Username: Dmitri Blair
Name: William Leo Blakely
Nickname: Will
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: William and Donald were the 'Perfect Set' of twins. They grew up with a loving mother and father, learning along the way. Will was the younger brother, by two minutes, but his brother always treated him as the 'younger brother', not an equal. When he was 10, he started developing signs of schizophrenia, falling into the ocassional hallucination or delusional stage.
That's when his brother started to become his care-taker. The father of the 'Perfect Set' abandonned the family, for fear of being disgraced by his hopeless son, leaving the mother unable to fend for herself and two children. She gave them up, tears flowing her eyes as the boys stared her off.
Personality: He's really bubbly and optimistic, always laughing and making stupid jokes. He tends to fall into small fits of hallucinations and dellusions, making him slightly crazier than most.
→Bad jokes
→Listening to music
→Hot chocolate
→Being alone
Something most people dont know: He has a few screws loose, often, his brother has to keep him in line. He has scars all the way down his chest from his brother's 'tough love'.
Other: He wears contacts because he dislikes his glasses.
Name: William Leo Blakely
Nickname: Will
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: William and Donald were the 'Perfect Set' of twins. They grew up with a loving mother and father, learning along the way. Will was the younger brother, by two minutes, but his brother always treated him as the 'younger brother', not an equal. When he was 10, he started developing signs of schizophrenia, falling into the ocassional hallucination or delusional stage.
That's when his brother started to become his care-taker. The father of the 'Perfect Set' abandonned the family, for fear of being disgraced by his hopeless son, leaving the mother unable to fend for herself and two children. She gave them up, tears flowing her eyes as the boys stared her off.
Personality: He's really bubbly and optimistic, always laughing and making stupid jokes. He tends to fall into small fits of hallucinations and dellusions, making him slightly crazier than most.
→Bad jokes
→Listening to music
→Hot chocolate
→Being alone
Something most people dont know: He has a few screws loose, often, his brother has to keep him in line. He has scars all the way down his chest from his brother's 'tough love'.
Other: He wears contacts because he dislikes his glasses.

Username: Dmitri Blair
Name: Donald Rowan Blakely
Nickname: Don, Donney {Only to Will}
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: William and Donald were the 'Perfect Set' of twins. They grew up with a loving mother and father, learning along the way. Don was the older rother, and he loved to use his authority, even if it was only a whole two minutes. He felt into a habit of having to break his brother from the near psychotic episodes.
When their father left, Donald knew what would happen right from the start. His mother was weak, pathetic in her own right, and could never even attempt to care for two small children. He was emotionless as he watched his mother walk from the near deserted orphanage, a silent tear streaming down his cheek.
Personality: He's calm and quiet around others, always extremely respectful. He seems like the perfect gentleman, but what is underneath this cool exterior?
→Long walks
→Playing musical instruments
→Drinking alcoholic beverages
→Being the one in control
→Loud people
→Being under control
→Dark colors
Something most people dont know: He's extremely sadistic and abusive, with a twisted love for his younger-by-two-minutes brother.
Other: He has a few tattoos, one on his chest, and another un the back of his neck of a cross.
Name: Donald Rowan Blakely
Nickname: Don, Donney {Only to Will}
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: William and Donald were the 'Perfect Set' of twins. They grew up with a loving mother and father, learning along the way. Don was the older rother, and he loved to use his authority, even if it was only a whole two minutes. He felt into a habit of having to break his brother from the near psychotic episodes.
When their father left, Donald knew what would happen right from the start. His mother was weak, pathetic in her own right, and could never even attempt to care for two small children. He was emotionless as he watched his mother walk from the near deserted orphanage, a silent tear streaming down his cheek.
Personality: He's calm and quiet around others, always extremely respectful. He seems like the perfect gentleman, but what is underneath this cool exterior?
→Long walks
→Playing musical instruments
→Drinking alcoholic beverages
→Being the one in control
→Loud people
→Being under control
→Dark colors
Something most people dont know: He's extremely sadistic and abusive, with a twisted love for his younger-by-two-minutes brother.
Other: He has a few tattoos, one on his chest, and another un the back of his neck of a cross.

In The Mirror This...

...Is What I See.
Hello There, My name is [William Leo Blakely]
But I Much Rather You Call Me [Will]
I Signify The Jock
Isn’t it Obvious? [Male]
Don’t You Know It’s Rude to Ask? [Eighteen]
What Makes Me, Me. [William is the type of guy all the girls seem to fall for, and he loves to flirt. Always the 'Big Sports Man,' Will Blakely was the quarterback of his high school football team and always picked to be a Team Captain for PE. Loved by mostly everyone, he would flaunt his popularity with the cheerleaders and the rest of the school. Will is sort of a party boy, staying out late with friends and drinking, but unlike every other guy, he never brought a girl home with him. Though his buddies would rag on him for not doing it, he always cast it off as a 'gentleman' thing to do.]
It’s Not All A Fairy Tale. [Growing up in a big time sports family, his father taught him the ropes. Football, baseball, hockey, basketball, you name it, he's done it. His mother was the type of woman who supported her man and the family with food on the table and a clean house, but Will never had a close relationship with her. In high school, he got good grades to stay on the various teams he played on, but that was mostly out of making other kids do his homework. It wasn't that he wasn't smart, but rather, he was too busy with his friends and sports to remember to do the homework.
The year he turned 15, though, Will started drinking. He wouldn't get drunk most times, but it became a slight addiction to him, always wanting to drink more. Sneaking out to go to parties every couple of nights, parents completely oblivious, he was living the high life. But one night, a week before his seventeenth birthday, one of the parties was fled out by a set of cops. One of the neighborhood do-gooders had called, reporting the party with underage drinking, and Will didn't escape the cop's grasp on his shirt. It was a long night, and he got grounded for a really long time, his parents losing their trust with him. But not like he cared, they were hypocrites to him anyways.]
Not As Innocent as I Look [Will carries around a couple of different hand knifes with him at all times, either tucked in his shoes or in his pockets.]
This Represents Me ['Practice Makes Perfect' by Cute Is What We aim For]
The Face Behind the Mask [Dmitri Blair]
❤ωelcome ❤
❤ωelcome ❤

♠ ♦ ♥ ♣H e l l o...
I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see•••
My name isQuinn Delany Kostello
But please address me asQuinny
Last time I checked I was amale, but.. Feel free to check for yourself!
I have lived for many, many years
I seem to fall in love with everyone! I'm not picky.
♠ ♦ ♥ ♣T h r o u g h T h e L o o k i n g G l a s s...
If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does●●●
I can describe myself as a rather unique individual. Like many people, here in the great Wonderland, one could percieve me as imaginative and slightly mad, but oh, ho, ho! I'm more than that, my friends, my friends. I'm promiscuous and playful. I act with my toys, or people, as some would call them. If you take the chance to really, really know me, you might find yourself somewhere you've never even dreamed of!
Shhh, I hope you can keep a secret because I make dolls out of once living people and creatures. They don't know until the very moment, after we've been together and that one wishes to leave, but BANG! I have another keepsake who will never leave!
I am afraid of nothing except
→Being Alone, dreadful.
→The Bright Light, absolutely the worst!
→Complete Silence, I just can't stand that eerie quiet..
→Other people's wisdom, you'd be surprised what could happen..
I think that I support the rebellion! Sounds like much more fun! But I'll support anyone to their face!
I am, as a matter of fact, a puppet. Tehe!
If you really must know I can turn any living thing into a puppet. all they do is drink the cup, and by the time they are ready to leave, they're mine!
I simple adore
→People who like to Visit!
→Loud Colors and Sounds!
→Puppets, of course!
I utterly despise
→People who are not fond of Visiting!
→Tart Snacks, terrible!
→Boring People
→Flashlights, naturally.
If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does●●●
I can describe myself as a rather unique individual. Like many people, here in the great Wonderland, one could percieve me as imaginative and slightly mad, but oh, ho, ho! I'm more than that, my friends, my friends. I'm promiscuous and playful. I act with my toys, or people, as some would call them. If you take the chance to really, really know me, you might find yourself somewhere you've never even dreamed of!
Shhh, I hope you can keep a secret because I make dolls out of once living people and creatures. They don't know until the very moment, after we've been together and that one wishes to leave, but BANG! I have another keepsake who will never leave!
I am afraid of nothing except
→Being Alone, dreadful.
→The Bright Light, absolutely the worst!
→Complete Silence, I just can't stand that eerie quiet..
→Other people's wisdom, you'd be surprised what could happen..
I think that I support the rebellion! Sounds like much more fun! But I'll support anyone to their face!
I am, as a matter of fact, a puppet. Tehe!
If you really must know I can turn any living thing into a puppet. all they do is drink the cup, and by the time they are ready to leave, they're mine!
I simple adore
→People who like to Visit!
→Loud Colors and Sounds!
→Puppets, of course!
I utterly despise
→People who are not fond of Visiting!
→Tart Snacks, terrible!
→Boring People
→Flashlights, naturally.
♠ ♦ ♥ ♣M y S t o r y B e g i n s...
What is the use of a book, without pictures or conversations●●●
If you open my book, you will find a whole lot of nonsense and puppets! the book would read backwards and the pictures would be of all my little friends! For the last.. lots of years, I've been making never-ending friends! It all starts back to the beginning. Mother dearest gave me my very first doll and I fell in love. Whenever there would be a real person Mother wanted me to play with, they would always find me as a 'freak' and 'very weird', trying to leave me! Only the first few got away, but I always find them in the end. I decided, after the first 10 children, long ago, that I would make them stay, like my dolls. My dolls would never forsake and leave me.. Never talk back, never make a fuss.. We could play for all etenity, and they would have a permanent smile on their lovely little porcelain faces..
That was when I created the enchanted tea. sure, it took a while to take effect, but in the end.. Every person who wanted to leave me all alone would become mine forever. sure, some of you may think I'm crazy, but how would you feel if everyone wanted to leave you alone, never having anyone to speak with and have fun with! I will never give up, letting someone leave. Of course, if I were to find a real friend who would stay, they might survive forever with me, playing with my lovely dolls.
♠ ♦ ♥ ♣T h i s I s A S o n g T h a t N e v e r E n d s...
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at●●●
Theme Song...[SugarCube//][PorcelainDoll][//Alone][Doll]
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at●●●
Theme Song...[SugarCube//][PorcelainDoll][//Alone][Doll]
♠ ♦ ♥ ♣I m L a t e...
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop●●●
I am simply a marionette with my strings pulled by Dmitri Blair

What’s written on my birth certificate
[William Leo Blakely]
What others decide to call me
[Will, William]
How many candles I’ve blow out.
I’m pretty sure I’m
I was born an
This is how I roll
The story of my life
[Well, from the very beginning, I was never born here or anything like that. Oh no, I was a convict, and before that, a patient at a medical ward. I was a 'mumbler' one that talked with himself and didn't notice anyone. At those times, I was harmless, scuttling about the ward with the 'crazy' look.
And then.. the most blissful thing happened. I came across the kitchen, where they made our soup meals, and... I found a shiny knife. I accidentally cut myself and...I loved the sight of blood, it made chills go down my spine, and so I lifted it and hid it, knowing that if I ever found something good, the nurses would always take it away, and I left without a word. That night, I play with with my blood, splattering the white walls of my cell, but I didn't have enough.
The nurse in the morning helped, her throat made a nice splash before I pained the walls with my hands, smearing it around. And the nurses-oh so scared, trying to take away my shiny! I wouldn't let them, and soon, I had enough paint. I left my room, cutting at the nurses, painting the walls red, and finally, outside.
That's where they found me. The letter that said 'Thank you' in my blood covered hand.
The spice of my life
[Terrifying and horribly crazy. At least, that's what everyone says. I guess I have to agree, I mean, who bathes in blood and kills for fun? Me, that's who. Very aggressive, he loves a good shower of blood form someone's neck as he slices it. He is as twisted as many of the scientists, but instead, he has a tiny fetish for killing. As a vampire, he has to love blood, it's the way he thinks, breathes, lives.]
[N/A At The Moment]
This is what happens when you make me mad
[He's very, very good at killing, and loves to fight. He especially loves to kill during a fight, whether by dismemberment, or throat slicing, he'll have his fun and toast with your blood. William also loves to hum or sing horrifying songs filled with blood gore, and laugh at people's fears.]
Don’t let my enemy know
[If staying sane could be a flaw, then yes, that is one of them. Of course, he does have a lot of flaws, one example being that he cannot stay still for a certain period of time, or he can't see a person who stays still a long period of time. Don't ask how, he just can't see them. Of course, most run from him, so this problem isn't an issue. The main flaw is that he can't run very long-if he does he falls flat on his face.]
Just in case~
[His first weapon of choice is a large butcher's knife, or kitchen knife if you don't want to be specific. It is old and rusted with blood of countless people, and has a few nicks. Besides this, it is incredibly sharp. His second choice of weapon is wires, or string. They're always tied to his fingers and some are stitched into his skin, don't ask how or what happened, it'll get that rusted blade in your throat. With a flick of his wrist he can wrap these strings around your neck, and with another flick or a hard tug on some occasions, he can slit your throat, or dismember a limb, depending on how good his aim is and where he is aiming..]
Oh! Sure I’ll take it!
[+Sugary sweets, like lollipops and cake
+Blood, which comes after killing
+Not tripping when he runs
+Did I mention blood? Oh.. Well.. Uhm.. People who bleed?
+Sharp metal objects
Ew. You can have it.
[-Sour things
-People who aren't afraid to die
-Being locked away
-Sitting still]
Hm, since you’re so curious
My puppet master
[Dmitri Blair]
[William Leo Blakely]
What others decide to call me
[Will, William]
How many candles I’ve blow out.
I’m pretty sure I’m
I was born an
This is how I roll
The story of my life
[Well, from the very beginning, I was never born here or anything like that. Oh no, I was a convict, and before that, a patient at a medical ward. I was a 'mumbler' one that talked with himself and didn't notice anyone. At those times, I was harmless, scuttling about the ward with the 'crazy' look.
And then.. the most blissful thing happened. I came across the kitchen, where they made our soup meals, and... I found a shiny knife. I accidentally cut myself and...I loved the sight of blood, it made chills go down my spine, and so I lifted it and hid it, knowing that if I ever found something good, the nurses would always take it away, and I left without a word. That night, I play with with my blood, splattering the white walls of my cell, but I didn't have enough.
The nurse in the morning helped, her throat made a nice splash before I pained the walls with my hands, smearing it around. And the nurses-oh so scared, trying to take away my shiny! I wouldn't let them, and soon, I had enough paint. I left my room, cutting at the nurses, painting the walls red, and finally, outside.
That's where they found me. The letter that said 'Thank you' in my blood covered hand.
The spice of my life
[Terrifying and horribly crazy. At least, that's what everyone says. I guess I have to agree, I mean, who bathes in blood and kills for fun? Me, that's who. Very aggressive, he loves a good shower of blood form someone's neck as he slices it. He is as twisted as many of the scientists, but instead, he has a tiny fetish for killing. As a vampire, he has to love blood, it's the way he thinks, breathes, lives.]
[N/A At The Moment]
This is what happens when you make me mad
[He's very, very good at killing, and loves to fight. He especially loves to kill during a fight, whether by dismemberment, or throat slicing, he'll have his fun and toast with your blood. William also loves to hum or sing horrifying songs filled with blood gore, and laugh at people's fears.]
Don’t let my enemy know
[If staying sane could be a flaw, then yes, that is one of them. Of course, he does have a lot of flaws, one example being that he cannot stay still for a certain period of time, or he can't see a person who stays still a long period of time. Don't ask how, he just can't see them. Of course, most run from him, so this problem isn't an issue. The main flaw is that he can't run very long-if he does he falls flat on his face.]
Just in case~
[His first weapon of choice is a large butcher's knife, or kitchen knife if you don't want to be specific. It is old and rusted with blood of countless people, and has a few nicks. Besides this, it is incredibly sharp. His second choice of weapon is wires, or string. They're always tied to his fingers and some are stitched into his skin, don't ask how or what happened, it'll get that rusted blade in your throat. With a flick of his wrist he can wrap these strings around your neck, and with another flick or a hard tug on some occasions, he can slit your throat, or dismember a limb, depending on how good his aim is and where he is aiming..]
Oh! Sure I’ll take it!
[+Sugary sweets, like lollipops and cake
+Blood, which comes after killing
+Not tripping when he runs
+Did I mention blood? Oh.. Well.. Uhm.. People who bleed?
+Sharp metal objects
Ew. You can have it.
[-Sour things
-People who aren't afraid to die
-Being locked away
-Sitting still]
Hm, since you’re so curious
My puppet master
[Dmitri Blair]

▷Q u ι и и y К σ s t є ℓ ℓ σ◀
Why do they leave me all by myself?
Why do they use me and bring me down?
Why do they hurt me?
Why do they leave me?
Why doesn't anybody stick around?
Why do they use me and bring me down?
Why do they hurt me?
Why do they leave me?
Why doesn't anybody stick around?
• ● ● •
{ Reality Check? Never! }
• Was I suppose to keep track?: Many years of life. Not appearing a day over 18.
• Do you need to know?: 170cm, 69kg {Appx. 5'7 and 153 lbs.}
• The horrible truth: My, oh my! If I told, I'd lose my life from one side or the other!
{ Oh what a wonderful tale. }
• Let's see if I remember: If you open my book, you will find a whole lot of nonsense and puppets! the book would read backwards and the pictures would be of all my little friends! For the last.. lots of years, I've been making never-ending friends! It all starts back to the beginning. Mother dearest gave me my very first doll and I fell in love. Whenever there would be a real person Mother wanted me to play with, they would always find me as a 'freak' and 'very weird', trying to leave me! Only the first few got away, but I always find them in the end. I decided, after the first 10 children, long ago, that I would make them stay, like my dolls. My dolls would never forsake and leave me.. Never talk back, never make a fuss.. We could play for all etenity, and they would have a permanent smile on their lovely little porcelain faces..
That was when I created the enchanted tea. sure, it took a while to take effect, but in the end.. Every person who wanted to leave me all alone would become mine forever. sure, some of you may think I'm crazy, but how would you feel if everyone wanted to leave you alone, never having anyone to speak with and have fun with! I will never give up, letting someone leave. Of course, if I were to find a real friend who would stay, they might survive forever with me, playing with my lovely dolls.
• I'm myself and no one else: I can describe myself as a rather unique individual. Like many people, here in the great Wonderland, one could percieve me as imaginative and slightly mad, but oh, ho, ho! I'm more than that, my friends, my friends. I'm promiscuous and playful. I act with my toys, or people, as some would call them. If you take the chance to really, really know me, you might find yourself somewhere you've never even dreamed of! Talkative, for the most part, but can be quite quiet.
• Can't live without it:
↑People who like to Visit!
↑Loud Colors and Sounds!
↑Puppets, of course!
• Let it burn:
↓People who are not fond of Visiting!
↓Tart Snacks, terrible.
↓Boring, Quiet People
↓Flashlights, naturally. Bright lights are annoying.
• I'll never admit my feelings: Someone special?
• For I'm merely a puppet: Dmtiriblair
The One Behind The Words:
[[ Dmitri Blair ]]
I Was Named:
[[ Quinn Delany Kostello ]]
But Please, Call Me:
[[ Quinn. Quinny; if we're in love. ]]
I've Blown Out The Candles:
[[ 17 ]]
I Was Born A:
[[ Male ]]
But I Swing This Way:
[[ Bisexual ]]
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder:
[[ If I could //find a way //to fix it all, //I would. ]]
It's Okay To Be Jealous:
[[ RingMaster ]]
You Can Never Change My Style:
He's quiet, usually pretty shy around new people, yet never afraid to speak his mind when he feels it is needed. He can be a bit of a jerk, but he always has the best of intentions. Usually, he's pretty spacey and wound up, but if you truly take the chance to get to know him, you find out about all his little quirks and passions. Quinn has always been a rather sharp dresser, frequently dressing in clothes most people wouldn't ever wear in public. He's been known to hit on people accidently. It's a natural reaction with him, never intentional. ]]
History, You Say?:
» Quinn was born out of wedlock to Ariella Delany and Sebastion Kostello on the 4th day of October. He was a twin at birth, a sister born within minutes of him. Her name was Callia. The family lived in a little county in the middle of nowhere.
» That was, until the accident occured. Callia, at the young age of 9, passed from the world in a fire that accidently started when Quinn knocked over the oil lamp during tag. The family, from the pain of memory, relocated to a new home.
» Quinn had taken a more depressed state of mind after his sister passed away, his father blaming him for what was done. Ariella enrolled her son in piano lessons, hoping music would lighten his spirit and make him feel happy and complete again. Of course, Quinn eventually found a solitude in his music, composing pieces and playing daily. When his mother fell ill, he wrote her a new piece every single day; all the scores are between his matresses.
» He had always been in touch with emotions from the passing of his sister, on to the present. It was almost unseemly how he could feel how different people were reactant towards things. Aside from his music, he had started a small study of philosophy and psychology. Quinn Delany Kostello is one of the more intellectual, just slightly snobbish boys, but if only people knew the real him... ]]
Sugarcoat It All:
» Music, particularly piano.
» Reading in a quiet room, though it always seems to get interupted.
» Anything sweet in flavour, it's a bad habit for his teeth.
» Coffee, without it, don't expect this insomniac out of bed. ]]
The Bin Is That Way:
» Being completely alone, it makes his heart ache terribly.
» Fire, terrifies the hell out of him and has been known to make him cry.
» Being too cold or warm, he loves a neutral temperature.
» Religion, how could there be a God when there is so much death and suffering in this world?... ]]
Oh! And I Forgot To Mention:
On each of his wrists, he has a name tattooed. On the right, Callia, on the left, Quinn. His parents are unaware. ]]