The Fabled Book Of Things I Wont Remember Unless I write them Down >.> |
Tis is just as the title says...a place for me to write down my thing i will forget...soon...so i have 1 thing to leave you with
Fatty Fatty 2by4
Cant Fit Through The Kitchen Door XP! |
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 @ 04:12am
Codwell * in Progress*
CODWELL Character List (+)First Exposure/(BM)=BlackMarket/*1-Dies in Season 1/*2-Dies in Season2/*3-Dies in season 3 (1)Kevin-+-Jacob Binks-Protagonist-Council-Bartender-Emotion Manipulation(31) (2)Katie-+-Josie Archer-Protagonist-Counciler-Madaam-Mental Manipulation(31) (3)Cody-+-Benny Binks-Council-Radical Leader-Sheriff-Spatial Manipulation(26) (4)Kris-+-John Archer-Council-Soldier-Psychokinesis(2 cool (5)Chris-+-Beau Watters*2-Council Head-Mayor-Intangibility(50) (6)Chantha-Becca Watters-Native-Baker(BM)-SuperStrength(50) (7)Megan-Lillian DeCourt*1-Foriegn Bar Wench/Waitress-Misfortune(34) ( cool Mark+Laurent Brown*2-Antagonist-Foreign-Scientist(BM)Accelerated Probability(55) (9)Pat-(Hooded Figure)Owen Saunders*3 -Antagonist- Lab Aide-Power Absorption(1 cool (10)AJ-Zacharia Saunders*1 DRK-Antagonist-Preist-Persuassion(49) (11)Tina-Sharron Goode*1-Whore-Glamouring(51) (12)Hollywood-Greer Goode*3-Native Radical b*****d Prince/Hunter-Elasticity(21) (13)Freddy-Elyja Lyte-Foreign-Council-Doctor-Lifeforce Manipulation(29) (14)Danielle-Candyce Lyte*2-Foreign Midwife-Communication(55) (15)Devin-+-Chuck Rogers*3 DRK-Butcher(BM)-Beast Mimickry(47) (16)Harry-+-Gage Adams DRK-Blacksmith(BM)-Invisibility(50) (17)Justin-Ian Smith-Foreign-Radical-Engineer-Intuitive Aptitude(21) (1 cool Elissa-+-Dolly Marx*1- DRK-Headline Dancer-Pheromone Manipulation(1 cool (19)Allison-+-Zanya ClearWave*2-Gypsy Exiled Dancer/Waitess-Purification(36) (20)Cassie-Bella AshStorm-Gypsy-Radical-Princess/Herbalist-Weather Manipulation(20) (21)Paul-Sage Frostyne-Native Prince-Radical/Warrior-Aura Manipulation(21) (22)Ruocco-River Frostyne*2-Native King/Shaman King-Astral Duplication(37) (23)Matt-Locke Aerolyne-Native-Council-Herbalist/Combat Medic-Spiritual Triage(26) (24)Duffy-Claire Aerolyne-Native Hunter/Tracker-Spiritual Resonance(45) (25)Kayla-Zelle Blazyne*2-Native Seemstress-Astral Introspection(30) (26)Arlyne-Zilla Blazyne-Native BlackSmith-Metaphysical Projection(30) (27)AmandaG-Zextra Lightryne-Native Astronomer/Seer-Premeditive Foresight(53) (2 cool Angelina-Zyma Mountyne-Native-Radical/Warrior-Adaptive Muscle Memory(1 cool (29)Natasha-Maven Frostyne*3-Native Warrior Queen-Psionic Manipulation(40) (30)Ciara-Bliss AshStorm*3-Gypsy Ruler/Warrior General-Organic Manipulation(50) (31)Angelica-Zunett BloodWater-Gypsy Warrior Trainer-Metaphysical Osmosis(3 cool (32)Maeghan-Laiza RockPeak-Gypsy Warrior Assistant-Extrasensory Perception(24) (33)Lizzy-Kao RiverWood*2-Gypsy Royal Servant-Organic Duplication(25) (34)Juan-Izzi BloodWater-Gypsy Radical/Hunter/Forager-Aquakinesis(21) (35)Mirnez-Lovell ClearSound*2-Gypsy SootheSayer/Orator-Sonic Manipulation(29) (36)Cayman-Bruno AshStorm-Gypsy Prince/Tracker-Aerokinesis(30) (37)KaylaC-Jazze WillowBlade-Gypsy SwordSmith-Metal Manipulation(45) (3 cool Ari-Zynx WillowBlade-Gypsy ArmourSmith-Alchemic Transmutaion(45) (39)Bobby-Arthur Shade-Antiquarian/Trader(BMBoss)-Clairsentience(33) (40)Lopi-Keith Whippet*3-DRK Artillery/Ammo Dealer(BM)-Inorganic Duplication(42) (41)Danno-Clyde Kraet-Foriegn Assasin/Mercenary(BM)-Teleportation(35) (42)Zach-Alaah Daeo-Foriegn Council Bodyguard/Hired Muscle(BM)-Invulnerability(35) (43)Brittney-Anitta Phace-DRK Radical Beautician/Informant(BM)-Truth Iduction(24) (44)Christina-Bryah Roze*3-Foriegn Jewel Dealer(BM)-Gravitational Manipulation(36) (45)Jackie-Illia Whippet*3-DRK Seamstress/Cloth Dealer(BM)-Insect Manipulation(45) (46)Ryan-Quinton Parry-Radical-Herbalist/Herb Dealer(BM)-Sensory Manipulation(21) (47)Allie-Zolla Popovich-Librarian/Book Keeper(BM)-Eidetic Memory Manipulation(40) (4 cool Johny-Igor Popovich-Fishery Owner/Shipping Trader(BM)-Seismic Manipulation(40)
Paths of Infections (Owen/Sharron/Greer)->Through Injection by Laurent Experimentally in Lab in Prologue (Jacob/Josie/Benny/John/Beau/Laurent/Gage/Chuck/Dolly/Zanya)->Orally Taken as Shot Served by Lillian at Johns Welcome Party in Archer Ale in Chapter 1 (Josie->Elyja)(Dolly->Ian)(John->Lillian)(Beau->Becca)(Laurent->Candyce)->Sexually the Night After Taking Shot from Lillian at Johns Welcoming Party Chapter 2 (Sharron->Zacharia)(Greer->Bella)->Day After Injection by Laurent Flashback-Chapter 3 (Sage/Maven/Locke/Zextra/Zaya)->Inhaled through powdered state when attending a meeting at Shine Temple discovering a reason for Sages weakened state-Season 2 Intro (Sage->Zyma)(Maven->River)(Locke->Zelle/Zilla)-> Sexually night after the powdered attack at Shine Temple when attempting to heal River-Season 2 Chapter 2 (Bliss/Jazze/Zynx/Zunett/Laiza/Kao)->Inhaled through powdered state when attending a strategic breifing in the Willow's Armory to discuss protocol Season 2 (Zunett->Lovell)(Kao->Bruno)(Bennet->Izzi)->Sexually night after the powdered attack at Willow's Armory during the briefing Season 2 (Arthur/Keith/Alaah/Quinton/Igor) -> Given Topically by Owen at a BlackMarket meeting to discuss Laurents open position as a Mountebank Season 3 (Arthur->Zolla/Keith->Illia/Alaah->Clyde/Quitnon->Anitta/Igor->Bryah) -> Sexually night after Owen exposed them to the Sgw5 Lotion at the Black Martket Season 3 Death's List (MBO-Murdered By Owen Aquiring Abilities)(KBL-Killed by Laurent) 1)Sharron: MBO after he witnesses her relationship with Zacharia 2)Lillian: MBO after she finds out he was the gypsy abductor/murderer 3)Dolly: Killed by Zacharia under the influence of her out of controll ability 4)Zacharia: MBO after Dollys death and to atone for the sins of/by his son 5)Candyce: MBO after she threatened to expose Laurent harboring owen 6)Kao: KBL to setup Greer for murder and start a tribal war, Gypsy funeral 7)Zelle: KBL staged as a retaliation attack for Kaos death after the town meeting cool Zanya: MBO when attempting to tell Quinn of Laurents hand in the murders/war 9)Lovell: KBL when discovered Laurents hand in the gypsy murders and bio-testing 10)River: KBL when trying to meet with Quinn to discuss peace terms for the war 11)Laurent: Killed by Sage with Councils help to get revenge and stop the killings 12)Beau: MBO after Laurents death to complete power aquisition and start the war 13)Zextra: Sees own death by natural means and uses it to strengthen native faith 14)Chuck: Killed accidently by his son first time he transformed into a Stag 15)Illia: Killed in BM by Owen as she catches him stealing from Whippet ammunition 16)Bryah: Killed by Alaah under Owens Controll to interupt the councils investigation 17)Maven: Killed simultaneously by Bliss as their powers colide in the last tribal battle 1 cool Bliss: Killed simultaneously by Maven as their powers colide in the last tribal battle 19)Keith: Killed by Allah under Owens controll before he could shoot Bella with his gun 20)Greer: Killed as a side effect of restraining Owen while he was trying to be intangible 21)Owen: Killed while restrained, Sage sealed his abilities, Elija extracted his lifeforce Timeline of Events Day1: Sharron first to exibit powers//Glamouring herself to resemble Dolly Out of Envy Day2: Greer falls on face and unknown to him flattens his face without damage//Benny goes to apprehend a thief and catches him Inhumanly Fast//Dolly is dancing on stage when Benny becomes enthralled for minutes. Day3: Josie Wakes up and has a headache and when she has a conversation with Lillian finishes her thought for her//Bella confronts Greer about their relationship and when she gets mad she Makes it Rain //Jacob is tending the bar when Greer is distraught over his day and has a drastic Empathic understandstanding of the situation Day4: John is practicing shooting with Benny when Chuck and his sons walk into the bullets path but John subconsciously alters the trajectory making it miss them//Zanya is cleaning glases in the bar when she continuously Purifies the water keeping it clean Day5: Gage is in Archer Ale and is ignored to the point he turns invisible momentarilly//Chuck is about to slaughter a cow when he starts synchronising with its mind and cannot follow thorugh with it Day6: Laurent is at his lab when trying to solve a complex chemical equation and does so on the first try thorugh accurate Proccess of Elimination//Beau is inside his office and tries to open a door but his hand keeps passing through it intangibily. Day7: Zacharia is giving absent minded advice that Sharron follows against her will//Ian is trying to fix the train when he breaks a clock and is able to Intuitively Repair it Day8: Elija is treating Jacobs children for minor cuts and Heals one for them Day9: Lillian is cleaning up Archer Ale and starts a series of Misfortunate events that break her leg// Day10: Becca is lifting up a couch to clean and actually lifts it off the ground//Hooded Figure Murders Sharron Day11: Candyce is walking by the train terminal and overhears two foreign womens conversation in their language and understands it in english// Hooded Figure demenstrates his ability of Aquiring Others Abilities by Glamouring his Lepracy Away Super Power Guide (p.c=Physical Contact)(multippl=Multple People) Emotion Manipulation(Lv5): Starts with the ability to sense others emotions // Can then manipulate others emotions through p.c // Then allows Emotional Syncopy with Others allowing unlimited access into emotion hisory through p.c // Can then manipulate others emotions in a radius from user // Full controll of multippl in a wide radius from user as well as metephysical manifestation Mental Manipulation(Lv5): Starts wth uncontrollable telepathy // Grows to controlled Telepathy as well as Unlimited Mental Access to others memories through p.c // Can manipulate others thoughts and memories through p.c // Then allows complete controll of someone telepathically // Allows controll of mulippl telepathically as well as Psionic charges Spatial Manipulation(Lv5): Starts with enhanced speed through self projection forward through space // Can enter a 360 degree state of spatial awareness avoiding all damage when standing still // Controlled movement through a wide area thats being slowed/stopped // Can then teleport self and mulippl through p.c while gaining access to 360 degree spatial awareness while moving // Finally allows user to controll a remote space, stopping or disintergrating whats inside Psychokinesis(Lv5): Starts with controlling objects with physcial gestures within eyesight // Allows Concussive blasts annd enhanced speed ,dexterity, and strength because of telekinetic enhancement // Allows controll of an object out of eyesight through memory of location // Controll muliplte objects in a controlled area around body for 6th sense defense // Allows controll of multiple objects with mind within an area around body as well as Flight Intangibility(lv3): Starts with user passing through objects uncontrolably // Complete controll over physical tangibility through inanimate objects // Allows user to make multippl intangible through p.c SuperStrength(Lv3): Starts with user gaining inhuman strength at certain times // Then user can adjust level of force used// Allows user to have invulnerable skin Misfortune(Lv2): User is subjected to series of misfortuneate events usually ending in harm to user// Fatally Bad Luck and Improbabilities Accelerated Probability(Lv3): Starts with user able to see every effect to a cause that would be made and choose best outcome // Allows users to speed through designated path when found // Grows to point where user gains access to future events and can backtrack to right path effectivly changing the future Power Absorption(Lv5): Starts with user aquiring anothers power through murdering subject // User then gains better mastery of powers then owners had // User is able to use multiple aquired powers at once // User then can absorb anothers power through p.c but process takes a while and leaves user vulnerable // User can almost instantly absorb others powers as well as combine aquired powers creating new ones Persuassion(Lv2): Starts with user being able to controll others for short periods using verbal commands // User grows to controll multippl verbally for long durations Glamouring(Lv1): User is able to alter personal physical appearence temporarily Elasticity(Lv4): Starts with users body becoming elastic // Enahnced defense and near invulnerablity // Full controll of elastic properties and able to extend body parts // User able to change physical appearence inflating and deflating appropriatly Lifeforce Manipulation(Lv3): Starts with user able to give lifeforce to others healing them // Gives user Self Healing as well as able to adjust lifeforce in multippl as well as transfer between people // User able to take anothers lifeforce, killing them and storing thier lifeforce to gain the ability to resurrect self and others with stored lifeforce Communication(Lv3): Starts being able to understand & translate all languages // User can then speak all languages fluently // Finally able to understand, translate, and speak all forms of communication including nonverbal Beast Mimicky(Lv5): Starts with user understanding animals feelings // User then can understand and communicate with animals // User can then take on traits of certain animals from aquired p.c // User is able to Controll and Comand Animals // Finally user can transform completly into any animal whose dna was aquired through p.c Invisibility(Lv5): User uncontrollably makes self invisible // Gains controll of invisibility // Can make multippl and object invisible through p.c // Can controll visibility of object within a short distance // Complete controll of all objects visibility within range Intuitive Aptitude(Lv3): Allows for near instant solutions randomly when faced with complex or complicated situations // Grows to incorporate psychological situations allowing efficient social manipulation as well as allowing user to take inventory of surroundings and build complex contraptions // User can deconstruct and build just about anything and have it work efficiently, can instantly note structural weakpoints and strategic openings when dealing with multippl/opponents Pheramone Manipulation(Lv2): Starts with user giving off pheremone universally attracting all receptive people // Scents become overpowering driving receptive people into fits of passionate fury, if controlled allows for specific hypnotic suggestions Purification(Lv2): User can purify an object through p.c. including energy, emotion, will, Toxicity // User grows to be able to purify people releasing them from anothers controll Weather Manipulation(Lv3): Affects weather based off intense emotional feelings // Allows user to completely controll one of all types of weather on command // Allows user to harness multiple forces of nature at once as well as physical immunity Aura Manipulation(Lv4): Starts with user being able to sense/see others auras with abilities, including changes in feelings/thoughts // User can Enhance/multiply others Auras by p.c enhancing abilities // User Can Enhance and Manifest Self Aura using it as a means of offense and defense // Able to enhance mulippl abilities through connecting them with self aura links, Gains ability to Seal Aura/Abilities in others removing powers Astral Duplication(Lv2): User is able to astral project a clone while subcounscious or in a heightened state of relaxation // User can Astral Project a clone while counscious that can move and act independently while retaining and returning all gained knowledge Spiritual Triage(Lv4): User gains ability to see a persons Energy network including blockages // User gains abililty to manipulate spiritual energy tranfsering it as needed to Heal/Restore as well as siphoning it to kill // User can remotely access others spiritual networks diagnosing and healling // Gains ability to simultaneously access multippl allowing instant healing of masses gains ability to block spiritual networks Spiritual Resonance(Lv4): User able to sense ambient and residual spiritual energy in an area // Gains ability to track specific spiritual energies as well as mark individuals for location // Can tune to specific multippl spritiual frequencies as well as gains ability to alter own frequency // Gains ability to possess"spiritually link and controll" people that have been previously marked Astral Introspection(lv1): User gains ability to enter anothers psyche using astral projection through p.c allowing individuals sincerest opinion/response to questions Metaphysical Projection(Lv3): User can alter the physical form of an object through p.c using their mind // Gains ability to replicate previously altered objects through p.c // User can replicate previously altered objects through memory of its creation Premeditive Foresight(Lv3): User randomly will recieive visions of the future through p.c with ppl/objects // User gains controll of visions triggering them on comand through p.c // User no longer requires p.c for premonitions to trigger and they are more vivid Adaptive Muscle Memory(Lv3): User is able to reproduce physical actions that are observed // user gains ability to recall physical actions once observed from memory // User gains complete controll of chaining different observed physical actions fluidly Psionic Manipulation(Lv3): User emits a psionic sheild uncontrollably when threatened // User gains controll of psionic shield // User can form psionic energy into concussive blasts // User able to fully envelope self in psionic armor with integrated weaponry Organic Manipulation(Lv3): User gains controll of organic material consisting of plant and nature life within eyesight // User can controll plant life using thoughts as well as connect mentally with sentient life // User is able to controll all organic matter (human and plant) through connecting organic matter already under controll creating a network Metaphysical Osmosis(Lv4): User can alter own molecular properties through p.c becoming a living version of an inorganic substance // User does not need to be in contact with substance to retain molecular property // User can recall last Molecular change through memory without contact with substance // User can recal multiple substances creating hybrid and new forms Extrasensory Perception(Lv4): Starts with user aquiring a heightened level of all known physical senses // User gains "Enviromental Sense" allowing instant reactions to changes in the immediate area surrounding body // User gains "Psychic Sense"allowing identify and analyze multippl with enhancements and abilities // User obtains complete sensory perfection and can not be tricked/fooled by others using senses Organic Duplication(Lv1): The ability to duplicate organic objects through pc Aquakinesis(Lvl4): Starts with user being able to regenerate through pc with water as well as breath underwater// User able to manipulate water molecules in the air as well as create basic forms & usages like fog/mist // User able to Heal others using water as well as manifest maliable jets of powerful water from surrounding enviroment // User finally able to transform self into living water, merging with surrounding air/bodies Sonic Manipulation(Lvl 2): Starts with user able to adjust sound in surrounding area, including negating all sound and changing sound(voice, effects) // Then user obtains heightened sense of hearing as well as ability to see through walls using echolocation Aerokinesis(Lvl4): Starts with user able to manifest air inside their lungs, effectively allwoing them to hold their breath indefinetly // User able to project the air produuced in mass quanities from lungs, resulting in gale force gusts // User gains the ability of Flight as well as an automaticly activated defensive barrier of air // Able to manipulate surrounding air molecules creating shapes/forms using strong, fast, sharp blades of air Metal Manipulation(Lvl3): Starts with user able to move and reshape metal // Grows to allwoing user to manifest metal from carbon in the soil // Final stage is user able to coat self in a layer of metal, providing defense, offense, and overal protection Alchemic Transmutation(Lvl3): User able to Identify different chemical compositions of substances // User able to transmute and change one pure form of a material into equal ammouts of a different substance // User can alter/create mixed/complex compounds Clairsentience(Lvl2): User is able to sense if an object is genuine or a duplicate of any kind // user is able to see the complete past of an object/person through p.c. with it Inorganic Duplication(Lvl1): User able to Duplicate any inorganic material identically by transforming another inorganic object into its duplicate through p.c. Teleportation(Lvl1):User able to transport self to any spot within eyesight by blinking Invulnerability(Lvl2): User is completely protected from any physical harm, penetration, or damage // User gains complete Mental/Physical Invuulnerability to all outside forces Truth Induction(Lvl1): User takes away the ability for someone to lie when making p.c. Gravitational Manipulation(Lvl1): User able to manipulate the gravity of an area/object beyond what its mass/quanity is Insect Manipulation(Lvl1): User able to controll all insect life mentally with a hivemind Sensory Manipulation(Lvl2): User is able to manipulate the 5 main senses of a person/animal through p.c. for a short time // User gains abiility to alter and ajdust any sense of any person in a area for a short period of time Eidetic Memory Manipulation(Lvl1): User is able to remeber, copy and replicate any physical act or series of bodily movements, no mater how complex. Seismic Manipulation(Lvl2): User starts with an echolocation ability, able to sense surrounding objects in areas by seismic waves emitted from hands // User is then able to manipulate sonic waves in the physical world. i.e(concussiveblasts/tremors/pulses)
NOTES The setting is an Alternative Universe that is a mix of a pre-steampunk era, with cross cultural details and alliterations found in major modern civilizations. The main heart of the town consists of mainly (eauropean + african) "Colonists" with major roles in the community, inhabiting the Colony of Codwell; which is surrounded by Open Plains to the South where the (Native/South American) "Native" Tribe lives with respect for mind, soul and nature; a Raging River miles wide to the East where a ( Eastern/Asian) "Foreign" civilization lies where little is known; to the North a vast forest with a hidden Encampment of (Mediteraneon/Middle Eastern)"Gypsies" consisting of pitfalls, traps, and secrecy; and finally to the West is where all other non-major character dwell. There is also a RailRoad Track that runs through the center of the town, bringing with it Travelers of all sorts. The town also has a gaint Fishery as the wide river is plentiful, Steam is used as the main fuel and center of all technology, resulting in Trains, Boats, Weaponry, and personal Travel. The story is based off a fictional chemical coumpound known as Sgw5, a formula that when exposed to human genetics results in manifestation of inhuman and superhuman abilities/powers. Sgw5 is shown to be administered through Injection by shot, Orally by liquid base, Inhaled through a powder derivative, and Topically through open wounds and soft tissue. Once Administered the hosts genetic material starts to mutate, this results in the host becoming Infected and contagious for 24 Hours meaning anyone that has Sexual Intercourse or contact becomes Infected as well. They will manifest powers although in a slower and less intense way. All together powers generally manifest 3-6 days after being directly influenced into host, and 7-11 days if infected through sexual intercourse. The Abilities/Powers will continue to Grow and Evolve, specifically at times when host is exposed to extreme levels of emotion/stress.
Season 1 will focus on (1) Colonists reacting to and discovering others manifesting powers, (2) Finding and Stopping A Serial Killer abducting and murdering women(3) Ian/Dolly/Zacharia Love triangle as well as Zacharias plot of mass mind controll. Sgw5 will be administered through Injection and Orally and remain a mystery, as well as multippl w/Powers will be interacting in secret smaller groups leading to a clash of characters in the final chapters. This season will Introduce the Colonists perception of Gypsy/Native Cultures, the capability of powers to evolve, The creation of the Council including the main influential characters with abilites.
Season 2 will focus on (1)The Councils Continued efforts to Controll the Sgw5 Outbreak, (2) Gypsy/Native Cultures intertwining, introducing main characters with new powers, and extrapolating on secoundary characters from Season1 (3) The continued discovery of whoever is kidnapping and Murdering People. Sgw5 will be administered as an inhalent from its powdered form, and its conception and effects will become known. There will be a minor confict arc within each culture. This season will Introduce the culture and religion of the Gypsy/Native in detail, The combination and synchronization of Powers, as well as the start of the Cultural Power War.
Season 3 will focus on (1) Owens rise to power, battle with the Council, and downfall (2) the Cultural Power War's body and resolution, (3) The longterm impact of aquiring powers and birthing a child born with abilities Season 2 is when Owen/Laurent are actively capturing people with powers, The Townsfolk/Gypsys/Native come together, Zanya Purifies a Special Crystal Recieved from Sage meant to enhance psychic connnections//Jewel Duplicates the Crystal So that everyone with an ability can recieve one//Frost then connects Elija's Spiritual Aura Making it so Elija can sense any disturbances in the LifeForce of the people. When Jacob and Josephine combine powers, Josephine can Telepathically link herself and Others to locate thier minds//Jacob then Emotionally Senses what others are feeling//Allowing them to sense levels of suffering, as well as confirm location vaguely, although its straining//Untill Elija contributes his ability allowing everyone to sense complete LifeForce Diagnostics// Using three different radars they triangulate exact loacations// Locke completes the cirquit making Elija an anchor, using his ability to Enhance and Evolve Elijas ability to Triaje peoples levels of injury immedietly and Heal them remotely through Josephines Link. Owen find his ability out Day15 after killing Sharron the day before then manifests her ability by Glamouring away his skin lesions//He aquires Lillians Misfortune but shows no symptons till his Death at the end of Season 3//Zacharia allows him to controll his victims//Candace gives him the ability to Communicate universally alowing him universal access to all languages of people//Zanya then alllows him to Purify the abilities before he aquires them, as well as his current ones, making them Stronger//Finally at the end of Season 2 Beau gives him his Intangibility allowing him to get everywhere increasing his reach to intended victims// Groups and Demographics Council: Jacob/Josie/Benny/John/Beau/Elyja/Locke/Zanya 3*Arthur/Alaah
Radicals: Benny/Hollywood/Ian/Bella/Sage/Izzi/Zyma 3*Anita/Quinton
BlackMarket: Becca/Laurent/Chuck/Gage/Arthur/Alaah 3*Keith/Clyde/Anita/Bryah/Illia/Quinton/Zolla/Igor
Settlers-Caucasian/African-Air Binks/Archers/Beau/Sharron/Arthur/Popovichs/Quinton DRK: Owen/Zacharia/Chuck/Gage/Dolly/Keith/Anitta
Natives-Latin/Native-Earth Becca/Greer/Sage/River/Locke/Zaya Zelle/Zilla/Zextra/Zyma/Maven
Gypsies-Mediteranean/Egyptian-Fire Bella/Zanya/Bliss/Zunett/Bennet/Kao Izzi/Lovell/Bruno/Jazze/Zynx
Foreigners-Asian/Eastern- Water Lillian/Laurent/Elija/Candice/Ian/Clyde/Alaah/Bryah
Community Member
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 @ 02:01am
My Past...
This entry goes with this avatar...---> The Year...1989 In a time of technological advancement, as well as great suffering; A child is born of the forces of light and dark, angel and demon, yin and yang. This child from the cradle radiated magic and power. ...4 years later... The young child slept in his bed. When all of a sudden horns signifying his demon heritage sprout from his brow and with their place on his forehead, the first wave of demonic power erupted. Everything was about to be destroyed when in a twist of fate his eyes shone with the purest white light one could ever hope to see. Surrounding these eyes so bright, a black trimming began emerging around them making the illusion that he will from this day foreward wear a mask always. From these eyes a holy force released battling the demonic power that is still emiting grandly. These two forces then clashed and cancelled each other both forces shutting deep within this child not to be released, then the horns and mask blead back into his body, the mask and horns would be seen again untill the day he reach 7 years of life... ...3 years later on the night of december 31, 1996... Young kevin Sleeping in his bed all of a sudden lurched awake in a cold sweat. He could not speak but his body trembled with the power that was about to come forth. At this time the powers of yin and yang sprang forth surrounded him, and then infusing him with a new ability. The still young child then shook so violently as it seemed his body's molecules and very structure rearranged and changed into something powerful. Then as fast as it began it ceased and the child fell into a deep slumber to recover and strengthen the newly formed power within. When the youth awoke a week later he found he had the power to make items materialize in thin air and he used it to make clothes and any item he wanted, also the mask and horns grew onto his body when ever he concentrated hard enough... ...The next stage was to happen when he reached 12 ... ...5 years later on the night of December 31, 2001... Kevin now a energetic caring pre-teen boy slept in his bed once again when just as before he woke up in a sudden rush of power. His head was pounding as he got up and looked in the mirror in his room, that is when he saw them. Huge demon wings began growing from his head as he howled in pain.The mask and horns then grew back to accomadate the nitemarish wings. To match the rest, cloth like fiber began surounding his body materializing out of no where, as he gazed into the mirrow what appeared was a white shirt with black full length arms, black pants with white ankes, white gloves, and black silk like gloves. Then once he had completed his final transformation he gazed from his eternal white eyes and saw a sight so outstandingly glorious he had to step back in awe as a ball of light appeared before him and with in that light a smaller orb of darkness appeared. He outstretched his hands and clasped the ball of light and darkness and absorbed that energy within his core. After all the energy was within him he growled in an animalistic roar as a wand materialized before him as he grasped it, the power subsided. In that one smooth grab he now had his power in complete controll, he knew everything about these two opposing forces and the new attackes and spells. He found a very useful one and cast it on himself...and behold he now appeared as if he was a regular teenage boy. He smiled and then with just a thought transformed back into this shinning form... ...It has now been a year, the youths power has now increased but with it he has became more gentle, kind, and giving. He made the cape and the visor to complete his hero attire, the image itself a battle between light and darkness. He trains everyday making new friends...and enemies... unknown to him another development would occur very soon that will change his way od living...
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 12:52pm
Gaia Plot So Far1
Calmer GAIA Plot
-- many thanks to VO, this has been Stickied, so you don't need to bump it smile --
If you wonder where the plot for GAIA has come from, you might well find this thread quite helpful. The aim is to document the basics of what has occurred over the last two years in the Gaian world and we hope you will find this thread useful. We also include all the NPC avatars released thus far: should you wish to use these, you are free to, but please host them from your own image hosting account. Please note that this thread is a summary, and will not list exactly what happened in explicit detail: we provide you with the sources, but the pleasure of reading, we feel, should be your own. And that's it for the introduction! wink
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Community Member
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 12:51pm
Gaia Plot So Far2
The First Gaian Annual Ball: This was hosted by Misao, and the thread can be found here. It is well known that the Admins suprised the users here, giving out the Black Bow Tie and Rose Corsage (dependent on whether your avatar was male or female) to those who attended. There was no NPC involvement as far as we know.
The First Easter Egg Hunt: A miscellaneous event by the Administrators, one could find a floating egg which would grant you either Bunny or Chickie slippers. Again, no NPC involvement.
Hallowe'en 2k3: Collecting Candy from the masked Storekeeps was the focus of this event. Jack, pictured right, would give the Users Grab Bags in exchange for Candy. There was also a forum just for the event.
Christmas 2k3: The Barton Charities. All Users were granted Santa's Gifts which contained Jolly Hats, and could donate 500g+ worth items to get Jolly Slippers (in a wrapped box) from the Barton Tree. Rina and Leon were involved in this, but not to the point of NPC interaction with Users.
The charity tree served also as some sort of slot machine, creating a frenzy among users. Most of the time one received Jolly slippers when donating an item worth 500 gold, but sometimes the tree gave out other items as well; some of the more common ones were the red-nosed reindeer masks and the rare ones were the Fairy Wings. This caused a pretty big uproar among users as everyone started to mass-throw away their gold in order to gain a pair of Wings. x3 Complaints were everywhere. x3 There were also a lot of very generous users that would sell their Wings for half the price. smile (credit to SSJ Girl; although not plot related, we think Users should remember this with fondness wink )
Enter 2004.------------------------------------------- 2004 - 1
The First Gaian Anniversary Ball: Here, we were first introduced to the Gaian story-telling system, and an actual area designed purely as a forum for the event. Gambino's Mansion, owned by Johnny K. Gambino, the declared 'most powerful man in Gaia', was opened up for the Anniversary Festivities. Upon arrival, he graced Users with Party Favours, a Hat and a Noise Maka. Subsequently, we began to meet some of the Shopkeeps, finally in avatar form, along with another, younger, character: Gino.
Indeed, Ian, Ruby and Sasha were invited to the party to enjoy themselves and hand out Gaia T-Shirts, much to our pleasure. Gino, Gambino's neglected and/or abused son also made a few appearances, much to the hysteria of the Users, who spent a long time crying out for justice against Gambino, for his malignant attitude towards Gino. The Ball ended eventually, and a few days later, Users were gifted with a "Thanks for coming" picture from Gambino, pictured right. This was the first event to feature the speech bubbles from NPC avatars that appears in the Gaia header, and occasionally Gambino would drop by and give gold to users, generally in multiples of 1000 per time.
The Second Gaian Annual Ball: A team of regular Gaians, headed by Setzer, basically did most of the themework for this Ball. The Administrators, gracious as always, provided a forum for the event to occur in. There was one small bit of NPC intervention here: Gino appeared and would give out G-Pins to Users at random, hinting that he wasn't supposed to be doing so, and suggesting they keep quiet about the matter.
The Second Easter Egg Hunt: This was hosted by the Administrators, and can be found here. We had to click 8 little Easter Eggs, shaped like Rabbits, and then the Easter Bunny would appear. The Easter Bunny? He and his Helper are pictured left! And when Users had all 8, they were given an Easter basket, which contained either a Bunny or Chickie Hat. As with all the previous Events, there was very little plot to this.
The second half of 2004, however, was different. smile
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 12:49pm
Gaia PLot So Far3
2004 - 2
The Gaian Olympics: The first real bit of NPC action we got was soon after the introduction of the then newest town, Durem. Gambino stepped up to the stage, and promised us the Gaian Olympics, with two contestants from each town, a lap race from Isle De Gambino all the way to Durem and back again. Ian and Leon represented Barton Town, Sasha and Gino, Isle De Gambino and Edmund and Moira, Durem. The race was tight, and Gambino gave a rousing commentary (which could once be found here - this seems to have been removed since then) a certain chick interfered, distracting the fastest man of the race, Edmund, from his pole position, leading Moira to a Durem victory nonetheless. There was also a forum established for the race, in which Black and White Olympic shirts were given out.
Hallowe'en 2k4: Just before Hallowe'en, we were suprised to discover that the Marketplace was home to a mysterious LabTechX, selling Vials of Mysterious Liquid for 100g apiece. Nothing more of this was heard for a few days though, leaving Users in suspense and not sure whether this was a limited offer. And so, on the night of Hallowe'en, Gambino invited us to his mansion once again, for the Hallowe'en Do, and Gino's Birthday Bash (strange, since Gino's birthday is apparently nowhere near October sweatdrop ).
We partied there for a while, in the same spirit as Hallowe'ens of before, until suddenly, a crisis occured, during which G-CORP Employees streamed into the Mansion to celebrate the retirement of one of their fellows, and were instead turned into zombies by an infected "deceased" comrade who apparently knew "too much." They broke free of their confines, and began to infect the Gaian populace, whom Gambino issued shotguns to defend themselves from the undead threat. Eventually, however, the thread became uncontainable, and Gambino's head of security, someone named Bucho (read more of Gambino's journal for more Hallowe'en information) set off the "Silent Flash" protocol which involved a missile destroying the Mansion and the threatening Super-Zombies (the ex-members of G-CORP) contained within. At this point, Gino was lost, and we were introduced to Cindy Donovinh, who reports for GAIA 9 Action News - this seems to have been removed since then. Also surviving was LabTech 123, who was seemingly so dullwitted that he stumbled through the chaos without infection (his journal entries in G-CORP were also messy and late).
We were granted the Human and Zombie G-CORP Labcoats and T-Shirts for killing a certain number of either side in a fun mini-game, and at the same time, Jack returned for the second Hallowe'en. Again, the NPCs dressed up in costume, and we received Candy from them. Trick or Treating only occured at night and dusk/dawn hours, so we couldn't find the hidden Jack during the day for the purposes of collecting the entire Hallowe'en 2k4 set. The event ended a day after the destruction of Gambino's Mansion. This was probably the first major storyline event.
Christmas 2k4: Christmas had a storyline and a game event, much like Hallowe'en, although nowhere as complex - we suspect there would have been much cardiac arrest among the staff had they had to go through the experience of getting Hallowe'en to work again. Instead, they gave us the story of Gambino's search for his lost son Gino, which can be found in his journal (read from the bottom up). During this time, Gambino appeared on the maps, and you could click on him and wish him well on his journey, for which he would thank you. Meanwhile, we sang Carols to the NPCs in their stores, who happily gave us presents in return, which contained the Spirit Set. Ultimately, after the complete inability to find Gino, Gambino resorts to possible suicide at Durem Reclamation Facility. In the nick of time, Gino arrives and the two are reunited, only for us to discover that Gino has gotten amnesia from the destruction of the Mansion. The plot thicker, we were left hanging as we rolled into 2005.-------------------------------------------
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Community Member
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 12:45pm
Gaia Plot So Far4
2005 - 1
The Second Gaian Anniversary Ball: With the destruction of Gambino's mansion, Users were wondering where the Ball would be held. Lo and behold, enter the newest NPCs: the Von Helson Twins. They, the "two most powerful women of GAIA" offered up their Mansion in Durem for the event, and, as with the previous Ball, invited several other NPCs in to enjoy the days. Gambino arrived first, in fact before the Sisters, and caused a ruckus doing so. The party really got underway when the Twins finally arrived, and stamped down on the G-revolution. We were graced with the appearence of many NPCs, including Edmund and Liam (apparently Ian's "rival" from AEKEA town), and LabTechX returned, even more mysterious than before.
There was a massive amount of NPC interaction in this event, with hundreds of tidbits going between the NPCs and Users. Cindy Donovinh continued to report, and LabTech123, suitably confused, appeared for the event. The Von Helson sisters began to distribute V-Pins, along with Gaia Anniversary Balloons and Hats, and in reaction, Gambino began to covertly issue G-Pins, forming factions of supporters of the two families among Users. Eventually, the Von Helson sisters called Gambino out, having captured Gino, and forced him to choose between his son and their Mansion: he could have his son back, and leave immediately, or lose Gino. Gambino made the 'right' choice, taking back Gino and leaving (much to our appreciation), and the stage was set for the next event: the Third Annual Gaian Ball!The Third Gaian Annual Ball: Held here there was no NPC interaction, storyline or event items at this ball. SykoSilver explained that this is because this ball was a User-run event (this year, a large team headed by Razumi Yazura), and that since there are now many user-run events, focusing exclusively on this Ball would be unfair. So, if you missed the Ball, and think you're behind on the GAIA storyline or event items because of this, don't worry! smile The Tower of Gambino: Gambino, in all his poverty, started taking donations to fund what appeared to be the rebuilding of his mansion... and a lot more! Users gladly donated to his "Donation Drive" to bring back the Gambino mansion. However, we were very suprised when a Mansion became a Tower, adding three new maps to Gaia: the Northern Sea: North, Northeast, and the roof of the Tower of Gambino itself, where a Mansion very much like his old Mansion sat on its gargantuan pedestal. Although there was some speculation about whether or not Gambino would pay us back for our help in the gargantuan creation, and whether our donations actually helped or not, the end result was easy for us all to see. Cindy Donovinh, of GAIA 9 Action News, was hovering above the Tower in a helicopter, and clicking on that gave you a quick summary of the situation.
In quick response, the Von Helson Twins launched an anti-Gambino protest at this 'audacity', and were selling Picket Signs for 500g apiece outside their mansion in Durem. If you wanted to join the attack on the apparent abuse of your donations by Gambino, you clicked on the Von Helson Twins sprite, followed through their commentary, and when you had enough gold, clicked Yes when they asked if you wanted to buy a picket sign. You'd be given a picket sign which your avatar could hold to protest with!
Soon after, Gambino reappeared, more manic than ever, with Anti-Von Helson picket signs, at the top of his Tower, crying out to the Gaian masses to join his protest. Those who donated during the Donation Drive were awarded one free Anti-Von Helson Picket Sign, retail value one thousand gold, whereas those who didn't could buy as many as they liked from the returning 'hero'.
Easter 2k5: This event, as with previous years, didn't include any plot action, but we were introduced to one new NPC, a robotic Easter Bunny, or rather, the "Easter Rab-bot". Those who succeeded in finding and meeting the rabbit were rewarded with either a Bani Mask, or a Chickie Mask. Good fun was had by all. smile
April Fools 2k5: In an event with the devastation of much of Gaia, an unknown assassin shot Johnny K. Gambino, just seconds after Gino regained his memory as to who his father really was. Users watched as Gambino plummeted from the very top of his tower to the bottom, and when he landed, his Tower felt the fall. It too began to collapse, in doing so, crashing down upon Durem and the Von Helson Twins' Mansion. Cindy Donovinh hovered over Durem with a manga style report of the event, and there was much speculation as to the reason behind this attack, and the shooter's identity.
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In a "double whammy" suprise a week later, we discovered that not only did Gambino's mansion atop the Tower of Gambino survive the fall, landing squarely down upon the old Von Helson Mansion - we assume crushing it in doing so - but also, a second Gambino mansion, likely contained within the Tower of Gambino, is now standing upright and sturdy back on terra firma: the Isle De Gambino. Once again, Cindy provided a summary from her Helicopter above Durem.
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 12:44pm
Gaia Plot So far5
The Return of Gino Gambino: This much awaited update saw Gino Gambino - as the name suggests - recovered by Sasha, along with insight into Liam's true nature, and perhaps Ian's as well. As with the Fall of Gambino, we were presented with a manga-style story to the event, after clicking on Ian & Sasha who were at the Isle De Gambino, enjoying a day out together. Another cliffhanger! gonk
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The Return of Gino - part two In the run up to Hallowe'en, we had a nice new plot update, continuing from where the story left off. Ian's name was cleared of murderous intent for Gino with that knife, and we saw LabTech123 in his first star appearance. We finally met Bucho, Gambino's head of security who was somewhat responsible for the destruction of the Mansion last year. Liam's ladies games continued, of course, and then just when we thought it would all be alright. This was all viewable by clicking on a cute new long-haired Gino sprite on the Isle De Gambino.
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Hallowe'en 2k5
Grunny Invasion Well, this was by far the most audacious and daring event since last Hallowe'en. Bucho, finally in full avatar glory, informed us that Gino Gambino was inviting us all to make full use of the reconstructed Gambino mansion. However, before we were let in, clicking on the Mansion informed us of the following storyline update, beforehand. First off, Gino had rebuilt the Secret Underground Test Facility, but had made it plain to see: no more secrets. Hoping to bring his father's legacy to bear, he hired LabTech123 once again to head up the project, as he had field experience. That said and done, he invited Sasha around to dinner as a somewhat romantic, "thank you," for saving him. Ian was none too happy about this as the pair departed. Cut to the UTF: LabTech123 had somehow revivified Grunny (or perhaps the fluffball somehow survived Operation Silent Flash eek ), and brought back the deadly G-VIRUS. With alarming alacrity, LabTechX, towering over him, reappeared on the scene, and set free a horde of Grunnies, which promptly found their way into the mansion. At the same time, we were finally granted entry to the revamped Mansion, only to find the fuzzies rampant. Bucho requested that we capture as many as possible, and the event major began.
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So what went on inside the Mansion? Well, the new mini-game was very simply based. We found ourselves set to a backdrop of a beaker, with a small amount of green fluid and a Grunny inside it. There was a scale of 1 to 5 on the side, which indicated the number of Grunnies you had collected. The different levels can be seen as follows:
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
You gained levels by posting after someone with a higher Grunny count that you, or by posting 5 times. There were five basic rewards for each level; at the first level, which required 15 Grunnies, granted you a Grunny Shirt; the second, at 35, Grunny Slippers. The items stopped here, and the next levels gave you status changes. Level 3 at 175 would give you faded skin and sleepy eyes with red irises, Level 4 at 350 would give you more red eyes, baldness, two little earlike protrusions on the top of your head, and a bulge at the back. The final level, at 500, gave you the glaring red eyes seen last year, and a true Grunny attached to the back of your head. These last three levels were particularly difficult to reach, making it a real challenge to get yourself a Grunny. Still, many persevered and were reward with the little chap. Well played to everyone who did so! 3nodding
Eventually, however, the end came (a little early, to allow Trick or Treating to begin whee ), and we were treated to another dazzling manga endgame. Gino and Sasha, dining together, noticed the smell of burning, and found that not only the newly built Facility, but also the Mansion were ablaze! Gallantly, Gino managed to get Sasha almost out of the building, but at the last minute, the roof collapsed, and Gino found himself trapped (somehow holding a bar up with superhuman strength, it seems eek ). Ian arrived, planning to finally show Sasha Gino's true nature (with the pills he had forgotten earlier), but found them in a deadly situation. Dropping said medication (near Gino... could they save him? We can only hope!), he managed to drag Sasha away from the inferno before the entire structure collapsed, potentially burying Gino. And, when the night was done, and all was quiet again, a mysterious figure, perhaps someone we know, perhaps not, picked up a single vial of the G-VIRUS. Where the Gambino legacy will end, we do not yet know, but for Gino's sake - and our enjoyment - we hope it lasts a little longer.
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Trick or Treating 2k5 With the Grunny infestation removed in possibly the most mammoth case of animal cruelty this year (just kidding wink ), we were left with the usual Hallowe'en Trick or Treating. This had the usual mechanic: get candy from shopkeepers, then find Jack on the map, and click him. He'd give you a Jack bag (this year, rather than being determined by candy co-ordination, it was simply counted by Jack... see later whee ), and the Jack Uniform items were contained within. However, in a bonus joining up with the release of GAIA Towns, Jack was also located at the Fountain in every neighbourhood. You collected candy from the dispensers outside of everyone's homes (which were decorated for the event surprised ), and when you had 100, a massive Jack would reward you as above. A slight aside to this event was that during the few days it spanned over, there were a few things odd with Jack. Occasionally, he couldn't count to 9 (the number of different Jacked giftboxes), and he also had a terrible problem with giving users box number 2, containing... pants... rather than other problems. You'll see why this is mentioned very soon. whee
Jack vs. Santa Well, on the 7th November, soon after the events of Hallowe'en, a massive Santa was found in Barton square. In front of Ian, Sasha, Cindy, and many others, he proclaimed that the problems with Hallowe'en - namely, the fierce competition inside the Mansion leading some users to segregate themselves, and the problems with Jack during Trick or Treating were all Jack's fault. Jack, however, was rather distraught by this accusation, and ended up punching the gargantuan and somewhat metallic Santa into the LinkList in Barton, destroying the building (indeed, we saw this occur in a similar sprite based fashion to Gambino's fall from the Tower). The real Santa, who had been inside a large Santa Mech Suit, crawled out, but was in no fit state. After a brief insight into the Holiday anthromorphic personalities' past, much to the distress of many Gaians, Santa was pronounced dead. A Christmas without Santa? We'll have to wait and see. gonk
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Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 12:42pm
Gaia Plot So Far6
S CORPThree days later, the S CORP guild was created. Bearing remarkable similarities to the G CORP of last year, we saw a few familiar faces but at different heights: LabTechs were replaced by ElfTechs, who appear to be working hard to create enough toys for Christmas. Behind all the fun and games, a darker plot was beginning to unravel: Mrs Claus was the one behind the guild, and several accounts gave vivid descriptions of whether or not Santa survived. Although there's a mystery as to how he did it, Santa was up and about in time to give a speech to the jubilant elves. There was a massive amount of user interaction with the ElfTechs, with both PMs and Trades flying back and forth between users and the NPCs during this period. Since then, S CORP has been a setting for horrific experiments, and eventually, a cataclysmic end to the facility. All is recorded in the journals for you to see in the link above. ElfTech247 posted several entries that were hidden behind a code and an encryption, or corrupted. A large number of GCDers partook in the effort to decode and decrypt, and the results are displayed here: great thanks to all those who helped! ElfTech247 Transmission error. Unable to record. Recovered file follows. (20% loss) Everthing is going according to plan. The Larry Pottar set provided the equipment for chemical reserves. The moon-shoe provided the repairs to the leg units of the suit as well. We can make do without the utility belts, though I am annoyed they are not done. I am not sure how many appearances the backup suit can make since it was never meant for long periods of use. 137 (I think) has done well with it. Progress and research go well. We have fused the claws and cannon in place, and can now move on to the study of the vial itself. We already know it has strange properties. Hopefully it will be just what we need. The assignments have gone remarkably well. Everyone assigned on Naughty or Nice research seems to be pulling through, and as far as I'm concerned right now, the less people in the building, the better for the R&D team's experiments and ventures. Besides, Santa has been so busy that there's no way he could get his list checked twice. We're having him take it easy until Christmas. This year is going to be an amazing year for S Corp. I've moved most of my workstation down to the sublevel since I'm down here so much. R&D has basically become my life at this point. I even got a cot for sleeping- sometimes the best ideas come in the middle of the night, and it's great to be able to wake up and then make the idea happen. The crane incident will certainly be causing some probems. 101 will be able to easily cover it up though. The next shipment will be here soon and we can move to the second phase. We're gonna make it, we're actually going to make it. Well, as long as 003 does those CoKi kitties. They should learn from 722- his moonshoe production is amazing! ElfTech247 The Yeti testing has been going well. They are very responsive to weapon equipping. 137 has attested to their marksmanship. They will most certainly rival Jack's forces should he try and pull anything. Finally, the G-Virus seems to have taken on some interesting properties. When chilled, as happens to all things in the artic, it seems to form a biomechanical bond. This is an interesting symbiotic relationship- the mechanics are powered by natural cellular energy, while the organic material seems to gain the added function of the mechanics. I am certain furthering this research will prove vital to our success in bringing Santa back to life. Mrs. Claus has been very anxious as well. She wants this done and Santa alive. I keep telling her these things take time. Usually it results in her screaming at me for various reasons. We're going as fast as we can. Weapons attachment and upgrades have been succeessful, and the biological properties from yeti testing might be the breakthrough we need. I haven't slept much lately, but at least it will all be over soon. ElfTech247 We didn't expect the Yetis to develop such aggressive tendancies when given a sample of the G-Virus. Two very curious things happened. We saw the symbiotic relationship form between animal and machine, but we also saw the Yeti gain an odd understanding of the weapon they were fused with. They suddenly knew how to use it like an expert. This is indeed very interesting; though it did result in the loss of security at the time. Upon elimination of the problem Yetis, the mechanical parts fell from the lifeless bodies- perhaps they had nothing left to gain from their partner, or perhaps there was another factor at work. We will be looking into ways to implement this technology into the suit upgrades. Santa has stabalized as well as someone in death can. His body has been prepared for reanimation. We are reasonably certain that the G-Virus, with the assistance of the mechanical suit, can bring Santa back to a fully functional level. We need about 2-3 more weeks for testing though, since we are not sure if this has any side effects we should be aware of. ElfTech247 It's happening! He's here! The serum worked but not as we had hoped. The Mindows XD core dumped when it saw jack standing there. He was slow getting into his suit too. Who would have thought- SENSITIVE INFORMATION DETECTED. ATTEMPTING ENCRYPTIONNO! Get out of my system! I can't feel my legs. I hear Mrs. Claus coming. I must go before it is too late. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN We regret to inform you that the journal of ElfTech247 has been sealed due to a security compromise. Please do not attempt to contact him through this address any further. Thank you for your cooperation. -S CORP "Making Christmas..."
The Showdown Santa left S CORP in ruins, and quickly made his way to Barton Square, scene of his previous defeat at Jack's claws, with payback in full his only goal. Jack, meanwhile, was announcing his plans for next year's Hallowe'en, and a battle ensued. Amazingly enough, a secret G-TEAM, comprising of Edmund, Logan and Leon was discovered, but they were no match for the power of the enraged Icons, and Sasha was close to being the first innocent casualty beside the ElfTechs when a 'mysterious' ( wink ) figure dropped from the sky, and broke the fight apart. As always, this was presented to us in a series of excellently crafted manga panels, linked below. Which left the question, what lay in store for the coming Christmas?!
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Merry Christmas, Gaia Christmas 2005 was a great and somewhat nostalgic event, with carolling from Christmas Day through to the New Year, and gave users a variety of adorable new items. As with last year, users went to the various Gaia shops, and carolled the shopkeepers. Rather than getting returns from the shopkeepers in person, however, Santa gave us presents for being nice. And, as with Hallowe'en, it was also possible to earn Christmas cheer for these items in Gaia Towns, by carolling outside other towns, and then finding the humongous Santa at the fountain.
Equally, we were treated to an update presented to us by Cindy at Barton Fountain, revealing the Masque's true intentions... which are, to kiss Sasha on New Year's Eve. Ian was, unsuprisingly, dumbstruck. domokun
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The Masquerade!
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