Name: Haruhi Fujioka
Birthday: February 4th
Blood Type: A
Biggest likes: Fancy tuna
Haruhi is, above all, independent and straightforward, and believes that your gender should not define your personality. Since she was raised differently from her classmates at Ouran, she displays more practical, down to earth, responsible qualities and is not easily swayed by the charms of the other hosts. Even when she first meets the hosts, she only reacts nervously instead of becoming immediately infatuated like most of the girls. Haruhi has a deeper voice than other female students, so she is not easily recognized as a girl.
She fears thunder storms and loves fancy tuna.
Haruhi was raised in a poor family, her Mother dying young and her Father attempting to pay the bills well by working at a transvestite bar. Unsurprisingly she supports her Dad and isn't embarrassed by him.
Despite feeling exasperated most of the time when it comes to her fellow host club members, she truly does care for them, especially Tamaki, whom she gains a very obvious crush on later on.
She becomes extremely popular at Ouran High, eventually revealing that in her middle school years he was popular with the boys as well, having gotten confessions brought to her almost every week.
She's the only girl in the school that could care less about how she looks, finding it to be too much of a bother. When the club was first disbanded she went back to how she had looked before, saying that she wanted to just be who she was again, not what the club made her into.
The one thing that can weaken Haruhi hard is food, especially good food. She has a really great soft spot for fancy tuna and strawberries. Other than strawberries though she doesn't like sweets in the least.
To add in Japanese she often refers to herself as 'ore', which is used for boys. In English she refers to herself as a dude and other Western terms for a boy.