Sorry Kimi no Kokoro... I love you so much it's just when I saw your idea I had to steal it because it's so much easier to post my schedule for myself to see in something like this. Ha ha... I'm a bad person. Well, let's begin the operation. This is a test to see how organized I can be. I'm sure of it but hey, lets start this. A track of how organized I can be when I make this journal to track my roleplays. I mean, I could always do that for my page that I keep track of the models I use but then I'd feel so cluttered but I can guarentee you that for a while this.
Previous Commitments
Love Notes // Johnathan Wang {Mister Honor Role} Need to Complete Post
Gleek // Holy Liang {The Adorable Sister} Need to Complete Post
Love Notes // Meena Kang {Miss Writer} Can post
Look Only At Me // Moon Cake Profile
Look Only At Me // Caramel Macchiato Profile
Gleek // Rivet Liang {The Protective Brother} Waiting for Adorable Sister
Gleek // Zielona Adamek {The Occult Manic} Waiting for The Indifferent Loner
What. The. Hell // Hayato Tendou {The Laboring Studyholic} Waiting for Passionate Musician
What. The. Hell // Kazuma Morimoto {Mister Lecher} Waiting for class to start
Love Notes // The Shy Artist
Chasing Shadows // Finish making this Roleplay
View User's Journal
Work Log
Originally, I was going to use this as a roleplaying log. Now, I decided not to and this is just going to be me... blabbering. Yay, Why are you seriously reading this. Odd ball.
Oh it's just the sample fourm I never update
Doing my best not to fail at life
Doing my best not to fail at life