If he was with me though...I wouldn't care if he still acted perverted around every other person on the internet. I doubt I'd look at him the same way he would look at me. I doubt I could even express the same emotional love that he would towards me. I am...I'm apathetic and yet, how is it so that I still love and want him? How is it so that I can be so selfish and yet so standoffish? How is it so that I want him but know that I'll probably just use him in the end? I use almost everyone I get extremely close to. But see, that's the thing. I feel like he's my brother...and I know I haven't used him like I do to my real brother or like I did to my ex...
I feel like he's perfect where he is even though I want to be a selfish little whore and tell him I want more just so I can get over with it...just so he'll shut up...just so he'll be happy...just so that he'll feel better about himself and more positive.
I know what it's like to be loveless...I've accepted it now. I know how it feels to be loveless AND apathetic and that, I am and I don't want to change it.
I don't want him as anything more than a friend because, like I said, I'll use him and it'll kill me when I tell him I did...it'll kill me when I break up with him...it'll kill me when I see those tears and hear him cry and know it's all my fault. It's not worth that...his happiness is worth so much more than my selfishness.
And, I know that he believes me being with him would make him the happiest boy on this earth.....but I believe he's wrong. I'm no ones. I'm not even my own. I don't know who I am or what I should do. I'm confused and in love with confusion and only that. I cannot be fixed. I'll never be saved. I'm just constantly searching infinity as a contradiction.
...who dares to save the wind from the sky? The poor wind who is me...