Name: Cress Sybellos Age: somewhere in his 20s, probably. He doesn't bother to keep track. Race: human Hair: sky blue Eyes: gray Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Cress considers himself to be an explorer and adventurer, though to be honest his activities tend to run closer to things like 'thief' and 'tomb-robber' (but in all fairness, isn't that what adventurers really are?). He has terrible luck, though this may or may not coincide with his tendency to make hasty judgments without considering all elements of a situation. Definitely acts before he thinks. He isn't necessarily bad-natured, though...just short-sighted and a little greedy.
He aspires to own an airship, mostly so he can show off that he has an airship. Also because airships are bitchin'.
He doesn't really like fighting, but when forced to, he relies on his fists (though of course, the moment the option to flee comes up, he'll probably take it). He keeps a knife or two on his person for various uses, but he isn't very good at fighting with them. Maybe he'll invest in a gun one of these days. Or some cool magitek gauntlets.
Working with clockwork and small machines is a hobby of his, one he often has to fall back on for supplemental income when adventuring doesn't go well.
[In progress-ish.]
Cress Sybellos · Sun Feb 16, 2014 @ 05:44pm · 0 Comments |