like omg i filled the comment box so much that it wont let mu submit it someone send me a pm of anything but chainletters or them thing that u have to sign and yes i no wat is called but i liked to explain it to the people so if u could send me a pm at least say hi or something funny or chat for a while the lack of pms and comments well not the comment but the pm PM me or die like uncle sam aways sayi want u to pm me just think about uncle sam and u will get the ideai want to thank u mu fan girls if i have some ^_^ remember uncle sam is counting on u so do ur best and pm me or die well all of the stuff i wrote in is not realy ture i was just bord so i did all of this it just pop in my mind and i push the buttons thats all have a nice day or night or noon or watever time it is ok bye with a big b at the beging thanks for reading ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ well u no there were was a continue of this so here it is another long azz commment im trying to do some thing and i will never tell all of u people but if u comment i will tell and ace this is not bigingo yeah there is huch more more i wonder who goes to bingo night i would like to no and how is it i wonder if it is fun like limbo night yes i am some times random and funny and ha-ha and he-he owww a cookie would u like a cooke anyone yes i am board poke every body lick crazy hay its raining well not that much though this year i got a cell phone but it is realy old i need a new cell phone would any body buy me a new one annn i dont need it like who would i call at this time of year or day or mounth or week or a the day after tommor ot the day befor yesterday yup like i wonder who would read this all if u read this i will donat 1k to u every day sike i dont even have that much gold look monkey jumping on the bed of hisor poke poke poke im so wasted like noooo im not im just board like to death there will be a contiue of this when im board so u better wacth out cuz santa is coming to town he will give me a i pod a new new computer a new puppy and a auto-mail arm and a philospher stone i may have spelled it wrong so live with it cooly i wonder how much i wrote i bet it would be like a million or trillions like dude lol how was ur day fine how was urs ok it was fun i had a to go to the movies to see that new movie jackazz 2 it is so funny but sadly i did not go to see it so im am sad rite now so i like a to see it so bad . omg y wont it let me submit it mu comment is it to much i can not delet this it is mu comment stressed yes like i only have one or three people to chat on aimon yahoo dammm i dont even anyone to chat but me and my brother rofl like i like to play gaia but like lol and tol and like i like rockand random i also like to poke people poke poke poke poke poke poke poke twisted i can do this all day but sadly i cant like cuz of skoolits so fun to poke someone if they poke backi wish it can be spring because i just love it heart me birthday is in it and thing happens in that seasonim sorry other seasons i like u the same but a little less domokun cookie i love cookie domokun not how r my frends doing if some1 read this they get a big prize so come and win it pm me spell ur name hi im matt short for matthewpham1818 i like saying the word cookie cookie and my yeti's name is Lee i want to end this nice and short us poor people should steal for the rich like will any one read it or something like oh my gosh omg the amazing spider-man july 3 1963 yup i have it who wants it well for get u i ant selling it but i would if upay me alot why o why dont u people read my journal is it because it is random or stupit yes i no i did not put any periots or endings like shitthe frist one to read all of this will win a major prize it is so big and orange and yes it is on gaia so start to read people and dont for get to comment i like to read any teys of comment even if it dont make any cence of corse i will share my cookie with the people of gaia gaia is a nice place to habg out when u are board to death lik i am poke bump bump1 bump 2 i sometimes like to bump but some how it gets boring so i quit bumping for a while and post and vote like crazy yes i am loco im the minbrain lol that was funny do u want to no wat is funnyer ray charles saying i cant see s**t like lmfao realy badly do any body out there no how to do calculus i think it is like math or something my dad has a book of it so i looked at it and see that there are shapes and numbers just like my coloring book yes i like to color and paint but i dont no how to draw hats how much i suck people these days its all about guns and drug wat is up oh yeah u r a crackhead no wonder u like on the streets all u do is buy or sell crack like can u even stop who ever made crack is very dum cig smokeing comeon tobaco kids who smoke u got to be kiding me flavor cig when i can go to the super markert and buy flavor ice cream way better now wat r u going to cry and make candy into tobaco u azz i like candy if u turn candy into tobaco i will well not i but all the kids who like candy will burn down tu every company and bring back the old candy smoking is nasty itis bacd for ur lung brath and also ur teeth have a look at them sometimes all yellow and s**t god my friend died from 2nd hand smoking and she was my bestest of all best friends but u killed her thanks alot tobaco with ur dum azz products y cant u make something good for a change without useing ur dirty money u no wat i mean the money of the product rite now in the world someone is dieing cuz of ur product thats y u r going to 4311 mad just stop now just stop it some people had it with u and ur cig canser u azz holes just think about it dont even wast a dime to find out wat it means or how to get it its u also with all of the smoking u r pollouting the air that we all breath in how about those ends of the cigs last time i saw a cat eat one of those and had died kids think that cool people smoke so kids want to be cool so they SMOKE one of ur death weponds
matthewpham1818 · Sat Sep 30, 2006 @ 09:59pm · 1 Comments |