It is much more flexible
(and clean)
than the "F-word".
For example, one can use "CHUNK" as an adjective, as a verb, as an exclamation, or as a thought place-holder
1 -- such as "um", (or the Japanese version, "eh to"
wink . It can also be used as a noun replacement, however, "CHUNK" absolutely must not EVER be used to replace a
proper noun or a pronoun. It is not that "chunk"
could not be used that way
2, it is simply that it
must not ever be used in such a manner. It would be "achunkistic"
3 you see.
This can be confusing where one would plan to confer the sentence "I'm gettin' the heck outta Dodge." It would be phrased, properly within CHUNK, as "I'm gettin' the heck outta CHUNK"
What the individual is actually doing, in this case, is describing the place, but not replacing it's name.
Personally: CHUNK! My name is Jessie. A pleasure
5 to make your chunkquaintance! n_n)
Footnotes:1. PINATA!
2. pie!
3. That meaning to be contrary to all that the CHUNK philosophy and movement represents
4. Actually, the proper sentence here would be, "I'm chunking the chunk out of chunk," (though you see now how application of the CHUNK philosophy can become complex, and begin to fail at conveying any idea at all).
6. Gentlemen!