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View User's Journal

Entries of Lady Madelina
So I thought about starting a journal...
A month and a half, God Willing.

Rather than reminiscing about the past or wallowing in regrets,
Rather than yearning for the future or being apprehensive,

Live in the moment.

This was the future you desired or anticipated. This will become the past you'll miss.
Make the most of the now. Make it worth it. Make it a good memory, rather than a regret.
Enlist your life goals. New year resolutions are too little. Merely being the first of the first month doesn't make it a deadline. Life is going on, thank God, and so are the opportunities.
Life is a journey you're going through. Enjoy this ride.

I see new views on my entries and wonder who still comes here to read them and why emotion_yatta
Likely mods. xd

I hope you find multiple lovely reasons to smile today! ^_^

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