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Part I. A New Dawn
They ran and ran for what had felt like miles. Then they stopped to take a break. “What the hell is going on!” yelled Marcus. “I don’t know but I think it’s over.” Larvitar replied. “PEOPLE OF AREA 11!” proclaimed a loud voice. Marcus and Larvitar turned around to see the large monitor on the building in the center of the city. “YOU NO LONGER RESIDE HERE! TO LONG HAVE WE STOOD IDLY BY WHILE YOU DESTROYED OUR WORLD! WE WILL NO LONGER BE MISTREATED AND MIS UNDERSTOOD WHILE YOU HUMANS DESTROY US SLOWLY WE OWN THIS LAND NOW!” The large beast from the Pokémon center was on the monitor making his speech. He put his hand on his mask and took it off. He looked up at the camera and said “I DESPISE YOU HUMANS AND YOUR KIND NOW LEAVE BEFORE WE MAKE YOU LEAVE!” A man standing in the front row yelled “you and what army?!” The speaker proclaimed “This one.” A large army of Pokémon covered in metallic armor came into the city in a perfect formation. “THIS IS OUR REVOLUTION WE WILL NO LONGER BE VICTIMS TO HUMAN OPPRESION! I OFFICIALLY CLAIM THIS PLACE THE JOINED NATIONS!!” A roar of thunderous applause and cheers rained down on the speaker as he looked into the camera with an evil smile on his face. “NOW BATTALION EVACUATION MOVEMENT 23!” The army rushed in on the people and started to attack. Blood was spilt, screams were heard, and innocent people were not spared! And the leader of this attack just laughed and watched. A small group of trainers tried to fight back but they were not spared. “ALL PEOPLE AND POKEMON WHO DARE OPPOSE US WILL NOT BE SPARED!” Soon everyone started running out of the city. Those to slow were not spared. Marcus and Larvitar stood and watched as the glorious city they once called home was slowly destroyed and overrun. Marcus said “we have to do something about this.” But Larvitar just shook his head saying “what can we do?” So Larvitar started walking away pulling Marcus as he watched people being slaughtered. The he saw Mike they walked up to each other and Marcus said “I’m gonna stop this how ‘bout you?” Mike just nodded his head and said “Let’s do it.”

“Go Riolu!” yelled Mike as Marcus sent out Larvitar. Both trainers and Pokémon ran into the fight. They all fought the legions of armored beasts. They attacked and fought but it seemed like they would never stop coming. Mike just said “Marc we need to leave. We can’t win this fight!” Marcus and Mike ran with the Pokémon close behind them not looking back or stopping for anything. They ran and ran until they’re muscles burned like fire and they couldn’t breathe but they kept running. They could hear the screams of people from miles away. Then they stopped far away from the city they were surrounded by barely a third of the people that used to reside in the city. Marcus and Mike walked and just looked at the people. The crying children, they saw mourning parents holding there wounded children, the blood-soaked escapees of an unfortunate bloodbath. Marcus looked everywhere he was disgusted and scared. Then he saw the waitress from the restaurant. He walked over to her and said “Do I know you from somewhere?” She looked up at him with tears in her eyes she said “you’re that jerk from the restaurant.” Marcus just gave her a look and said “Sure whatever” “I’m sorry but I have to go” she replied. “Where are you going?” Marcus asked. “I need to find my father I lost him when we were running and I need to find him he’s all I have.” Tears started to build in her eyes again Marcus said “Ok I’ll help you look just tell me your name?” “It’s Rina.” She replied. “Please can we go?” she asked “mmhm.” Replied Marcus. They started walking when mike walked up and said “Marcus where’ you going?” “We’re going to find her father” Marcus replied. Mike said “Ok I’m Tagging along.” “Good c’mon Larvitar.” Said Marcus. They left and started running out of the refugee camp when a military truck stopped in front of them. “Kids go back to the camp. You’re all being evacuated to Area 9. You’ll all be safe there.” Said the man on the turret “BUT I HAVE TO FIND MY FATHER!” Rina screamed. She started running to get past the soldiers, when a line of them appeared and pushed her back. She cried and screamed as the soldiers corralled all the refugees into the large vehicle so they could bring them to safety. They felt the ground shake as the tanks rolled into the city. They lined the tanks at the edge of the city and said “Tell all your people to leave or we will fire on you.” “YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP US WITH YOUR TANKS AND GUNS!” proclaimed the leader. “WE HAVE STRENGTHS YOU COULD NEVER IMAGINE!” then a large group of Venusaur walked up to the tanks. Then the leader said “FIRE!” the group of green giants roared as giant beams of light rained down from the sky. Each tank was destroyed and the soldiers evacuated as fast as possible but they could not escape the giant beams of light. Marcus, Mike and Rina saw the giant beams falling from the sky. So the soldiers rushed everyone onto the transport faster jamming people wherever they would fit. Everyone was packed into the transports and they started moving to Area 9 before the remaining people were killed.

“PLEASE DON’T KILL HIM!” he screamed as the beast approached him. “I’m very sorry boy but this has to happen.” Said the man hiding in a silhouette “Now Lucario grab him and use aura sphere” the beast ran over to the injured Typhlosion. “NO, NO, NO PLEASE DON’T DO IT!!” he screamed as he saw the blue aura build up into a ball the size of the monsters palm. Then with a large thrust the ball of pure energy was forced into the Pokémon’s chest. A large boom was heard as Typlosion’s body went limp. Lucario dropped the body as his owner gazed at the body of his partner. “You son-of-a-b***h I’ll kill you!” He screamed rushing at the trainer. He cocked his arm back ready to punch him as the blue beast suddenly appeared in front of him. “Lucario….Force Palm.” The monster pushed his palm into the young boy’s chest; he flew back landing hard getting the breath knocked out of him. The trainer walked up to him and said “I’m sorry it had to happen like this Marcus…but I couldn’t let him live.” Marcus responded “Why, why are you doing this?” “Because Marcus, this is how it has to be. Now I have to put you to sleep.” Out of nowhere a floating dark monster appeared as the trainer said “ Darkrai hypnosis” then Marcus felt his eyes getting heavy as he saw the trainer walk through the ring of fire surrounding them. Then everything faded to black……

“AHHHHH!!” Marcus woke up screaming in the middle of the hotel room waking his Larvitar in the process. He was sweating and out of breath. The Larvitar looked to him and said “What’s wrong Marc?” “Nothing” replied Marcus, “I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep.” “Whatever you say.” Said Larvitar as he rolled back over in his bed.” The rest of the night Marcus stayed up reminiscing about the past. That morning Marcus woke Larvitar up and said time for training Larvitar just looked back at him and nodded with a smile. They went out into the woods. “Go Electivire!” said Marcus as the large yellow furry beast stepped out of the red beam coming from the poke’ball. Then Marcus said “we’re doing evasiveness training today Larvitar.” “…uhhh what does that mean exactly?” replied Larvitar. Marcus said “that means run…Electivire strike Larvitar with your tail!” Electivire started swinging his tails at the little guy. Larvitar got slapped twice then ran away. “Move faster!” yelled Marcus as Electivire picked up in speed stalking Larvitar deep into the woods with Marcus following. Larvitar stopped deep in the woods for a second to catch his breath. “Man he’s tryin to kill me.” Right as he said that he looked up and saw Electivire come down from a tree and almost land on him. He sat there and stared him down then Larvitar charged at Electivire jumped over him and tried to head but him but Electivire blocked the attack with his tails then sent an electric charge through Larvitar’s body. Larvitar flew back but landed on his feet he had burn marks on the top of his head. Then he started running again. Three hours later Marcus said “Hey guys time to call it a day.” Larvitar walked back battered and bruised and said “Damn finally Marcus. I thought you were trying to kill me.” Marcus replied “Ok Larvitar time to eat.” “Yes best part of the day!” Larvitar replied.

Marcus and Larvitar were walking down the street. Larvitar looks up at Marcus with a happy look on his face and said “What are we eating this time Marcus I’m hungry.” “What do you want to eat buddy?” Marcus replied. Larvitar jumps in the air smiling from ear to ear saying “I want meat!” Marcus said smiling “What kind of meat.” Larvitar replied “STEAK!” “Ok then we’ll get some steak.” said Marcus. Marcus and Larvitar walked into the restaurant, walked up to the counter and sat down on the stools. Marcus was sitting with a serious look on his face when the waitress walked up to them. She put two menus on the counter and said “Hi! How are you doin’ today?” Marcus just looked at her smiling face for a second then said “Just get me a Turkey sandwich and a steak for my friend.” The waitress paused for a second staring at the small green horned monster in the seat next to him and said “Ok coming right up.” “Hey, Marcus!” said Larvitar. “Where does steak come from?” “Well…” Marcus started. A dark-skinned trainer quickly ran past the table and knocked over Marcus and Larvitar’s drinks. Marcus flicked a straw from a rubber band at the back of the trainer’s head. “Yo trainer!” He said. “Yo, b***h.” Marcus replied and went back to looking at his menu. The trainer glared at Marcus. “You know, I don’t like that attitude you and that punk of a Pokémon are giving me.” The trainer proclaimed. Marcus stood up from his chair and begun to glare back. “Fine then.” Marcus replied back “You and me, one on one.” “Before we battle, I’d like you to know my name. Mike Ultimatum.” Mike said. “Before I whip your a**, I’d like the same thing as well.” “Marcus is the name.” Mike seemed to shudder just a bit as Marcus gave a sly smile. “Hell yes!” Larvitar bolted out!” “Time to turn it up!” With a smile from Mike and Larvitar, the three steeped outside and the battle really begun.

As Larvitar jumped onto the battle arena, Mike threw his ball that had a black upper half and bottom half indigo. A Riolu popped out of a blue light and took its stance. Marcus looked at the little thing and said, “Larvitar take care of it.”, the green little dinosaur got ready to fight. Then, after Mike yelled “Riolu! Force Palm!” the little Riolu ran at larvitar jumped into the air and tried to push his hand into larvitar’s chest. When riolu was in the air, Larvitar just stared at him. Then when it came down, he moved in a flash dodging the hit and firing back with a head butt. But Riolu used his Force Palm to stop the hit and jump back. Larvitar looked at the little riolu with a smirk and said “Nice job you’re pretty good.” Riolu just turned his head in a funny direction then charged at Larvitar with a Quick Attack. Larvitar went a few feet back. Marcus begun to think, “I must adapt our fighting style. I….Will never lose again!” On Mike’s command, Riolu used Quick Attack again but larvitar just dodged it and tried to use head but again, riolu just dodged. Then Mike said “Damn you’re pretty good. Now, mix it up Riolu!” Riolu moved at twice the speed from before enough to make it look like clones of Riolu were switching spots. “Now.” Marcus growled, and without missing a beat, Larvitar hit Riolu dead on with a Bite, as Riolu bellowed in pain, Larvitar sent Riolu packing with a hell of a Horn Attack. Riolu was bleeding slightly but just got back up and used force palm. Larvitar wasn’t able to dodge riolu again and got hit point blank in the chest. Larvitar felt a crack in his chest as the impact took effect. Larvitar hit the ground and stayed there a while then he got back up. Larvitar said “Now I’m pissed.” Larvitar got a look in his eye as he dug his feet in the ground the pressure intensified as he got ready to charge. Marcus laughed with a smirk and said “You just made a bad choice.” “Why is that now?” responded Mike. Marcus simply replied “Because you shouldn’t piss certain people or Pokémon off. Larvitar use THRASH!” Larvitar charged at riolu and before riolu could react larvitar got him and started attacking riolu with a flurry of punches and kicks. Riolu was hurt with every hit and started bleeding from its mouth. Larvitar pushed riolu away and the bruises were obvious all over riolu’s body. Then riolu coughed blood and fell for a second. Mike’s smile left his face as he saw what had happened to his Pokémon. He said “Now I’m serious. I can’t lose…..” Marcus looked Mike in the eye and said “Bring it on then.” Mike said “Riolu! It’s time!”, then Marcus saw the energy start building up in Riolu’s hands and he stopped and remembered what had happened years ago to his Typhlosion. He stood there with an empty look in his eye he was paralyzed seeing the face of his Pokémon’s demise in the back of his head. Larvitar looked at Marcus and said “HEY! Move your a**!” Marcus woke up and saw what was happening and said “Right Larvitar use HYPER BEAM!” then a ball of energy started building up in the mouth of larvitar right before he fired it at riolu and riolu shot an Aura Sphere at Larvitar. The two powerful attacks collided between the two trainers. They got larger and larger but neither of them weakened. Every second the crater below the giant ball of energy got larger and larger until there was a huge explosion. A giant shockwave exploded and hit both Pokémon and both trainers. Both Larvitar and riolu were down and not getting back up. Then Mike stood up and Larvitar got up. He was bruised cut and bleeding, barely able to stand but he was still ready to fight. Riolu got up in the same condition as Larvitar. With blood falling from his mouth and his hands on his ribs he was kneeling on one knee. Larvitar started moving forward at Riolu and Riolu started charging at Larvitar. They both were about to hit each other when they both passed out. Mike looked at Marcus with a smile on his face and said “Wooh that was one hell of a battle. You make me want to have a rematch sometimes. Who knows, eh?” Then Marcus looked at Mike and said “Yeah, not bad.” Mike and Marcus shook hands and turned so that they were back to back, and walked their separate ways.

Marcus sat in the Pokémon center next to his healing Larvitar. He saw the look on Larvitars face and said “What’s wrong buddy?” Larvitar said “I had him he was mine. Why’d you have to stop us?” “Buddy look at you.” Said Marcus “You’re bleeding and probably have broken ribs.” “I would have killed him you shouldn’t have stopped me.” Replied Larvitar. “Look buddy I don’t want you to kill anybody” Marcus said “A while back when I was just a beginning trainer I had this Typhlosion and…” Marcus was barely able to finish his sentence when all of a sudden “BOOM!” half of the Pokémon center had blown up including the wall in Larvitars room. The shellshock from the explosion had knocked Marcus down and he hit his head knocking him out. Larvitar, still injured, jumped off the medical bed and grabbed Marcus. He took his passed out ally and dragged him through the hole in the wall. He was running through the hall when he stopped for a second. Larvitar looked in one of the rooms to see what looked like a mechanically armored human with a long tail. The armored being looked at the man in front of him, who was begging not to be killed, the creature just stared at him. Then it raised its one arm and pointed it at the man. His face turned red right before he let out a blood curdling scream and a second later it looked like the man disappeared. The only thing Larvitar saw were small red particles floating in the air before they fail to the ground making a red puddle at the creature’s feet. Larvitar saw what had happened and was petrified by what he had saw. He grabbed a tighter grip on the back of Marcus’ shirt and ran even faster not looking back at all. Larvitar thought he had some good distance down the hall when he decided to wake Marcus up. He slapped Marcus across the face til he woke up. Marcus opened his eyes to see the flaming building, he was surprised and scared. “Larvitar what the hell happened?!” “There’s a weird monster thing down there. Look their it is!” as Larvitar said that there was another huge explosion down the hall. A body flew through the wall that had just been blown up. Then the creature walked through the fire into the hall. The light from the fire was glistening off the blood on its metallic plating. Then the creature looked down the hall and saw Marcus and Larvitar. Marcus just stared at the tall monster looking him dead in the face “Marcus run let’s get the hell out of here!” Marcus looked at Larvitar than ran, with Larvitar following him

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