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The Complete Book of Roy Mustang Fangirlism
WARNING: May cause Roy-Mustang-Sexiness Overload. Read at your own risk.
Donators since I've joined
Due to my profile becoming too long, I'm creating a journal log just for them. ^^

Here is a list of my beloved donators since I joined gaia in Feb. 2006:

aquaorator: 900k, 2 Limit Breakers, Noel's Gift, King of Fruits, and a lot of gold to help me with my friend's quests. OMG I LOVE YOU! heart heart
Hydraga: 125k, Aquatica, Floppy Clover, Blue crown hat Some housing itmes Luv you! heart
otaku1412: Ume Blossom hairpin, Hermes moon 8th Gen heart
Zorori: Outlaw Wolf Pup heart
Pikachooo: 5k heart
Angelina Dracul: 1k heart
[.Sara.]: 3k Romani Glasses heart
AngelicDemonSacrifice: Little scottie dog thing. heart
[M.a.N.a][H.e.R.o]: Spring Green Kimono heart
Shippo7777: 10k heart
Eleathiel: 4.5k heart
mew kt85: were tail heart
Momo the Nutella Warrior: 2-3k Zatch (sno yeti) Glamrock Headband Arinnel card heart
Rikimaroki: 12k, 2 labu necklaces, water meat. heart
Anime_ninja: 1k heart
APC00: 50g heart
Elvane: 3.5k glasses garden shovel bug net heart
JasonWind: Were Feet, 3 Aquarium Gold fish, 2 Aquarium Cuttle Fish heart
~6 Onigiri 6~: Majestic King, Tama's Basket (2nd Gen), Her Infernal Majesty heart
[Tohru Honda ^_^]: Awesome Profile page(Now on Flippy the Alchemist's profile.) Awesome Avy art! heart
OneInchPencil: 11k, DemonBow heart
No User Found: 1000g heart
Fatal Kirby: 691g heart
Major Domo: 1k heart
Emeraldeyes2: Giving me an April sealed for 3k! heart
Sailor45: 100g heart
femalefighter: 1k heart
Sportsfancd: Flashion Blue Top heart
Avaedan: 10k, Dark Halo, Mochi the Puppy, Were Tail heart
Abel-the-wicked: 489g, Mokona hat heart
imadoki_idgit: 5k, various gifts heart
kimiko_sama: 7k, Bacchus &3
~Java.Chip.Frap.~: 1k, 500 tickets &3
Skitchy: 1233g, 4 yellow inks &3
loser_666: 1559g, Flashy Summer Top, Moss hippie shoes, stethoscope, yellow bouquet &3
Enaro: Random items on Roliana. &3
ZOMBIES ate your face: 2k &3
Retarted Cheesecake: 500g. &3
iHabika: 1.5k, 9 Michael's Memories, 2 Langer the Dragon Plushies, Devil Imp &3
Ashi Risu: A shitload. ^^ &3
Crimzon_Regret: Imperial Queen &3
Geminis Twitch: 2 Langer the Dragon Plushies &3
iexaveor: 12+ Langer the Dragon Plushies &3
Squibby-kun: Mr. Racoon, Kong Sang Scarf, Bone Scythe, Nitemare Sash, Langer the Dragon Plush, Heart shaped box of sweets, Mimzy, Acromatic Apocarriped Scarf &333
Spaazzy Paandaz: Langer the Dragon Plush, other items. &3
O Izzy O: Langer the Dragon Plush &3
Chiuru: Adoring Fans &3
Misaki the Cute: JEKYLL'S MORALITY, Immaculate Bishop, Valiant Knight, 20k! &3
jjillane: Langer the Dragon Plush, Octopus on head, Blue Flyswatter &3
TheColorEpic: Gentle Lavender Sweet Lace Headband &3
Poppci: 5k, misc. items. &3
Sinful_Vogue: 20k! &3
Saviors_Tragedy: Uncanny Form &3
Deity of Dreams: Pongo the Ferret &3
megamando25: KiKi Kitty umbrella &3
TerrorEffect: 10k &3
Manny091: Skittles item, 2k9 Halloween set &3
Funkeh Wheezle: Two Turtle Doves &3
Hell Butterfly Ichigo: Black Wolf, Wild Dawn, Black Giles Winter Coat, Spirited 2k9 hat, Winter Snowcrystal, Water Festival Durem Shirt, Smashing Cities, Winterland snowball, Wild Dawn &3
Illiterate Panda: Will-o-Wisp, S.I.N Mace, Friendship Pendant &3
Cerianne - White Glamrock Jeans, Music Note Mood Bubble &3
pyro ninja pirate cat: Mimzy &3
KORPS3: Romance Pendant &3
Brothern: 10k &3
Arc Trooper Neyo: Silver Laurels &3
oO-Albansky-Oo: Big Book of FairyTales &3
Beezerific: Red Striped Socks, 2 Black inks, 2k &3
RavenxXxPyre: Misc. items. &3
Celebration Gun: Aceteon's Blessing, Class Headphones, Gogh Reed, Love Wrapped &3
Vincent_the_Tormented: Monk headpiece (?), Nitemare Headband, Masterpieces, Nartian Star &3
nightdeath56: 1k &3
Nemesis_526: 33 Black inks &3
Ooms Farlow: Bullet Belt, Lightning Lash, 25k &3
Holy Tempest: 20k &3
Elf Kiyo: Titans Legacy &3
James Garland: Red Flow Prom Dress &3
BlindedbyDoves: Lovely Black Dress &3
daughter_of_satan666: Red Flow Prom Dress, Lovely Black Dress &3
x_iiSnowflake: tokens, 8k &3
Prince Aculard: LUV-01X Cupid's Fast Response Armor, Chanho the Tiger Plushie &3
Memoiir: Nutcracker Prince &3
Elf Kiyo: 40k, Frostbite Blade &3
Fearful Gravity: Court of the Fairy Queen, Lumiere Noire, CoCo Kitty, misc. amounts of gold, items for my Hei cosplay, Oculas Mythica &3
iLoveLucyy: 22k &3
Mikassa_Jessica: Talsi's Sash &3
Mawkie: 1k <3
Akanea Yoshinari: 1k, assorted items <3
SHADOW OF DESPAIR291: Silent Night <3

Much love to SHADOW OF DESPAIR291, Fearful Gravity, Akito Yumi, imadoki_idgit, aquaorator, Prince Aculard, and - Sayuki Suzouki - for helping me achieve quests for my friends. <333

THE TWO CONSPIRISTS: Prince Aculard & Celebration Gun: Twister the Fire Phoenix, Dreamer's Dust, Scarlet Rose &3 Much love, but stop darn it! scream

I love them all. Donations are not expected, but greatly appreciated.

God I'm getting Old.

User ImageUser Image

I don't ******** know. Dx

Ah, I'm deadofied now. xP
Yeah, I had my birthday party on Saturday, and so yesterday and today, I'm dead tired. However, with my stubbornness, I had my mom wake me up today at 6:30am. and I refuse to take a nap. domokun

Anyway, my party was awesome, I had so much fun with my friends. 3nodding
We swam in freezing cold water, ate cake, played vid. games, talked and acted like idiots, listened to music via my iPod stereo, and played Night hide and go seek. Homigod, that was fun. We stayed up late too.

Well, I also got my license, and now I have to go places for my parents. XD
I never thought I'd want to go places, but I do. eek

Well, the day before, I was stupid and got the mail...I got my Shonen Jump, so I started to run back up to the house, well...I tripped in a hole, stretched and twisted my left knee and slammed into the concrete sidewalk. It hurt a lot. ;-;
In fact, my knee's acting up now. Dx

Oh well, I endured the pain and had a lot of fun.

Gifts included:
Nintendo Wii = Parents
Fanservice pick = Momo
Vincent from FF = Kitteh
Camouflage accessories for my car = cousins
$50 = grandparents
And apparently, I have more on the way. I feel so luved. heart

Also, thanks to everyone on here for gifts and giving me a Happy Birthday! heart heart

Mah Birthday! Party!
That's right, it's my birthday today, and I'm expecting nothing but hugs. biggrin
You'd only know that if you'd read this thing. XD

Anyway, today started out alright, same as usual, except my family's sorta having a little family fued, but on well. Not my problem right now, I've told myself to ignore it and ride it out. So, I will. *shrugs*

In other news, for my birthday from my parents, I'm getting a Nintendo Wii!
*prepares for some hate mail/hate comments*

So, I'm gonna buy some games after Sat.
Best part is, I can get Super Smash Brothers Brawl when it comes out! *jumps for joy*

I already know what picture I'm getting from Momo, I saw it on dA and it made me rofl
Check out TehMomo's dA page and be amazed...What am I? A Spokesperson? XD

Anyway, I haven't updated this thing due to lazyness and no body ever reads it anyway. sweatdrop

Till next unlazy moment. XD

"It's All About Truth!"
Alrighty then.
This journal entry goes to yesterday, when 3 of my friends and I got yelled at by one of my favorite teachers.

Les'see, We always go to the art room during Student Activity Period. Just so we can talk and 'cause teh art teacher don't really care.
So, about every other day we have to wait like 5 minutes 'cause she has to come from the middle school first.

But yesterday, I had another teacher for my homeroom because our normal one was a chaperone for the senior class trip.
Then I asked to go and she said okay. And of course the teacher wasn't there, so we waited in the spare hallway. Then my old math teacher comes in there and glares at us and made us feel like 1 inch big...
Then she said "Into my room, now!"

So we all scurried in there scared out of our minds.

Then she walks up to me and said "It's all about trust 'Arinnel'." (Yesh, Arinnel my real name is what she actually said. sweatdrop )
Just when we thought we'd get in total trouble, another teacher came in and said "Anyone going to the art room?"
We all scurried outta there. We were like "Thank you!!!!"

So yeah...luckily we didn't get in any real trouble...
But hey, my other nickname ish Trouble.

[R]ikimaroki A.K.A Sheep Dog's Birthday Party Was AWESOME!!
Yesh, yesh it was and don't you argue about it with me!

Anyway, I ended up being about an HOUR late 'cause my mom's stupid Lia Sophia Party...for those of you who have no idea what that is, it's a jewelry party. xP
Yeah, I'm not big on jewelry, but my mom did buy me 3 necklaces. sweatdrop

Anyway, first thing that happened was that I got GLOMPED by everyone, literally...

Then we played Monster Badmitten, its like regular badmitten, only with rackets and birdies that are like 10 times their normal size.

Then came DDR and Guitar Hero!!! Wooot! I learned Guitar Hero II ish actually a Lot harder than Guitar Hero I...So yeah...I kinda messed up a lot.

Then Sheep Dog opened her presents....I gotz her a book and a Shirt. She also got energy drinks....we all were gonna die if she drank all of 'em, so Dufus and I stopped her at 2...besides, it's not healthy to drink 4 energy drinks in a row!

Then she talked to her boyfriend and he literally scarred me for life. eek
Don't ask, 'cause I wont' tell...

*notices Duck Tape on arm still*
Oh right, she got 3 different rolls of duck tape and we just kinda went nutz. I had an arm band that says Flippy and another one that said Sociopath.

Then, before I left, I gotz to see a pretty fire--well, it was well contained in a drum bowl thingeh... sweatdrop

Then we gave Dufus and Chey a ride home. 'Twas an interesting ride. @_@

So yeah...It was fun!!

'[E]llo [A]ll!
Okay, first off, I like putting letters in [brackets.] 3nodding

Anyway, I was gonna update on the 22nd, but strangely didn't. So, here goes.

On April 22nd, I bought teh totally new, totally awesome Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games, which came out that day. It cost me a pretty penny, $74.70 to be exact....Or was it $70.74...? sweatdrop
I was so happy they had copies I could buy I was shaking while counting the money to give to the cashier. rofl
Anyway, I have only started Diamond and I'm hooked. So that's what I've been up to.

Also, On April 27th, Fall Out Boy's own Patrick Stump turned 23 years old!!!

The next day I went shopping with my mom, [her birthday], and picked up Hybrid Kitty and went shopping. We found a store better than the bookstore, IT had EVERY anime I've ever heard of!!! eek
We also found a store that sold swords, scythes, all those cool weapons.
In end, I bought 4 books, A Fall Out Boy poster, and Fall Out Boy folders. 'Twas a very good day. heart

Then I went to a wedding reception...not much to say for that. xp

Yesterday, May 1st, I passed my driving test!!
Now all I have to do is pass with an 88% in the class and I don't have to take a spot check when I go to get my license!!! Huzzah!

Oh right, I also have what Momo calls my "Stripper."
Yesh, I said stripper. He dance and flashes me his upper body all teh time...Ish interesting, but he's my friend, so no harm done.

That's all this round, but who knows where my crazy life will zigzag some more.

[W]hat's [N]ew [w]ith [A]rinnel?
'Ello gaians!
I'm in just such a chipper mood at 8:30 in teh A.M. 4laugh

Anyway, I've been sorta bored lately, so I'll update 'ya.

For Easter, I got The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for GameCube along with an awesome camo hat! Woot! So now I can go all camo and be invisible to everyone.

In other news, I'm finally gonna play a Final Fantasy game, borrowed from my friend, Nickname: Pink Demon or P.D. for short.
It happens to be Final Fantasy 10!

Is that all my dull life brings? No, I get to go to a party....that ish assuming 'plans' don't come up. But I think I'll go, I mean it's only 5 hours...of hyper...crazy....fun!!!

Oh yeah, I lost my drawing ability for a little bit, (Since teh beginning of spring break 2 weeks ago.) But it's coming back! Huzzah! Although, since I couldn't draw, I wanted to write, so I'm not so sure if it's 'Huzzah' or not. sweatdrop

That's all I gotz to say, so until next time! heart

Dilemas, dilemas...
Yesh, I get dilema after dilema.

First off, my other Bestest best friend, imadoki_idgit ish moving away. T-T
I know, it's all D--Uh...[Davien]'s fault. ( sweatdrop ) Ever since he came along, everyone's moving away and leaving me... emo
Just kidding. Although you are a dufus, [Davien] 4laugh

Next, I have to pick where I wanna go, Europe or Mexico.
I'm leaning towards Europe, though. Thoughts?

Les'see...next I have to worry about driving. It's evil if I have to drive on interstates. gonk Oh well, I have to sometime, right?

well, that's all I can think of right now.

Damn! It's been a while.
Okay...so I've slacked putting entries...It's not my fault, Momo's not here to yell at me anymore.

Anyway, yesterday I was without power for 23 1/2 hours! I froze! It wasn't fun! Then Rikimaroki just laughs at me! gonk Gee, I'm soo loved.

Um...what else..Oh! I've made some new, awesome friends! Some of their avatar names are hard to spell, so... sweatdrop But My new friend who I talk to a lot ish [.Sara.] And she donates to me, but wont' let me donate back! It's unfair!
On the other side, my friend Lin Kuei ish moving away. T-T

Oh...and I can't get Fall Out Boy out of meh mind. Next up, I get to go to teh bookstore in March! Huzzah for Flippy! Er...Arinnel!

And, and (gawd I'm hyper) My avatar has been changed! Anybody likey? *crickets chirp* Uh...heh.. xp

That's all for today, gaians. Leave a comment if 'ya likes. Till next time!

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