When questing, I try to avoid any and all avi art altogether. It's just so pretty, and it's hard to resist depleting my gold for it. Below are some examples of when I gave in to temptation. x]
I've listed the artist's name, but since it's easy for them to change it, just click their name I've listed to go to the artists shop, or profile if they no longer/never had one. OR if I'm just to lazy to find their shop again. o3o;
Another note: The "Current me" ones are in order, newer ones near the top. The "Old me" ones are in no particular order, because I can't remember that far.
There're a a lot of picture, which might take a while to load. Sorry..! ^_^;;
"Current" Me
~~[Strawberry Truffle]~~

<3 An awesomely cute piece of art by my dearest buddy, Juju. heart
~Gummibear Pwns~


Done in exchange for a rather messy pen-scrawl I did of him. I got the better end of the deal there... sweatdrop

~Bookish Intent~

This is the colored version of the freebie Bookish Intent gave me. You'll find it if you scroll down a bit.
Bwaha. 8D~

This one is by mah buddy, Jackie, as a Christmas pressie. <3 WOOT for Jackie Chan! heart heart

Here's what I was talking about (see one below). Bwaha.. ROCK LEE! 8D

&3 Another kickass cosplay art by Rose. :3 If you scroll down a bit, you can see an older one she did of me in Sasuke's clothes. : D You can really see how she's improved over the short time, can't you? ^_^; Anyway.. at the time of writing, she's working on another one for me. WOOT!

Mmm. Yummy fweebies. XD &3

&3 Sinny is so very awesome for doing freebies like this. I reccomend springing for her art, if you can. blaugh

I feel bad, because I forgot she was doing art for me. ^3^;; I didn't even bump or anything.. &&;;
BUT, Inu stepped my art up from a headshot. 3nodding heart

Initial thought: OOOOO heart
Second thought: Holy hell I'm cremating my Kiki xd
Yey! &3 Naru-kun rules! heart
~[saku saku]~

This was given to me by Juju-chan! blaugh But I don't know the artist.. gonk
Edit: Whoa, nevermind! I found the artist talking to yet ANOTHER artist who had commisioned me. Fancy that. XD

XD Notice the raised middle finger?
~[ .Lolita in Pink. ]~

~m00nlight shad0w~

~[Strawberry Truffle]~



Another piece of art that I spazzed about. ^^; I love the coloring, the expression, all of it.. heart heart


The REAL trick is getting Sasuke into my clothes. o__o;

I wouldn't of found this if I hadn't decided to randomly dig back in my post history.. 7 pages. ^^;
I'm a kitty coat-rack. xD
~Bookish Intent~

This was given out randomly to be. Total surprise.. that never happens to me. XD She's a cool girl. 8]
~The Bone Dragon~



LOL, it' just screams "happy couple," doesn't it? xd heart heart

This was my first piece of art since my name change, and I got it in her freebie thread.
I love the expression - it looks like I just got the fire to work for the first time..

^o^ Isn't that awesome? I love the scarf. It's kicky.
~Myles Nairne~




~Territorial Art~

~Lost Symphonies~



This has nothing to do with the picture, but everytime I say her name, I end up singing the Macarena.

~Cat Gurl2008~



x] ADORABLE. And as a plus, I have multicolored Armstrong sparkles.

=D Another awesome freebie
~Fire glow~



One of my favorite pieces..

~Slayer SasukeXGaaraSlayer~

Sasuke in avi style. Hehheh.. it looks like we're mesmerized by the fire.. ^^;;

~ -=[ Xue-Feng ]=-~

I know Kate in real life. She's just as mental as her art skills.
~Myles Nairne~

The quality was eaten while uploading.. but anyway. Myles is another mental person whom I know in real life. There must be something funky in the water around here.
~Targeted and Princess by Dawn~

xD Another cute freebie!

Got this during the GAIA Anniversary Ball 2k6. It's free.. and it MOVES. O_O
~ Saraku-light ~


~[Teh Otaku]~

~ Saylor ~

I got this one by bumping her board 20+ times. ^o^
~ Azn Mochi Gurl ~

Another freebie. &3
"Old" me
~ Tsubaven ~

Argh, the lovelyness of Tsu's art. Her shop is now closed though. && Sad, but at least my money won't go poof. @w@
~ Dawn Crest ~

If I remember correctly, this was my first-ever piece of avi art.
~ Radeeku ~

@.@ heart
~ brokencloud ~

~ drawing_alchemist ~

Molly, dear buddy-o-mine, drew this. For this and other reasons, she's forever on my hero list.

Here's another one.. us in real life. ^^ I'm the one with black hair.
It uploaded the shrunken one by mistake. Whoopsie, I'll fix that soon. ninja
~ xXHyuuga HinataXx ~

~ Saraku-light ~

Saraku, me good little friend, she made this art for her first example in her shop. Aint it pwetty? A freebie too. ^^
~ [Seraphic_Radiance] ~

I've listed the artist's name, but since it's easy for them to change it, just click their name I've listed to go to the artists shop, or profile if they no longer/never had one. OR if I'm just to lazy to find their shop again. o3o;
Another note: The "Current me" ones are in order, newer ones near the top. The "Old me" ones are in no particular order, because I can't remember that far.
There're a a lot of picture, which might take a while to load. Sorry..! ^_^;;
"Current" Me
~~[Strawberry Truffle]~~

<3 An awesomely cute piece of art by my dearest buddy, Juju. heart
~Gummibear Pwns~


Done in exchange for a rather messy pen-scrawl I did of him. I got the better end of the deal there... sweatdrop

~Bookish Intent~

This is the colored version of the freebie Bookish Intent gave me. You'll find it if you scroll down a bit.
Bwaha. 8D~

This one is by mah buddy, Jackie, as a Christmas pressie. <3 WOOT for Jackie Chan! heart heart

Here's what I was talking about (see one below). Bwaha.. ROCK LEE! 8D

&3 Another kickass cosplay art by Rose. :3 If you scroll down a bit, you can see an older one she did of me in Sasuke's clothes. : D You can really see how she's improved over the short time, can't you? ^_^; Anyway.. at the time of writing, she's working on another one for me. WOOT!

Mmm. Yummy fweebies. XD &3

&3 Sinny is so very awesome for doing freebies like this. I reccomend springing for her art, if you can. blaugh

I feel bad, because I forgot she was doing art for me. ^3^;; I didn't even bump or anything.. &&;;
BUT, Inu stepped my art up from a headshot. 3nodding heart

Initial thought: OOOOO heart
Second thought: Holy hell I'm cremating my Kiki xd
Yey! &3 Naru-kun rules! heart
~[saku saku]~

This was given to me by Juju-chan! blaugh But I don't know the artist.. gonk
Edit: Whoa, nevermind! I found the artist talking to yet ANOTHER artist who had commisioned me. Fancy that. XD

XD Notice the raised middle finger?
~[ .Lolita in Pink. ]~

~m00nlight shad0w~

~[Strawberry Truffle]~



Another piece of art that I spazzed about. ^^; I love the coloring, the expression, all of it.. heart heart


The REAL trick is getting Sasuke into my clothes. o__o;

I wouldn't of found this if I hadn't decided to randomly dig back in my post history.. 7 pages. ^^;
I'm a kitty coat-rack. xD
~Bookish Intent~

This was given out randomly to be. Total surprise.. that never happens to me. XD She's a cool girl. 8]
~The Bone Dragon~



LOL, it' just screams "happy couple," doesn't it? xd heart heart

This was my first piece of art since my name change, and I got it in her freebie thread.
I love the expression - it looks like I just got the fire to work for the first time..

^o^ Isn't that awesome? I love the scarf. It's kicky.
~Myles Nairne~




~Territorial Art~

~Lost Symphonies~



This has nothing to do with the picture, but everytime I say her name, I end up singing the Macarena.

~Cat Gurl2008~



x] ADORABLE. And as a plus, I have multicolored Armstrong sparkles.

=D Another awesome freebie
~Fire glow~



One of my favorite pieces..

~Slayer SasukeXGaaraSlayer~

Sasuke in avi style. Hehheh.. it looks like we're mesmerized by the fire.. ^^;;

~ -=[ Xue-Feng ]=-~

I know Kate in real life. She's just as mental as her art skills.
~Myles Nairne~

The quality was eaten while uploading.. but anyway. Myles is another mental person whom I know in real life. There must be something funky in the water around here.
~Targeted and Princess by Dawn~

xD Another cute freebie!

Got this during the GAIA Anniversary Ball 2k6. It's free.. and it MOVES. O_O
~ Saraku-light ~


~[Teh Otaku]~

~ Saylor ~

I got this one by bumping her board 20+ times. ^o^
~ Azn Mochi Gurl ~

Another freebie. &3
"Old" me
~ Tsubaven ~

Argh, the lovelyness of Tsu's art. Her shop is now closed though. && Sad, but at least my money won't go poof. @w@
~ Dawn Crest ~

If I remember correctly, this was my first-ever piece of avi art.
~ Radeeku ~

@.@ heart
~ brokencloud ~

~ drawing_alchemist ~

Molly, dear buddy-o-mine, drew this. For this and other reasons, she's forever on my hero list.

Here's another one.. us in real life. ^^ I'm the one with black hair.
It uploaded the shrunken one by mistake. Whoopsie, I'll fix that soon. ninja
~ xXHyuuga HinataXx ~

~ Saraku-light ~

Saraku, me good little friend, she made this art for her first example in her shop. Aint it pwetty? A freebie too. ^^
~ [Seraphic_Radiance] ~