"Ok, here is what we are going to do." I told Kisonu. "We're going to attack from the North and South, any comments?" "Well, what about the East and the West, we must watch them to make sure runners don't get to another Chung Yi encampment." Kisonu replied. "That's why we have to keep a keen eye on them, understand?" I said. "Ok, sounds like a plan." "Let's get moving."
Kisonu and I dash through the trees barely trying to make any sound. "I go North, you stay here South, ok?" "K."
As I approach the Northern area of the encampment I see Kisonu being attacked by guards, throwing spears at him. I quickly dash to him and help him pick off the guards with our shuriken. We drag the bodies hollowed tree and I make my way back to the North. I attach our paper bomb firework that Kisonu and I assembled as a signal and throw it into the air, and it immediately explodes. Kisonu notices and begins the attack. The towns alert horn flares, telling the city they are under siege. Kisonu and I quickly take out the guards and start to take all the Chung Yi battle plans. "Look what the cat dragged in, my old buddy, Dratical..." I turn around to see my archenemy, Raiku. "So what are you doing here, raiding my camp? I should just take you out right now." "It's two against one Raiku, you can't hope to beat us." "Oh, I can't? You're both weaklings. I could take both of you out. Get ready to die!"
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Diaries of A Rouge Ninja
My battles against the Chung Yi clan. This journal is written in the mid Chung Dynasty.
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