberant and strenuous, serpentine held low to the lithosphere. Canid jogs onward.

You see A Direct Translation > Growing black and a light brown to brownish orange, any of various chronic skin conditions characterized by ulcerative lesions that spread over the body give a push or shake, the claws of a bird of prey digging into the office or district of a government official, usually a Bailiff. A membranous, external auditory structure, as in certain insects, is forward, (Made up word) look steadily, intently, and with fixed attention on a line that forms the boundary of an area; a perimeter of a plot of land belonging or yielding profit to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office. An opening, especially to a cavity or passage of the body; a mouth or vent divided or broke into separate parts (Made up word) in a yawn, (Made up word) appeared. (Made up word) firm and resolute; stout bodily structure of a plant or an animal or of any of its parts moved jerkily, an ornamental tuft of upright plumes, especially the tail feathers of an egret inclined or bent to one side here and there. A small molded or sculptured figure sent out tough outer coverings of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy and requiring great effort, energy, or exertion, of or resembling a serpent, as in form or movement aimed or directed not high to the outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle. Any of various widely distributed carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, which includes the foxes, wolves, dogs, jackals, and coyotes run forth.

So it is part canine, part bird, part insect, and part tree. Fascinating, and we had to go to all that work just to figure out what the hell it was.

There are a few main reasons that people like this replace perfectly fine words with the longer kin they most certainly looked up in the thesaurus. The first is that they think it makes them look smart and cool. Perhaps most people are fooled by this misconception. To real writers however, such as myself, you look like an extremely insulting person picking their nose in public. Oh yes indeed, you are terribly clever. It's laughable, even. Using thesaurus helped descriptions makes you look the exact opposite of intelligent, or remotely "cool". Writing is an art. It is meant for enjoyment, by both writer and reader, as all art is. It is not a tool used to show off, or make yourself feel superior. If you use it in such a way, you are completely missing the point and making yourself look like a moron. What the hell are you doing? If most people cannot understand what you're writing, what's the point?

Most of the time, what has commonly been dubbed as 'thesaurus-humping' doesn't even use the words they dig up in correct context, as is shown in the bold example above. The thesaurus gives you a list of a similar or related words, not words meaning the same thing. Translating thesaurus-humper descriptions can often turn out making little or no sense. Stop raping the semi-colons and learn to write sentences. After that, get the point across clearly and correctly. Then you can have the gold star you've been striving too hard for.

Reason two - less literary people (being most people these days) see these "amazing", super-smart descriptions and writing, and to follow trends (a.k.a. jump into the sheep mentality of today) and thus be "cool" - copy them. Simple as that. They breed like rabbits. You don't need to dress up your vocabulary, short words are fine. Yes. They are AN OKAY THING. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you don't have a large vocabulary of big words, honest. Dressing up vocabulary is like dressing up your cat in doll clothes. Pointless, and everyone should be embarrassed. Stupid people might think the cat is cute (our equivalent of cool), but the cat sure doesn't.

Use the word that comes to mind first when you are creating your description. Meaning is a very big deal. A word is only the representation of meaning; even at it's best, a description will often fall short of what only you alone can completely picture in your mind. Given that, why the hell would you want to go and choose to use a word only similar to the one you really meant, and go further off track, much less making it harder to understand?

Having a giant vocabulary doesn't make you superior. A good writer is the one who can put a picture into the reader's mind as clearly as possible. Colourful words are fine, as long as they fit and can be easily understood. We want to read something and enjoy it. Not be attacked by a run-on sentence disguised by a barrage of semi-colons and commas, and constructed of long, rarely used, and only related words. This means we have to go find the dictionary and waste a bunch of time looking words up just to understand. That is is not fun. That is not the purpose of creating a description in the first place.

To all you thesaurus-humpers out there: Stop ruining the art of writing, you s**t heads. And wipe the drool off that thesaurus. That's no way to treat a book.

I hate people, I swear to god...
I hate people, I swear to god...

Somedays I wonder why I get out of bed at ALL man... -sigh-

I found out this afternoon that the car I had waited two and a half weeks for (the guy went on vacation to Florida) and would have bought the day I saw it if the bank hadnt closed (he KNEW this), sold it out from under me yesterday afternoon.

So yeah, I get ******** over once again, totaly reafirming my beliefe that my life is just one massive a**l raping.

Bleh, this is why I hate journals, no one wants to hear this crap.

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Sorry I haven't posted in here.... I normally don't get on Gaia unless someone is giving me something Just kidding....
Well people are pretty much telling my boyfriend to break up with me when we've been going a steady 17 months now... Why? They're saying that he's holding me back...
Uh.. he is NOT.
Just because I don't feel like going out, doesn't mean that you can do something like that... Just because I'm respecting my parents wishes.... I mean...
this is the 3rd time this has happened and with 3 different people. I'm sorry but I'd like to:

1] Prevent getting into trouble.
2] Be able to have free time to hang out with you guys later.
3] Be on my parents good side so that I CAN hang out with my friends.

[See how it all loops? Yeah...]

So maybe.. MAYBE I might be able to do 2 more things this summer... I know one will happen the other I'm not to sure about.
So like I said, if I say no, I have a reason. You can't and shouldn't get mad at me like I am your parents or something, scoulding you... I'm just saying no cause I don't want to get us all in trouble.

So give me a break will ya? I love you guys but this isn't Burger King.. you can't have everything 'your way'.

I mean.. it's true isn't it? Leave my boyfriend out of it it's MY choice.
We're doing VERY well together and we plan on keeping it that way for a LONG time...

Irony and paradoxes
Irony and paradoxes
Many times I hear people throwing around words in arguments... and I really have to wonder if they know what they are talking about.

Irony... Is a situation completely opposite of what you'd expect, which generally becomes amusing in retrospect. A romance novelist who can't find love. A planned out wedding day with all the details taken care of, ruined by freak weather.

Paradox... is a situation that negates itself and shouldn't exist. Timeline paradoxes... Go back in time, kill your grandfather so you won't be born to go back and kill your grandfather.

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My philosophy prof...
My philosophy prof...
... ******** blows my mind.

I've been spending the last few days studying for my Asian Philosophy class. Conveniently, my professor has posted everything you might need to know in any of his classes on his very own website. With the exception of large encyclopedia and databases, I don't know that I've ever seen a larger accumulation of knowledge gathered together into one convenient website. This man has posted lengthy essays on everything from Confucianism and its effects on the development of Chinese history to pornography. I literally spent hours reading yesterday, and never once read anything on his website that pretained to the class I'm actually taking from him at the moment.

This man ran for California state legislature this year on the Libertarian ticket. He's written an actual resolution to dissolve California's ties with the Union. Here.

And I still can't decide whether I like him. He's certainly a Libertarian, through and through and I find myself nodding along whenever he writes on social or ethical issues, and even most of his economic platform sounds feasible. But then, while exploring his site, I stumble upon a page like this: Here.

The text in some passages is so vitriolic that I can't help but be repelled by it. And then he endorses such things as privatization of public schools and not requiring drivers to be insured when on the road. Philosophically they make sense, but for me they seem contrary to the public good.

We all benefit from an educated society, a society wherein everyone can be guaranteed a somewhat comparable education. To take away something that has served the country so well and replace it with an unaccountable private system of education sounds incredibly risky to me.

And not requiring drivers to be insured? I understand that people should be responsible for their actions and whether they choose to protect themselves against threat via insurance is up to them. But what about the other much more important side of having insured drivers on the road. Someone injured in an accident through no fault of their own is entitled to compensation from the faulty driver. A faulty driver with no insurance is not guaranteed to have the ability to pay medical and repair expenses for the victim. What then? By requiring drivers to be insured, the government ensures that drivers take responsibility for their actions. What could possibly be wrong with that? It provides for the public good while not requiring anything but that drivers take responsibility for their actions.

It just seems to me that while (big L) Libertarians have their hearts in the right place, they see the government as serving a different purpose than many. Where they see it as an entity that does little but provide protection from foreign incursion, I think many(if not most) people see the government as playing a vital role in providing for the public good in various fashions via a social contract.

So the question remains to me in my mind, how do I reconcile my respect for this man and his intelligence while still believing differently than him. I'm a lowly college student, he's a doctor and professor of philosophy. He's spent decades formulating these ideas and taking from major philosophers, I've had less than one to formulate my own.

Well, I certainly don't have an answer for myself at the moment.

ship that ur own The Demon Star
ship that ur own The Demon Star
how u look
red hair cat yellow eyes (the patch is a lock picking kit she has bolth eyes) and instead of the bird there is a big raven
wepon 2 japanese samurai blades and a special hand carved pistol
bio she started sailing the demon star witch was her mothers ship when she was 13 years old after her mother died she never know her father but her mother told her that he was a powerful demon lord.

Name: Shadow Master
Weapon: the soles sword of the shadows (a living sword that can talk)
Age: unknown
and if you can't see the marking under he left eye it's this
Race: her body is humon but her sole is a shadow demon
Personality: she is cold and crule
Special gifts: she can controle that shadows and make them solid and even walk throw them
History/Bio:she can't remember but all she knows that her body is humon but she has all the powers of a demon lord

Name: Scarlet Alice Xandorica
Race: born vampire
Age: 40,000
apperance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/pet_shop_3/scarletx.png
Weopons: 2 long swords and a sawed off shot gun
Special skills or Talents: she is a shape shifter her 2 most powerful forms is one of the 7 beasts of the abyss and Phoenix fire with feeds off on her dark energy and can kill her if she uses to much
Powers: shape shifting, levitation ,teleportation ,telepathy ,telekinesis
History: she was born to a large family that was trying to find a way for humans and vampires to live in peace and almost succeeded tell a human priest poisoned the minds of the villagers agents her family and on her 3ed birthday the priest and the village killed her en tier family a human nursemaid saved her and tuck care of her when she was 16 she hunted down the priest and turned him then tied him to a witch burning stack and let him die in the sun light. after that she just faded away into history being trained by the best she could be.

Name: Makkura
Age: 10
Race: 1/2 shadow demon 1/2 dark Phoenix
kind of kid you are: the dark and diabolical
kind of parent you want: ones that wont get rid of my within an hour

a young girl is brought in by the cops she is draging a blood stained one eyed toy bunny that looks like someoone tryed playing docter with the girl had extreamly long black hair and clothing andis wearing a top hat she has green eyes and seems incapible of smiling she has a dark ora about her and in her hair are long black Phoenix feathers the cops say that monster hinters killed her parence and she was saved befor the hunters started on her and it was a grosum and bloody mess. the young girl walks and sits in the waiting room starting at the ground very silent.

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RP... stuffs.
RP... stuffs.
Current musics: We Love Katamari - Song for the King of Kings

So, yes. I need to do some RP ducks-in-a-row-ing here... or try to.

Fa'e continuity right now (Riven, Sosiqui, Airyn, Kurrin, Five/Calin, Biome & Shangri) is currently frozen while Riven quests. Once the quest is done and I've figured out the IC timing for the whole thing, I'll re-activate all those other characters. Airyn is also kinda on hold for major plotlines while we wait for her to grow, although Sunny can play with her while Riven is away. ^^

I also need to work out the new stats/etc for the Fandangles but I figure that can be dealt with ICly when Riven comes back and grows and stuff.

Feien continuity is also currently frozen while I wait for Rudyard, the new Feien, to show up. Soon, I hope. Soon.

Odilen is... uh... doing... something? o_O Okay, so I *badly* need to check on the Project Nexus RP and see the status for that. If you're RPing with me there and I need to go, PLEASE feel free to PM me or otherwise poke me so I won't hold you up!

Illumin is more talkative lately, yay. I need to have him talk to Zero about Memi, and MUST TALK TO REVEI YES. >>; But he's doing alright and I'm happy. ^^

Anjali... needs to be RPed, oh man. >>;; Really behind with her, although at least I made an effort to get her somewhat up to speed and explain her absence. I just need to get in and roleplay with some people.

Once the Chrono Break RP gets up I'll need to mess with that, but that's just for fun. That and I have the chibi-King of All Cosmos there. Which is easier. XD

Still hovering for chiri's katamari shop and the Prince... and Miso. w00t.

Yeah. Other things I need to do include RULES STICKY for Breedables - gonna make one nice and shiny, indeed. And... job hunting and all that stuff. Dammit.

OMFG! Work was HELL! I made Deli subs non-stop since 2 pm t
OMFG! Work was HELL! I made Deli subs non-stop since 2 pm to 9 pm! There was a long line of people and the store manager got pissed because we didn't answer any phone call orders. (Too busy)

...I didn't have time for lunch and I'm hungery now. *Eats ramen* heart

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So much for that last list. I'm full anime mode right now lol I've gotten 5 DVD's since May 31 so like less then *thinks* 2 or 3 weeks haha I suck at math and s**t. But not much going on right now really just trying to get some gold by making a journal post . Anyways I'm listening to music right now lol the first Get Backers opening: Stardust. Got the whole version not just the 1:30 you hear in the beginning lol this one is about 4:17 if memory serves lol *too lazy to pull up windows media player*. But yeah I've been getting Get Backers mostly lol. I got the 3rd FullMetal Alchemist and InuYasha Volume like 27 or something Brothers in Arms . . . dammit *pulls up list* *mumbles* what fricken volume is it *skims* yes Volume 27! Lol I have a whole list of my anime dvds, current count is 116. Anyways the other 3 I bought are Get Backers 1-3. Lol some people are gonna be going 116 FRICKEN ANIME DVD's! Yes I have no life haha. Sometime soon I'll post up the word document I have with the list. The main reasons I have a list are:

1) Keep track of um all lol I like bragging
2) I sometimes run a mini rental service and print that form out for people to use and select.

Lolz anyways *checked song* yep 4:17 lol I'm slight obsessive compulsive I think lala! lol I'm bored just gold hungry right now. Trying to get my avvi to look like Homura from Saiyuki. Just can't get the eyes duh which I'm fine with but they need a cloak thingy like his lol. I think these are good for the following though:

Shirt - Black Sleeveless Silk Shirt
Pants - #603913 Complex Pants
Shoes - Stylish Charcoal Winter Boots

Whatcha think? I think thats pretty goodies

Man I'm uber running outta things to just rant about now lol well I'll just do another screwed up post one of these days to get more gold!


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