I really don't come here often enough to make this my journal. I also have two journals as it is, so really why would I waste space with a third?
Seems kind of silly doesn't it?
But, if your really dieing to take a peak at my life (and most people really aren't, I can assure you). Then you can check out two places where I most frequently visits.
My Livejournal known as "The Pokka Dot Poncho"
Where I am more common found at, My DeviantArt Page:
If anyone wishes to contact me for any such reason, but nothing sick, you can send a email to my Yahoo account at:
Have_A_Cup_Of_T@ yahoo.com
See you all later!
.:* KareBear *:.
View User's Journal
KareBear's So-Called Journal
That place where KareBear comes to write stuff about whatever is floating about her head from time to time,