So, I've been having a lot of crazy dreams lately. One of them requires a bit of back story, but other than that, they are completely random and have nothing to do with what happened that day or what was on TV before I went to sleep. In addition, I'd like to throw in that my dreams are normally fully saturated with color. I mean UNNATURAL color.
The first one that I can remember is about Harry Potter. I was over at the Burrow, and my friend's mom was acting like Mrs. Weasley and being all mom-ish. Well, she taught me how to apparate and do all sorts of fun magic, so I played with all that stuff for quite a few hours before I went to bed that night. However, when I woke up the next morning and went to school (normal school, not Hogwarts) I couldn't do any of it. So I spent my entire school day trying to prove to people that I could do magic and beating myself up in the process.
The second one is about Harry Potter as well. I got a letter accepting me to Hogwarts. It explained that I was being accepted 3 years later than normal because I was intelligent enough to come for only 4 years and get my diploma. I don't even know what house I ended up getting sorted into, but somehow the house elves got confused and put my stuff in all different dormitories. I had to walk into the 7th year girl's dormitory to get my crap and got in a fight with them in the process. I stormed out, went to my dormitory, which happened to be outside, and had to sleep on the ground since all the bunk beds were taken. I forgot a pillow. The end.
The next one is the one with the back story. My friend and I got bored one night and decided we would plan out who we would marry, how we would meet them, and what they were like. So I was really hoping to dream about my lover boy. Instead, I dreamt about John Travolta dancing around. How annoying is that.
The fourth one is creepy and the only one I had in black and white. I was hanging out at this guys house and decided to go for a walk outside. It was nighttime, foggy, in the middle of the woods, and cold. Perfect setting for a horror movie. There was a gigantic pile of leaves that I had passed and decided I would go diving in. I dove in and what did I find... a dead body wrapped in a sheet. I went back to the house, thinking nothing of it, and started to look around. Closets, under beds, in cabinets, all these places had dead bodies wrapped in sheets. The best part is that I didn't think that was weird, I just thought this guy had a lot of bedding at his disposal. Then this guy came out and started chasing me around with a giant cleaver all the while I'm letting his pets and mine in and out of the house so they can go to bathroom.
The last one involves a very odd picnic. I was outside at a park that I've never seen before and Michael was there along with some of my other friends. And the entire dream was us sitting there. We weren't eating we weren't talking, we were just sitting there.
Now, I've had some pretty weird dreams in my time, but all of these take the cake.
Not to mention they've all happened within the past 2 months or so.
Man I'm weird.
![]() ZomgShaylex Community Member ![]() |