Awesome Day...Kinda Bored but stills cool.
Today I hang out with My best friend in the whole world Alexandra *Colectte*, with Braulio, Diego *RealMaster*,Fabian *Dj_Fabio*, and Felix....*f3lix*.
Even with them I still feel kinda lonely...
Some of my friends left me and did not went to school today.
I missed them a lot!
Those were Angi *]-[Sephiroth]-[*, Abdiel *Clud_The_Hobbit*, even that Freak Many *]-[Many]-[* rofl No but seriously I missed them a lot...But anyway There was my old friend *Sympho* She's kinda cool...Oh I cant forget Melvino "El Gargajo Negro" Oh he's awesome! *lUISRODRIGUEZ*
Anyway To all those friends of me If you were the ones that assist today to school or werent You are still being my friends...I love you Guys! If you read this Add a comment or Lets just talk somewhere ok?
Always Appreciated!~