By a curve ball that I didn't catch right and it hit me in the nose. =O
I'm hurt now, but I'll be fine later.
I went over to Aaron's house again. I cried a lot, because of what happened, but I was also really, really suprised. He was REALLY nice!! Like, 'OMB ARE YOU SICK ONIISAN?!' kind of nice. I was sooooo totally happy's rare that he's nice to anyone, so I was espically happy that he was nice to me. Maybe 'cause I was crying...but then again, he was nice ALL day long. =O
I owe a lot of that to my friend, Mike. He was like,
Mike: know Kira (Named edited out for her saftey!!) is unhappy...right? Aaron: Yeah. Mike: You know what you could do to make her happy? Mike: Be nice to her. Mike: Will you do that? Aaron: You know...(random topic) Mike: Why are you avoiding my question?! Aaron: Why shouldn't I? Mike: Because I want her to be happy. Mike: So it would be a huge favor to me if you where nicer to her. Aaron: .... Aaron: I need to go now. Aaron: Seriously this time. [Aaron signed off]
Well, although he didn't say it to Mike, I think he took that into consideration today, as he was SO nice to me it was kinda scary. But I enjoyed it none the less.
Oh, and to Kayla,
Love you all,
K i r a C h a n 12 · Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 01:09am · 1 Comments |