Type: Kami
Appearance: Short curly hair, light brown eyes, childish smile
Ability: Kichiro's Kami allows him to change his Life Energy into a solid form. He is able to shape it and maintain it to create innumerable tools.
Adaptions: None
Skill: Attach, Hover (Air), Blade, Direct, Sense.
Summons: None.
Bio: Kichiro had an almost completely normal and average life. Middle class, Mom and Dad, No siblings. The only thing he excelled in was school work. He was going to go to an exceptional school until his town was attacked by a monster. Not even considered a very large threat, the Attack Brigade did nothing to stop it.
His father was one of the people that volunteered to kill it. He and his mother were devastated when they learned of his death. Kichiro went one night to kill it himself, though he had no chance. He was just a small boy with average strength. Luckily he was saved by a random member of the Attack Brigade that actually wanted to help. Sven was his name, and after the death of the monster, he had left the Attack Brigade to help smaller towns without people who were awakened.
Wanting to be strong he left to prove himself better, and to make himself like Sven he left the town to train.
While going through a dangerous wood, he was attacked by an even more ferocious creature. It was plant-like, making it easily dispatched by the Fire Adapted Clayton. Clayton then took him to the cabin to train with the rest of his students.