❝xLeander Callahan Lockex❞

→ Leander, Lee
→ sixteen
→ September 30th
→ Mixed, but very little magical blood
→ Hufflepuff
→ 12 1/4 inches, Ivy and Unicorn hair
→ Ancient Runes, Apparation
→ Earth Magic, Ancient Studies, Huflepuff 6th year prefect
→ Hitchcock, or Hitch for short, a 6 year old male Tawny Owl
→ Antonia Kensington is Leander's mother. She is not magical, but has supported both of her sons and their abilities since they were discovered early on. It wasn't exactly a surprise, as their father had been magical as well. She has always been very kind, but after remarrying, she became a bit more conservative and traditional. She currently works as a medical assistant at a pediatrician's office.
A few years after the death of her husband, Antonia married Marshall Kensington. Leander, Castor, and their mother moved into the Kensington's house shortly after the wedding, and have lived there for almost nine years now. Marshall is a little more skeptical of the boys' abilities, but keeps that opinion mostly to himself. He is a bank teller and a rather nervous person, and protective over his son Gray more than anything.
Castor Locke, Leander's older brother, doesn't technically live with them anymore, but comes back to "check up on mom" quite often. He is three years older than Lee, and knew their father much better than Leander had. It was for this reason, Castor had a more difficult time trusting Marshall or getting comfortable in the Kensington's home. He was a Gryffindor and Head Boy in his final year at Hogwarts, but graduated two years ago.
Gray Kensington, currently thirteen, is Leander's step-brother. He is a bright kid, but, as expected with two muggle parents, has no magical ability. Lee is closer to Gray than Castor ever was to their step-brother, but the three boys generally get along quite well. Gray confides in Lee, and tells him how he misses his mother, though he knows she's not well enough to take care of him. He is also amused by Leander and Castor's abilities, and loves when Castor brings home wizard sweets and entertains him with charms.
→ Leander has always been a humble boy. For most of his childhood, he's let his brother be the hot-shot who got all the attention. Never jealous, Leander was always happy to sit back and watch the show. He generally keeps his opinions to himself while others lead the way, but he is a fiercely loyal and supportive companion. Lee isn't interested in a lot of attention, bout would rather be the dependable type behind the scenes.
He is not, however, shy. He is generally friendly to his classmates and respectful to his teachers, and is not afraid to lend a hand to someone in need, regardless of their house or blood status. Lee, of course, is not one to judge, with his father being only a half-blood himself. On any given day, Lee may give off a strong, silent type vibe, but he doesn't realize he sends off that kind of image. He tries to be approachable, especially when it comes to helping younger students, as part of his prefect duties; he'd hate to hear that he scared some poor little first year!
As for girls, Lee fancies himself "the relationship type" but he hasn't had much practice either way, except for some flirtations in his 3rd and 4th year. Needless to say, they didn't work out, partially due to his young ignorance and also 13-year-old awkwardness. He's a little bit of a romantic, but also wants his attention to be whisked away by some lively, exciting girl. He doesn't mind the chatty, vibrant type, but again, he really doesn't have enough experience with any type of girl.
→ Like his personality, Leander's upbringing has also been fairly humble. In the suburbs of Leeds, he was born to parents Milo and Antonia Locke. The couple already had one boy, Castor, three years previously, who turned out to be more of a handful than they were prepared for. Fortunately for the fairly new parents, Lee was not nearly as difficult as his older brother. Other than the understandable struggles in communication with newborns, Leander was a very compliant child. The family had never been particularly affluent, and Lee never wanted much in the way of sweets and other treats, which was lucky for his parents. Castor, on the other hand, was very demanding. He didn't always get what he wanted, but when he wasn't delivered the toy train or dinosaur figurine he asked for, a temper tantrum would ensue (often sending magical sparks around the house). Though Milo, a half-blooded wizard himself, had expected his children to magical, Castor showed signs much earlier than the average witch or wizard. The boys' father was pleased, but their mother... not so much. She had wanted to live a long, safe life in the suburbs, but Castor was proving that to be a challenge for her. Luckily, Milo could generally calm down his son with charms and tricks for a bit of a distraction (as Leander, behaving the whole time, watched on as well).
Lee, particularly after his father's death, was Antonia's saving grace. Though not in a very exciting department, Milo worked in the British Ministry of Magic. He specialized in removing dark magic from items, under the Department for Misuse of Muggle Artefacts. A particularly gnarly bewitched public trashcan had come into the office one day, and Milo had been assigned to neutralize it. Underestimating the amount and strength of the hexes used on such a simple object, Milo used a few spells that would have easily rendered the trashcan safe again. Unfortunately, the dangerous mix of curses caused the counter-curse to backfire, causing a small explosion that caused quite a bit of damage to the department, as well as all but killing Mr. Locke. He spent four days in St. Mungo's, but for the most part, there was little the nurses could do to save his life. He was almost entirely bandaged up when Antonia and the boys went to see him in the hospital before he died, and could barely speak. The night after they visited, he died in his sleep. Castor was seven, and Leander, only four years old.
Constantly fretting for her sons' safety when it came to magic, Antonia enrolled the boys in several muggle extracurriculars when they were of primary school age. She hoped that they would be able to get out all of their energy, as well as any lingering frustrations over their father's death. As expected, Castor had a harder time coping than quiet Leander. Lee often stayed by his mother's side and kept her company, preferring to follow her around than run around outside with the other kids. He would play when Castor wanted, but that was mostly just to appease his very demanding older brother. Also as expected, Castor did not take lightly to his mother meeting a new man. A new patient at the the pediatric office that Antonia worked at took a big liking to her, and insisted that she meet his father. At the time, three year old Gray did not know that he was introducing his father to his future wife. Marshall Kensington was a bank teller, and after his (now ex) wife had developed severely abusive alcoholic tendencies, he took custody of their young son and moved to the Locke's small town.
Leander was seven when his mom married Marshall. The two Locke boys and their mother moved into the Kensington's house, and again, the transition was much easier for Lee than it was for his older brother. Lee was very fond of his new little step-brother, and spent a lot of time with him, especially when Castor went off to Hogwarts. Leander followed suit, three years after his brother. Though there was a small age gap and they had been sorted into different houses, it seemed to Lee that everyone expected to be just like his elder brother. Unlike bombastic (and sometimes belligerent) Castor, Leander prefers to live a quiet existence at Hogwarts. He does well in the classes he enjoys, and does what he needs to do to pass in the ones he needs to take. In his fifth year he was granted the title of prefect like Castor, but doubts that he will gain the Head Boy title as well (not that it really matters to him).
→ Leander is pretty easy to please. He loves cold nights and hot soup, so it is understandable that winter is his favorite time of year. He actually really likes difficult courses like Ancient Runes; Lee doesn't mind studying and rather likes figuring out puzzles and challenging homework. In his free time, he likes to send his mother letters with the help of his owl, Hitch, and loves when she sends care packages or Gray writes a letter back. He likes time outside but can also find enjoyment from exploring the castle. And as for laughs, Lee can appreciate watching a good prank, as long as he doesn't have to report it for being too mean-spirited or dangerous.
→ Lee loves the little things in life, and will be the one to point out a silver lining in a situation, even when things are looking grim (that isn't to say that he's not realistic though). And of course, you won't find another friend who is more willing to go above and beyond for his friends, or anyone for that matter.
→ Lee hates to see younger students being bullied, especially when they remind him of himself. He generally doesn't like to be put on the spot, in class or in social situations; Leander would rather prepare what he wants to say before being asked his opinion. Lee can't stand the taste of fish or raw vegetables, and also finds many desserts too sweet for his liking (he's got a pretty limited palette, actually). He dislikes being too hot in the summertime, as well as just stuffy rooms, and can often be seen with his tie loose around his neck and a couple buttons undone (when not in class, anyway).
→ If he cares for a person enough, he will do almost anything they ask. It isn't often that he's used like a doormat like this, but it is something he wouldn't feel comfortable objecting to. He also finds his position as Prefect very challenging at times; though he is a good influence and a good student, Lee is uncomfortable with taking initiative sometimes (unless another student's well-being is in jeopardy).
→ He may not like to admit it, but Leander fears letting down those he cares about; he would hate to betray his reputation for being dependable. In the same vein, he fears being completely helpless and defenseless. Otherwise, Lee has terrible stage fright as well.
→ Heterosexual
→ Lee does best in Transfiguration and Ancient Runes.
→ He barely passed his O.W.L.s in DADA and Charms.
→ darkolivedrab and darkgoldenrod
→ Leander speaks in a fairly thick Yorkshire accent, similar to this one.