When I should be either researching, sleeping or writing internship journal entries... I do this! YAY!

Urd! You're very shure of yourself. You have a Lover who left you.
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Grab Code
Hotohori! Wise and sexy...
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Grab Code
You are Earth!
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Grab Code
You need a miserable lay-off prone job in coorporate America. You need the risk of not knowing whether you'll have a job tommorrow or not. Recommendation: try MCI/Worldcom
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Grab Code
You are de' water! You must like swiming and having fun! Congrats.
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Grab Code
Ta-da!Thats your sign!
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Grab Code
A are a cool dragon, you somtimes help others, yet you also get ticked off easily
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Grab CodeRed-A natural leader.You have people looking up to you and depending on you whatever or where ever you are.Your seriouse and reliable but need to have more fun.
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Grab Code
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Grab CodeGreen-Your a natural leader and very orgonized.
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Grab Code
Blonde. Like me! Psst...don't tell anyone....but one day, we will rule the world! *evil cackle*
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Grab Code
You're a prep. Just admit it...it's not so bad!
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Grab Code
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Grab Code
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Go You! your short spikes. the crem de le crem of the rest. you fit in in any sityation and you care about others. You know that it is bestto look for thar some one in their personalities. you ive life tot he fullest and most of all, you dont suck.
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Grab Code
You are A J-ROCK HIGH UP HAIRSTYLE! Your wild and crazy, but still cool! You should like a J-Rocker, such as Die of Dir En Grey! Well maybe not Die.....or Kyo....their already taken by me!
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Grab Code
You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly happy with almost everything you do and would never cahnge your life.
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Grab Code
Awwwwww! You're a Kappa.A cute little frog thing with a beak. You love cucumbers and swimming. Although you've been known to do harm (Like pulling the intestines out through a human's a**s), you're normally very carefree and loveable. Only when you're pissed off would you ever hurt another person. You've got a plate of water that you wear on your head that gives you special powers, but watch out! If that plate gets knocked off, you lose all those powers and become just a wierd lookin' frog thing...
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Grab CodeDisorder | Rating
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
URL of the test:
http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mvURL for more info: