Otaku Kingdom |
A journal dedicated to writings of both original and fan based content. It is also now a place to stash all my Fanar and original drawings. Right now I'm in a Pokemon phase so xD; yeaaaah. |
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 07:54am
Shaiyn Bouslez Delor
 My Name is my IdentityShaiyn Bouslez Delor The number of candles on my cake count to… Shut the ******** up. Age isn’t important. I’m real. I was born hereNone of your business! How do I look? Shaiyn is a very private young man with a punk attitude that could make the bravest of the Holy Order and Night Cycle quiver and piss their pants. He is young, brash, has silvery hair and glowering amber eyes. He wears a spiked dog collar around his neck and a fitting outfit consisting of neon green/yellow-ish shirt topped off with a matching hood connecting to it. Crude designs are rampant alone the fabric, most notably the sig on his chest and the skull on the hood, shielding his hair as the seasons are prone to rain. He wears black tight fitted pants and white shoes. He wears an odd bracelet or two sometimes, and the odd earring, but most of the time is bare save for the clothes. He has a habit of dressing in the main church hallway no giving a flying ******** to people seeing his naked form. What bothers him is people seeing too deeply into his eyes, for he has poor vision due to the curse. It negates all color in one eye, and has begun to spread and make a portion of his face skeletal around the eye. Early on he begins to wear a tinted visor, complaining about headaches and sun. Personality is my True self I can’t help but like these Church of Endless Music Beating the crap out of people Swearing I really hate these Holy Order Everything he doesn’t see worth his time This is my story… My Powers are unique Music and dance are what Shaiyn prides himself over. So much that he incorporates different methods of dance into his fighting techniques. Majority stemming from ‘Break dancing’ and Jazz. Somehow by changing up different types of music styles he can utilize different kinds of elemental properties. When in doubt of his opponent he uses his skateboard as a method of battling, transforming it into a mechanical swallow. Proficient in both spears and lances, he is a key member in battle. He is the only one who does no change from Day cycle to Night cycle, and suffers fatigue unlike his companions. None know why. He makes up his faults though by being the driving force behind Jayz. Where I stand… The Endless. The world doesn’t give a crap about him so he does the same back. He loves his little sister though. Everything you didn’t know Along with his impaired vision in one eye he can also see coming events. NIGHT CYCLE Differences: None
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 07:34am
Dr. C-4
My Name is my IdentityDoctor C-4 The number of candles on my cake count to… I believe I stopped at Twenty-seven. Such a simple number…… I’m real. I was born hereAcross the ocean somewhere. I care little where I was born. How do I look? C-4 isn’t his actual name. No one knows what his real name is, but he has a tattoo on his neck and has since called himself by it. He is a short man compared to the rest of the crew, coming barely at equal height with Shaden who is the tallest with exception to Jayz. He dresses in a simple formal black plain shirt and has a lab coat over top of it. He often has his glasses perched up on the top of his head and is never without his clip board and pencil. His hair is a silky jet black with purple highlights in it, his eyes are a deep dark amethyst color. He has scars running up and down his body that he is not afraid to show off. What he does not like to show is his blood samples. Unlike the rest cursed by the endless, his very body has been tainted from the inside. Most of his organs have become hollow and coated in a thick wall of hardened fat, sealing off most bodily functions. For this reason his very blood has turned to the color of ink. He wears dark black baggy pants and can be found lounging in the library or his workshop, immersed in new scientific studies. He is the number one doctor of the century. Personality is my True self I can’t help but like these Church of Endless Experiments’ Grief, Depression, Negative thoughts Porn Suffering Anything that can hold his attention. I really hate these Holy Order Loud voices Having no Patients No lab guinea pigs Distracted from his work Night Cycle His blood Curse Stupid People Magic This is my story… My Powers are unique C-4 dignifies him as a scientific man, He aces in the area of knowledge and more often than not uses that to get his way, or out of things. When it falls down to combat he is a dangerous fiend, able to utilize his curse as a weapon when his ‘experimental’ creations are not present. He can use his cursed blood to burns peoples skin, as it is like a potent acid that eats away in second anything. Even metal. A bit of a sadist he uses this for his weapon as well making him a dangerous opponent as his blood can take on several shapes ranging in size depending on his will. When it makes contact it can slice people clean in half, or cut off chunks of skin, to which he has no problems of doing. His power is very ineffective to night creatures from the Night Cycle as they have a natural resistance to his blood. Other weapons including his pencil, clipboard, and pet dog Mezen. Where I stand… The Endless. Only because of the curse. Otherwise he has no ties to anyone. He is fond of Shaden and Jayz as partners. “At least they aren’t morons.” Everything you didn’t know He is a sadistic cruel b*****d who is confident in getting his way, even through vile means. NIGHT CYCLE Differences: From cold blooded and a hazard to himself, he transforms into a youthful man who is down in the dumps in appearance. He loses his tainted body in place of a crumbling fragile sad man. With a heart and body frozen from the inside he complains about warm weather at every chance and is prone to crying fits. His power stems from weather patterns during the Night Cycle. He is never without someone. He is heightened in fear of being left ‘alone’ during this time period. He prefers his alter name “Skulde” for he believes it separates his true self from his other reality self.
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 07:07am
Jayz K. Salrash
My Name is my Identity Jayz K. Salrash
The number of candles on my cake count to… Thirty-Two. Snuffed out at Thirty-Two…
I’m real. I was born here Outskirts of Nalia. Cross the bridge and down south of Kutun
How do I look? A rogue at heart, Jayz was never a man of such frightening appearance. He stands at a tall height, leading many to misjudge his caring nature because his eyes are constantly cold and emotionless. He has black hair cut short save for the bangs dangling down the sides of his cheeks. He wears a Holy Order uniform, given to him by the late fathers butler who pardoned his duties when the previous Father died to unknown circumstances. He is decked out completely in black and very little else. His eyes are like rubies, though they carry the color of blood and malice in them as he is prone to judging harshly. Crosses are numerous over his uniform, and underneath it all he wears mementos from his home as tribute to his acceptance of a new lifestyle. Like Shaden, he wears gloves of the black variation, but does not require the need of them. He however, never takes off his shirt in public or alone with someone other than Shaden. He wears loose fitted pants that are secured by a belt to allow quick movements. He acts as an escort for Father Shaden, and is rarely spotted elsewhere.
Personality is my True self
I can’t help but like these Shaden Night Cycle Books Kids Church of Endless
I really hate these Silence Holy Order Smoking’ Porn Negative language Suffering
This is my story…
My Powers are unique Tall and towering over many of the lead characters he is perceived as a walking red menace. Because he is cursed like Shaden, his back his partially synthetic tissue, coutesy of various night cycle visits to restore lost tissue. Like his companion he suffers from the same boneless fragments along his back, on the right side. This allows him to act as a meat shield at times because he cannot feel anything nor risk harm on that side. Jayz is equipped with twenty/twenty vision allowing him to wield his main weapon with a skill beyond that of a professional gunsman. He is strong enough and trained enough to use two sawed off shotguns like mere handguns. Knows as the ‘Crimson Bullet’ he is fast and reacts swiftly to change around him. Most comment that he is not human. He prefers to count it towards practice and deliberate training to ensure protection of the new Father. Unable to interact directly he can somehow communicate with Shaden through a mental link between them, possibly because they were ‘Compatible’ since birth. Relying on Shaden for communication is his only option, though he competent enough to use sign-language when appropriate. His other powers include hand to hand combat and knife throwing. He is no stranger to blunt weapons if it falls to that.
Where I stand… The Endless. He is devoted to Shaden and his beliefs. He cares little for the Church, pegging it as a ‘abomination that must be followed’
Everything you didn’t know He is uncomfortable around too many guys. It is rumored he has a soft spot for fluffy things. You may see the odd smile and caring eyes reveal themselves briefly.
Differences: Like Shaden to Drizzen form, Jayz to undergoes something drastic. His voice returns in the Night Cycle, as does a whole deal of magical power that courses through his being. His appearance changes vastly to a young blue haired priest, with a wand. While his Day Cycle is a offensive defender, his Night cycle leaves much to be desired as a frail support character. Unused to talking he sometimes forgets that he can speak and still communicates via his link. He is formidable with barriers, and powerful holy magic. He often stays at the castle when other venture out. He likes to be called Jasper..  ]
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 06:23am
Shaden De Vous Nephra (OC)
 My Name is my Identity Shaden De Vous Nephra. Shaden is fine.
The number of candles on my cake count to… Thirty-six. They stopped at thirty-six.
I’m real. I was born here Outskirts of Nalia. Cross the bridge and down south of Kutun
How do I look? Shaden is a bit of a princely character. His clothes are washed daily to keep up with the many occasions that require his presence. He wears an assortment of black and white robes, seemingly cut in half at various points which earn much rebuke throughout the holy order and similarly the Guilds. To many he is an icon who is clean shaven, youthful, has boundless energy and does little to shape himself to their needs. He has a dusty brown colored hair that at some points can be seen as a pasty pastel brown, streaked with white depending how the sun catches it. A cross necklace hangs from his neck; signifying his status in the Order, even though he is not a literal member. Most within the group however look to him as a father for advice, even some of the elders. He has serene blue eyes that are always alight with mischief and kindness, though they tend to dwindle in their color on rare times when he is truly displeased. He is never without a book in hand, or his white gloves covering his hands. It is rumored he never takes them off, and many towns people pass the mountains of his church make up wild fantasies about it, but he has never shown an interest in quelling their pettiness. Frail in appearance he has fair rounded shoulders, skinny arms, and often doesn’t show at night and declines all invitations to balls and summons. A small bag is wrapped around his middle, containing numerous chemical components. He has beads that hang around numerous areas of his outfit.
Personality is my True self
I can’t help but like these Porn books Men Dirty Mags Smoking Sorcery Dark Arts Reading Church of Endless
I really hate these Flirting Females Holy Order Educational Books (That are not history or spell related) Making Mistakes Suffering Holy Power Bible People who worship/idolize him
This is my story…
My Powers are unique A quiet man in appearance who is one of the newest ‘Fathers’ of the Church he is at glance a frail piece of work. Do not let his stature fool yu for he comes well equipped to lay the burliest of men quivering in their boots. Around his waist his a bag of chemical components used in dark sorcery. With a simple gathering of this he can do many different effects, barriers, offensive magical attacks, anything that is around him is his weapon. Though it is limited and is only gathered and harvested during the night cycle. Therefore it is sparingly used. A man of many talents he is familiar with projectiles---his favorite being a shotgun. Though this is always hidden away in his room for emergencies. He is able to use his beads as a weapon, by chanting he can use them to hover around him and create a temporary shield based entirely on the length of his chanting. It can take very little damage directly and will shatter shortly after. Shaden’s weapon is his hands. Without the gloves it reveals two skeletal limbs coated partially in artificial metallic material. These are able to manipulate a dark aura in his body granted by his curse. He can use his shadow and manifest it into a living weapon; but only when it can be seen in the sun. If the sun is not present he uses them to catch bullets, for it does no damage. He is prone to injuring people beyond repair because of the dark matter seeping from them. His book as well, is a last resort weapon. It can project various weapons depending on the novel. He says it was ‘gods’ gift. It is in fact, a result of his many years of study in combining dark and holy arts.
Where I stand… The Endless. He is devoted to the Church beliefs, how far this stems it is currently unknown…
Everything you didn’t know Shaden is a sucker for technology. This partially stems from his alter form during the ‘Night Cycle’
Differences: His appearance for the most part has become a ruffian. He retains everything of his Day form, but gains some cons and pros to the Night Cycle. He is prudently rude, far craftier in tactical manners, and rarely gets along in teams. His powers take a tremendous jump from holy and sorcery to down to earth technology and chemical components. Most of his weapons are bombs and things that make things go BOOM. He's paranoid in this form and won't hesitate to injure a friend if it means saving more number of lives. On 'this' side of the world he is revered only by a symbol, never by name or appearance. He is like a shadow, though his special power comes from unprecedented surge of electricity. He likes to be called Drizzen.
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