Everyone online calls me Maiyo, so you should too.
I'm 28 years old, raised by a dysfunctional cocktail of 4chan, pop culture, and escapism. If you think I'm too old for Gaia, you're probably too young for an Internet connection. I joined in late 2004, and stayed for the role-playing forums. Anything involving storytelling or design is right up my alley.
I train dogs for a living. It's fun.
When it comes to politics, I despise the Republican and Democrat parties equally. I hate cops. I'm not religious, and do not believe in a higher power, but it's cool if you do. I have a handful of mental issues that I'd rather not go into detail about. Generally speaking, I'm pretty easy to get along with.
I don't know what goes on in my head half the time, so If I seem distant or disturbed, it's nothing.
[b:c84c25d2e6]In Turmoil and Torture we Trust.[/b:c84c25d2e6][/size:c84c25d2e6] Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.[/size:c84c25d2e6]
[Maiyo] · Wed Nov 28, 2012 @ 10:21pm · 0 Comments |