Character Race descriptions
Shinigami, or known as Soul reapers Derive their powers and abilities from their zanpakuto and their kido. However there are several other skills that one can possess, as well as different classes. These classes are Zanpakuto based, Caster based, Weapon User based, Physical based, and Multi-race based.
Zanpakuto Based: This character class allows your character to possess more shikia as well as bankia abilities. Not only that it gives the abilities a little more strength than what they would normally be. This class can be doubled up, meaning you may choose this class twice. Doing this not only gives you more abilities but it allows you to have a suplementary character trait to go with your major and minor traits.
Caster Based: This trait is based more on ranged combat. What this does is give range based attacks more power without costing more energy. this is useful for characters that use a kido based zanpakuto, aswell as have a more kido based combat style
Weapon User Based: This class allows your character to have more powerful base attacks, or attacks that do not rely on kido to use. This is more based around close range weapon combat, and non-kido based abilities. This also has to do with what kind of weapons you can use and what your released zanpakuto can be. (note: Not having this class does not limit your weapon choice for shikia, bankia or unreleased zanpakuto. What this does is allows you to very your weapons from one end of the spectrum to the other side) This also allows you to have more than one weapon on you at a time.
Physical Based: This class focuses souly on physical ability, how good you are with a sword, your fighting ability, as well as how much dexterity you have. This means you are inherently better at physical combat than someone who does not have this character class. Forinstance instead of starting with adept in sordsmanship you will start as a master or something of this nature.
Multi-Race Based: This class allows your character to be able to use abilities from a different race, such as arrancar, quincy, or fullbringer. For instance this may allow you to use an arrancar's abillity like their sonido or hierro.
Of the five classes stated you are allowed to choose two. Remember to coose wisely. Now for the abilities of a shinigami. These consist of Shunpo or flash step, Shunko or flash cry, Kido, Air Step, Hakuda, Ho Ho, Zanjutsu
Shunpo: This ability allows the user to travel faster than the eye can see for short distances.
Shunko: This ability allows the user to coat their body in reaitsu to greatly increase their physical abilities and fighting powers. (this may require permission from a mod in order to obtain)
Kido: The are high level incantations, or spells that shinigami use to aid in combat. This ability is split into two types. Hado, Bakudo. Hado is used for offensive perposes and range from 0ne to ninety nine. Bakudo are the opposite of hado. these are defensive spells that range from one to ninety nine. Remember the lower the number the weaker the spell, the higher the number the stronger the spell. Some high level shinigami may be able to creat their own kido or combine several together.
Air Step: This ability allowes the user to walk on air, simple as that.
Ho Ho: This is any fighting ability that incorporates the use of flash step or very high speeds.
Hakuda: This is your characters unarmed fighting abilities, or hand to hand. your RPC or role playing character may specialize in this making them better at hand to hand.
Zanjutsu: This is a Soul Reapers most used ability. This is all of a shinigami's techniques tha have to deal with their zanpakuto. This one ability can have a great deal of effect on every ability stated above. It can help or hinder your character.
Now Last thing. A shinigami's strengths and weaknesses. If your character is primarily close-ranged combat, he might not be as good at ranged combat. now this can be ballanced out like every character. just remember a Soul reaper isnt going to be as good a long-rang as a quincy and visa versa.
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