Hey blog buddies! I am trying something new. I'm a psychology major, as some of you know, and I thought I'd try to help out some of my friends with their problems. Every week, at least every Friday, I'm going to tackle my friends' questions in a journal entry. If you've got any questions, do the following:
1. Open a new PM
2. Make the subject "Suggestion Box"
3. Type your question
4. At the end of your PM, let me know if you'd like to remain anonymous or not.
5. Send the PM to me.
I'll let you know in a reply PM whether or not your question will be covered on each respective Friday. Questions submitted up until Thursday night at 10:00 Central Time are eligible to be answered that Friday. I may adjust the amount of days I answer questions, and I'll keep you all updated accordingly!
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My LifeLog
This is a random mix of emotions and challenges (okay, so not many) that I wish to share with the Gaia community. If you stop by, drop a comment for me to read, I love them! ^_^
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Certified School Psychologist, Bibliophile, Tea & Coffee Snob