My home to others... |
I am an outcast who finds other people who wish not to be popular. I may have many friends but they are more like family to me than anything else. I enjoy reading Mangas, books about dragons, play on the computer, watch TV (If there is anything on). |
Community Member
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 @ 12:51am
AGAIN, SCHOOL... Well, May 22 is my last day of school! No more pricnebles telling me what to do, no other stupid kids crossing my path, pissing me off. No more homework, well, not until I go to college. I'm hoping to get my CNA license and pass the State test. I'm going to Colorado this summer with a friend of mine so I won't be on Gaia for awhile, which is okay by me. I think that sitting on the computer more than 4 hours is long enough for me. I'll be hiking up and down the trails, first getting used to the oxygen level first. I'll be 12,000 feet in the air. (Any one wanting to kill themselve, plaese enter the state of Colorado.) lol Well, really nothing much to say other than that school sucks and so does life! See ya!
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 @ 03:02am
I'm back and ready for action! School's just about over and I'm out of high school forever. Bout time! The school I go to sucks as our principal is a large pain in the a**. He thinks that he's all that, which he's not, and can do anything. He says that he was in sometype of army force, I think that it's all in his head. I see nothing in his office that shows he was in the force. Some of the teachers there I'm going to miss cry , others, I could care less about. I really don't think that I'll miss the food there either. stare I will miss all the good times that I had with all my friends, though. I was in color guard there and did my best to help my team mates in compisition. I remember my freshmen year of high school, I was only 14 at the time and not very smart about my actions. Even though some of my teachers didn't care, I enjoyed having fun in that class, making my teachers laugh, quietly. My second year of high school was really easy. I barely had any homework and very easy classes. My junior year, what a year, where colleges try their hardest to grab your parents money for you to attend their school. My classes were okay, had a few hard ones, but made it through. Ah, my senior year of high school, soon to be ending with less then a month and a half to go. Now I wish that I had done more in my high school years to remember the good ol' days. If I could go back in time and watch everything I did, and be able to change it too, I would. I hate to say it, but I'm really going to miss my high school. If you are reading this journal entry, try to make the best of your high school years as you can only go back to the school, but never back in time. Time goes fast when you really don't want it too and there's nothing you can do about it either. So if you are just fiddling around in your classes, don't, because the real world is getting hard to live in and mommy and daddy aren't going to stand behind you all the time. So do what you can and enjoy it while it lasts. My final thought; someone once told me: take two steps forward and one step back because life will never be the same if you never take the time to look at it.
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