well this is how it happened......
yessterrdayy [ april25 ] i came home from around the island [it was fun!!] and yeah i felt like going compouterr soo i did
ok so i logged on gaia and i saw myy avi NAKED eek
and i looked at my gold amount it was like only 800!!!! gonk
i swore i had like 4,000 gold before!!!!
so i knew someone hacked me cry
so now i went to check my trades and i saw like this trade with this girl named Sammi574
i was all like "WHO THE FXCK IS THAT!!!!!" evil evil
then i clicked on it
it had ALL my stuff and about ALLL the gold i had before!!!! gonk gonk gonk gonk
i was soo SADD gonk but ANYGRYY evil evil at the same time >=[
so i went to check her profile out it was soo.....ewww
AND HER AVI WAS SO .....EWW!! [no offnecee] xd
so i sent her a P.M. saying ALOT of bad words evil [i was VERY anygry at that momment] and saying that if she thought i was STUPID and didn't know that i could check my TRADES and see right there that she hacked me!!! and more voilent things saying to give it ALL back!!!
then yeah i told samm
then she did the same thing!!!
she commented her profile saying some bad words and saying it was wrong blah blah and to give it all back
so yeah she hasn't replied back to either me or sam
if you want more info about it just ask me
that bixch's username is :Sammi574 [i'm still veryy anygryy] evil
just if you want to check her profile out and message her ;]
P.S.-sorry for the swearing sweatdrop [ i'm still very mad!!] evil
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